God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1239: Whatever can't destroy me will make me strong

It is true that this prop is really good, but three hours is too short for the overall situation!

Once more than three hours, you have to face the terrifying side effects brought about by it!

Progressive loss of vitality!

In other words, three hours after he summoned the clone, his life passing speed at the beginning doubled at most!

But it won’t take long for it to rise twice, four times, eight times!

Once the limit is reached, I am afraid I can't wait for myself to take the initiative to cancel the clone, and I will have to drain my vitality alive!

But Jiang Fanma's face moved!

Look at another thing in the backpack!

That is a golden seed!

"I hope I can find the flower pot soon!"

Jiang Fan shook his head, put away the props, and then prepared to leave the system space with his wealth.

It's just that when he turned his head, he was taken aback!

As soon as the rich and honored came back, they continued to eat the Tyrannosaurus rex.

At this moment, the Tyrannosaurus rex actually only has a huge skeleton left!

And where riches and honours were, a silver-white giant cocoon appeared!

Looking at the attributes of wealth, Jiang Fan discovered that wealth is actually in a state of evolution!

Pet: Wealth (Alien Newborn Body)

Level: 9

Race: Cosmic Parasite!

Features: gene swallowing!


1. Evolution: This pet has a pure alien bloodline, which can continuously evolve by swallowing genes and increase its level!

2. Devouring: Whenever a pet swallows a gene, there is a certain chance to steal the opponent's skills! But only one can be kept at present!

3.? ? (Ten level activation)

4.? ?

Explanation: This is a product synthesized by two different biological consortia after being assimilated by the system! With two biological characteristics!

Note: This is a born killer with the strongest killing wisdom! But because the body is Teddy, it doesn't seem to be combative.

Current status: evolving!

Estimated evolution time: 48 hours!

Countdown to evolution: 47:55:36!

It seems that the reason why this little guy swallowed Tyrannosaurus rex before was not because he didn't want his wife, but the flesh and blood of Tyrannosaurus rex was the best nutrient for his evolution!

There are only two real alien targets, reproduction and killing!

But wealth is different. As an excellent Teddy, his desire to kill is not strong. Breeding and evolution are the first choices!

It is estimated that this product is not very cold to the appearance of Tyrannosaurus rex, so it directly killed the opponent and used it to evolve!

Forty-eight hours!

I don't know what this little guy can become...

With a trace of anticipation, Jiang Fan finally left the system space!

After leaving the restaurant, Jiang Fan immediately went straight to the Jiang family's old house!

Although it is noon at this moment, the old house is full of liveliness!

There are heavy machinery everywhere, and the workers are in groups!

And Jiangzhai has already seen its embryonic form!

Looking at the familiar buildings that had been built, Jiang Fan's mouth rose involuntarily.

He rode his bicycle all the way, but just when he reached the gate, Jiang Fan was stopped by a few security guards!

"Sorry little brother, there is a forbidden area, please... Brother Fan?!"

Before the security had finished speaking, his eyes widened suddenly!

When Jiang Fan saw this person, he was also startled!

What a coincidence!

This person turned out to be Ponte, and his brothers!

Speaking of Pang Tai, at that time Wu Si became Xue Ningyu who wanted to deal with Jiang Fan, specifically instructing Pang Tai and the gang to block Jiang Fan at the gate of Lanying. Who knows that these guys are dumb and cute, not only didn’t know that Jiang Fan they were looking for was right in front of them. , And even became friends with Jiang Fan!

Later Jiang Fan directly asked them to follow Niu Xinghe.

Who knows I actually met here!

"Pangtai, why are you here? Are you still a security guard?"

Jiang Fan looked curious.

"Hey, Brother Fan, I heard that you are going to rebuild Jiang's house. There must be a secret room in there. Our brother has nothing to do, but he is quite accurate in seeing people, so I took the initiative to come over to be a security guard for you, so as to save people waiting. Go inside!"

Pang Tai laughed!


The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth twitched.

Especially these guys don't even know the people who are blocking them. Where can they be confident that they are quite accurate?

But thinking like this in his mind, his heart felt warm.

"Thank you, when Jiangzhai's reconstruction is completed, please drink!"

"Haha, thank you Brother Fan!"

Pang Tai looked happy.

"Brother Fan, your time is precious, you can be busy with you, here are our brothers to check, absolutely no problem!"

"Okay! Then I'll go in first!"

Jiang Fan was not welcome, and went straight inside.

Soon, Jiang Fan found Uncle Zhong at the site of the original chamber.

Uncle Zhong was talking to a few men covered in smoke at the moment, Jiang Fan didn't go there, just shook the takeaway!

Uncle Zhong suddenly laughed, quickly said a few words to a few people, and quickly walked over!

"Master, why are you here?"

"Have you eaten yet? Now, yellow chicken stew!"

"Haha, the young master understands me. At that time, what you look forward to most every day is that you pay your salary to the young master, so you can eat a large portion of braised chicken!"

Uncle Zhong smiled and eagerly took the takeaway and started eating!

"It's delicious! That's it!"

Looking at the loyal uncle who was devouring, Jiang Fan felt a little uncomfortable.

At that time, I kept delivering food, although I made a lot of money, but most of the money was used to buy medicine for Uncle Zhong to treat his illness, and the remaining living expenses of the two were pitiful.

I remember that Uncle Zhong lied that there was still two days of surplus for medicine, but he actually wanted to save some money and buy some meat for himself...

Fortunately, everything is over!

Whoever cannot destroy me will make me strong!

The words Nietzsche said suddenly appeared in Jiang Fan's mind.

And the fact is exactly the same!

At this moment, Jiang Fan sits on the entire city of Los Angeles, with tentacles extending to Qingjiang, Xiangzhou, and even Xichuan, playing and applauding the wealthy families in the capital. Even the world-class Council of Light, the Sword of Thorns, and the Key of Solomon will eventually become his Stepping stone...It can be said that the current Jiang family, in addition to financial resources, is far better than before!

Although all this relies on the strength brought by the system, it is even more inseparable from the perseverance and endurance that Jiang Fan has accumulated since the beginning of the delivery, as well as the bad breath that is deeply choked in his throat and will never bow to fate!

At those times, how many people knew about the humiliation he suffered?

It’s good to be scolded by customers for a while late for delivery!

The food is unpalatable, obviously because the store did not do well, but the bad reviews actually fell on him!

Go upstairs to deliver the food, but when the tires go downstairs, the bear child is deflated, and he can only push the car and walk to the guest's house under the scorching sun!

The takeaway was delivered obviously, but because the other party drank too much, he firmly refused to admit that he had received it. Not only did he give a bad review, it was also a malicious complaint!

I received the order at three in the middle of the night, and delivered food to the guests under the heavy rain, but no one answered after five or six phone calls. In the end, there was only one happy April Fool's Day, which is funny!

There is even Li Shanshan at the beginning, just to see what he was like, the No. 1 young man in Los Angeles...

Those piles of humiliation, one by one, countless humiliations, this is the biggest reason why Jiang Fan's nerves are becoming stronger, the sky is not shocked, and even the cold-blooded layout!

Human beings can bear the heavy pressure, and the soul will be so powerful!

Whoever cannot destroy me will make me strong!

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