God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1234: Cretaceous overlord

Originally, Huang Zhiren took the dog for a walk today and was always by his side, but nothing happened.

But just now, he suddenly had diarrhea and ran to solve it.

But who would have thought that this pitbull ran out by himself.

And also let himself suffer such a big crime!

After I went back, I had to eat this dog!

Also, the stinky takeaway on the other side must kill him!

Hehehe, I asked the other party's address and accidentally killed his whole family!

Countless malicious methods flashed through Huang Zhiren's mind in an instant!


"Jiang's House!"


Why is this name familiar?

and so on!


Upon hearing these two words, all the thoughts in Huang Zhiren's mind were wiped out in an instant!

His face is even more terrified than when he was bitten by riches and nobles!

He looked at Jiang Fan as if swinging!

The whole person can't even breathe!

Since the opponent sent him to Jiangzhai with this card, and he is still dressed like this, the identity of the opponent has already been revealed!

He never dreamed that the person he offended today was actually this terrifying big man!

This is a terrifying demon who destroyed the Yang family and the Wang family in one hand, and left the dogs and dogs killed by the two families!

Even the black and white Dao of the entire Los Angeles city knows that they would rather offend the four great families than provoke this monster!

Because offending the four great families, you are dead at best!

But if he provokes him, even **** is just the gentlest beginning of a nightmare!

And this person's name is Jiang Fan!


Huang Zhiren drew it directly!

And Jiang Fan sneered, turned around and left in the midst of the crowd's admiring eyes!

If the Huang family is not stupid, of course they know how to do it!

Oh shit!

Dare to blackmail yourself, don't you know that you are the ancestor of blackmail?

"Hey! Little brother, wait!"

At this moment, a beautiful girl suddenly caught up!

"Something wrong?"

Jiang Fan asked with a smile.

"Then, um, my dog ​​is very cute, I just want to ask, your little Teddy, do you want to be worthy of breeding offspring?"


Jiang Fan's face was covered in circles!

"Of course, if you need it, you can..."

The girl looked at Jiang Fan with a shy face!

And the crowd boiled directly!

"Fucking! This woman is too good at seducing people, right?"

"Brother takeaway, don't listen to her! She's so cute, maybe she's a big lady in women's clothing!"

"Yes, yes! Look at me! I'm the real thing!"

"Fart! You are the women's clothing! I am a genuine one!"

"Brother! Let's just talk about dogs! My Corgi is only two years old, and the dog is beautiful and beautiful, and is absolutely a perfect match for your Teddy!"

"Don't listen to him! Blood is the most important thing! My Teddy can turn on the lights and the air conditioner, and IQ is higher than Huang Zhiren! If the two dogs are mixed together, the offspring will be a proper combination of civil and military!"

"It's for you! Why don't you say that you can evolve into writing novels in the future!"


The crowd is in chaos!

It's rich and honorable, and it shows a look of extremely longing!

Jiang Fan was shocked!

"My dear son! These ordinary dogs can't stand your ruin, find a chance to bring you a dragon out!"

Jiang Fan picked up the wealth, turned around and ran!


Packed a piece of braised chicken, Jiang Fan was about to rush to the old house of the Jiang family, but at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"


come on!

The more you come, the better!

Jiang Fan looked excited!

"The Cretaceous is the last epoch of the Mesozoic in the geological age. It started 145 million years ago and ended 66 million years ago. After 79 million years, it is the longest stage of the Phanerozoic."

"During the Cretaceous period, the continent was separated by the ocean, and the earth became warm and dry."

"The earliest snakes, moths, and bees, as well as many new small mammals also appeared, and angiosperms also appeared in this period."

"But the reason why we can remember this era is because of a wide variety of prosperous races that really ruled that entire era!"

"They occupied the land, sky, and ocean, and declared their sovereignty to the entire planet!"

"This species, its name is-dinosaurs!"

"65 million years ago, because of some unknown disaster, the dinosaurs were completely extinct!"

"In modern times, a person suddenly thought, what if I could clone a dinosaur?"

"Ding! Please give Hammond a brown sugar biscuits!"

No way?

Just said to find a dragon for the wealthy and wealthy, so why did you meet a dinosaur?

Jiang Fan was stunned, and the car immediately turned around and went straight to a restaurant!

"Boss! Here are some brown sugar zucchini!"


Soon, a brown sugar zuba has been packaged!

Jiang Fan carried the takeaway, and went into the bathroom without saying a word!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! About to enter-"Jurassic Park"!"

Sure enough, it is this world out of all dinosaurs!

What Jurassic Park tells is that Hammond is determined to build an extraordinary park on Nubra Island: dinosaurs will be the protagonist of this park.

He took many scientists under his banner, used the blood in the ancient mosquitoes trapped in the amber to extract the genetic information of the dinosaurs, and used the information of the frogs to fill in the missing parts of the genes to breed and breed dinosaurs.

As he wished, he built Nubra Island into a dinosaur park.

However, the scientists he invited to conduct the assessment were very excited when they first saw the dinosaurs, but soon afterwards, they became worried about the safety of the island.

And unfortunate things really happened.

Although the park is managed by a computer system, it was destroyed by an employee who was bought by someone and caused an irreparable loss of control——

All the dinosaurs escaped from the control zone, and people fled but couldn't escape the dinosaur's claws!

The dinosaurs also killed each other. In the end, there were very few survivors, and there was a frightening atmosphere over the entire Nubra Island...


Jiang Fan reappeared, already in a lush rain forest.

It's just that the plants in this rainforest are extremely strange, almost all of them are prongs and gymnosperms!

Some of these plants are as short as modern vegetation, but some are as large as several tens of meters. The wide leaves are scattered, which simply obscures the sky!

A small amount of angiosperms are here, just like dwarfs!



At this moment, countless deafening roars rang out in the distance!

That voice is similar to the cry of modern beasts, but there are differences, some are full of violent and sturdy, some are gentle and melodious, but there is an unspeakable desolation in the voice!

Needless to say, the source of this sound must be the real protagonist of this world-the dinosaur!

Upon hearing these voices, Jiang Fan and Fu Guier were all excited!


I finally want to see this kind of legendary creature that has ruled the earth for an entire era!

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