Although this movie is called Jurassic Park, in fact, dinosaurs only began to appear from the late Triassic to the Jurassic, and it only reached its peak in the Cretaceous!

The Tyrannosaurus, Mosasaur, Triceratops and so on we know are all terrifying behemoths that only appeared in the Cretaceous period!

Almost all the dinosaurs in the movie are Cretaceous creatures!

So this movie is actually called Cretaceous Park!

Of course, Jiang Fan is not a director, it has nothing to do with him!


Jiang Fan suddenly rushed to a huge tree more than fifty meters high, and suddenly, everything in the distance was in sight!

I saw that this is a rain forest area in Nubra Island, and a huge plain far away!

And beside a meandering river, countless beasts are drinking water and resting!

One of them has a neck length of more than ten meters and extremely sturdy limbs. It is the famous Brachiosaurus!

This dinosaur indeed reached its peak in the Jurassic!

And further behind, there are three triceratops with thick sharp horns, and a zhi dragon with a pointed crown on the back of the head, like an ostrich like a gizzard...

Jiang Fan clenched his fists excitedly!

This kind of authenticity, witnessing the honor of the legendary animal, at that time, there was no one but oneself!

So Jiang Fan picked up the phone, and it was a 10-continuous shot!

After the photo was taken, Jiang Fan waved his hand directly at the wealth!

"Go, collect a set of all kinds of dinosaur genes!"


Rich and honored with a cry of excitement, suddenly jumped down from the tree!

It was still in the air, its body had begun to stretch and deform, and just after landing, it turned into a weird, silvery-white creature over a meter tall!

This is the noumenon of wealth and honor-alien!


With a strong step under the foot of the rich and honorable, it has disappeared in a blink of an eye!

And Jiang Fan rushed over a fence full of power grids in the distance!

In Jurassic Park, Hammond's base is just behind the power grid!


Jiang Fan swiftly turned on his head, and soon came to a power grid that was more than ten meters high!

This large grid is all set up to prevent large carnivorous dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus from passing through!

It's just that at this moment, the power grid is obviously not powered at all, and a full ten-meter-long section of it has been torn apart by violence!

Moreover, there are still a few huge footprints about one meter in the surrounding ground!

Needless to say, the Tyrannosaurus must have escaped!

In the original plot, the big fat man Dennis, the staff member of Jurassic Park, was bought by another company to steal dinosaur embryos, so all the defense nets of the base were closed!

And for the Tyrannosaurus rex without a high-voltage power grid, it is almost like paper!

Jiang Fan frowned and spoke directly!

"System! Position Hammond!"

"Ding! Positioning succeeded!"


Along with the sound of the system prompt, a light blue dotted line appeared in front of Jiang Fan's eyes, and the end of the dotted line is exactly where Hammond is at this moment!

Without delay, Jiang Fan took out the bicycle directly and rushed in that direction!


Soon, Jiang Fan came to a concrete poured building!

This is the evacuation fortification specially built by Hammond in Jurassic Park in order to avoid accidents!

"Ding Dong!"

Jiang Fan tried to press the intercom at the door a few times, but unfortunately no one responded at all!

what happened?

Is there an accident?

Jiang Fan's heart sank, and he kicked directly at the gate!


The sturdy steel gate flew upside down suddenly, revealing a downward staircase!

Jiang Fan stepped down, and soon another door appeared in front of him!

Jiang Fan just opened the door!


A loud noise suddenly appeared, and the next moment, a bullet suddenly shot towards his chest!


The bullet hit Jiang Fan directly!

Unfortunately, it seemed to hit a piece of special alloy. Not only was Jiang Fan unscathed, but the bullet was blown directly to the ceiling!

And only then did Jiang Fan see the scene inside!

Inside, I saw a large underground base, and opposite me was a man holding a pistol. Behind him, there was a man and a woman with injuries!

At this moment, these three people all looked at themselves with incredulous expressions!


"The bullets have been bounced away!"

"Who is this person?"

"Simply stronger than a dinosaur!"

The three of them stared wide-eyed and looked incredible!

But the man with the pistol reacted immediately!

"Sorry, sorry! We thought it was a dinosaur who broke in..."

"It's ok!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

He has recognized these few!

It was Dr. Grant, an expert on dinosaur fossils, who was holding the gun, and there was a man and a woman behind him. The woman was his wife, Dr. Setler, and the man was Dr. Malcolm!

Hammond’s Jurassic Park plan has been questioned by the upper management of the company, so Hammond specifically asked the three of them to come and endorse himself.

As a result, who could have imagined that upon seeing the genuine dinosaurs, the lawyer who originally opposed the company directly supported Hammond, but the three of Hammond's allies questioned the safety of the park!

According to Malcolm, it is because life will always find a way out and it is impossible to be controlled by humans!

And it turns out that he is indeed right!

The dinosaurs in Jurassic Park that could only be reproduced through artificial intervention actually automatically changed their sexuality and successfully reproduced!

at this time!

"Excuse me, are you also a staff member here? Can you help us escape?"

Zettler asked hurriedly.

As soon as she spoke, Grant and Malcolm's eyes lit up!

This Chinese man is not even afraid of bullets and can definitely help them!


"Of course! But I'm not a staff member, I'm here to deliver food to Hammond!"

"Send, take out?!"

Several people in Zitler were startled, and then directly angry!

"Damn Hammond! If you can order takeout, why don't you use this opportunity to call for support!"

"We are about to become dinosaur poop!"

"He still wants to order takeaway!"

Several people are almost mad!

Look directly into the middle of the base!

I saw a simple bed there, and on the bed, an old man in a white suit was lying there with his eyes closed.

Just look at the cane inlaid with amber fossils next to him, and you know that this old man is Hammond!

"Little brother, I'm afraid you are late, he can't eat anything now!"

"His grandson and granddaughter were trapped outside. He was so excited that he passed out!"

"And it looks like it should be a cerebral hemorrhage. If you can't get out, then there is only..."

The anger on the faces of several people gradually disappeared, and it was replaced by a kind of helplessness.

Although Hammond took the last chance to order the takeaway, it has already been ordered, what else can they do?

The point is, this can be regarded as the old man's last wish!

But Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"It's okay, I'm here to save him!"

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