God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1240: This fat guy has a future

"Master, what do you think?"

At this moment, Uncle Zhong suddenly looked at Jiang Fan curiously.

"Oh, nothing, are you full?"

Jiang Fan withdrew his thoughts from the memories and asked with a smile.


Uncle Zhong nodded.

Jiang Fan took the opportunity to hand over a bottle of green tea, and then continued to speak.

"How long will the construction period be over?"

"Knowing that we are going to rebuild the Jiang family, the Wu family, the Xue family, the Zhao family, and many other large groups, all have taken the initiative to contribute funds, and they have all sent the best talents under our banner. According to our original plan, the fastest Three months, but now black and white are endless, depending on the progress, there will be at most another month!"


Jiang Fan nodded in satisfaction and suddenly lowered his voice.

"No one knows the secret room under the old man's study, right?"

"Master, don't worry, I sealed the position with cement from the beginning, no one knows!"

Uncle Zhong also said quietly.

That secret room was so important, and even the two of them had vaguely felt that maybe that place was the real cause of the Jiang family's accident!

But neither of them mentioned this matter!

Just because it is supposed to be like that, behind the destruction of the Jiang family, I am afraid there is a bigger secret!

"Master, I heard from Wang Yi, you are leaving again in two days?"

"Well, there is a very important thing. If this thing can be completed and the Zhou family is destroyed, you will get an extremely powerful boost!"

Uncle Zhong was slightly startled, but he didn't ask much, only a hesitant look suddenly appeared on his face.

"what happened?"

Jiang Fan asked.

"It's not a big deal, I want to report to you."

"Haha, let's talk about it."

"Our Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup Branch in Wucheng was blackmailed by local gangsters."

Uncle Zhong shook his head and said.

Jiang Fan was startled and suddenly laughed.

"It's probably because I extorted too much to pay for it, right?"

"Haha, yes, but the relationship with the police over there is good, and the police have been dealt with."

"Speaking of Wucheng, what happened to the Pang family?"

"The Pang family had a terrible experience last time, and now they are very honest. Although they have been squeezed out by the local family forces, they are still relatively stable with their suffocation."

"This can't be done, think of a way, and let the staff arranged over there properly provocatively!"


The two talked a few more words, Uncle Zhong continued to go over and began to be busy overseeing the work, and Jiang Fan was about to leave!

But he had just pedaled a few times, but he was suddenly stopped!

The one who stopped Jiang Fan was a fat middle-aged man with a big belly.

"Little brother, wait!"

The fat man greeted him with a smile, raised his hand and handed Jiang Fan a box of Lanzhou Feitian.

Jiang Fan waved his hand and refused with a smile!

"Riding without smoking! Is there anything wrong?"

"Hehe, my little brother really has professional ethics!"

The fat man laughed twice, then lowered his voice suddenly.

"Looking at you, do you know the old butler Jiang well?"

Jiang Fan was startled, and suddenly asked, "You are not a local, are you?"

"Yes, I am from Huicheng City!"

"Oh, the old butler Jiang is my uncle."

Jiang Fan spoke directly.


The fat man was taken aback!

"Since your uncle is the old steward of Jiang, why are you still delivering takeaways?"

"Don't mention it, self-cultivation! The young and old of the Jiang family made a fortune by delivering food. I just rushed over here, so of course I want to deliver it!"

Jiang Fan sighed!

Fatty's eyes lit up!

"Then how is your relationship with your uncle?"

"I have to ask? Since my uncle asked me to deliver food, this is obviously going to train me!"

Jiang Fan chuckled.

Fatty's eyes were brighter, and he suddenly took a step forward, and directly passed a wad of red banknotes calmly!

"Sir, what are you doing!"

Jiang Fan frowned and spoke uprightly!

But he took the banknotes skillfully in his hand, and put it in his pocket without hesitation!

The fat man looked dumbfounded!


Good skill in receiving money!

This kid is definitely a veteran!

The point is, you have to say so upright and fart when you receive the money, and you almost didn't scare Lao Tzu to pee!

"Hehehe, brother, introduce yourself, my surname is Hu, Hu Dajin!"

"Oh, it turned out to be Boss Hu, so lucky to be here!"

"Where, how do you call the little brother?"

"Jiang Ba!"

"This name is domineering!"

Hu Dajin didn't notice the problem at all, or he was patronizing the flattery!

He looked at Jiang Fan mysteriously.

"Brother, who owns this project, do you know?"

"Of course! Jiang's family!"

"Then do you know, who has the final say on this project now?"

"Young Master Jiang?"

"No! It's your uncle, old butler Jiang!"

Hu Dajin showed an insider's smug expression and began to explain to Jiang Fan.

"Do you know who the old butler Jiang is? That's the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Jiang family!"

"The old patriarch of the Jiang family was the one who grew up, and now the older and younger of the Jiang family, it's even more important that he has seen him since he was a child. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is half of his son!"

"Furthermore, the youngest of the Jiang family is also an acquaintance, and he trusts the old butler Jiang so much. You can rest assured to leave everything to him!"

"The matter of this project, to put it bluntly, depends on the old butler Jiang! Understand?"

"Boss Hu, what are you telling me about this?"

Jiang Fan looked blank.

"Hey hey, boy, you just came to Los Angeles, and your uncle is the kind of decent person. Shouldn't you make enough money?"


Jiang Fan nodded hurriedly!

"Then do you want to earn more?"

Hu Dajin is good at temptation.

"miss you!"

Jiang Fan nodded again.

"Since you want to make money, then listen to me! Go and tell your uncle, leave the finishing phase of the project to me, and I will give you 10% of how much you make then!"

Damn it!

This fat guy...

Jiang Fan was really stunned!

This is the first time I have heard of this because builders give employers rebates!

This fat guy is so promising!

"Ahem! Boss Hu, don't you want to benefit from engineering?"

"Hi! You can't talk nonsense!"

Hu Dajin turned pale, and hurriedly covered Jiang Fan's mouth!

At the same time, a pair of small eyes looked around in horror!

After a long time, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and looked at Jiang Fan with some irritation.

"Don't dare to talk nonsense about this! This is the Jiang family's project! Even if I cut corners on the government building, I dare not give the Jiang family a cut!"

"Then the young master of the Jiang family launched a ruthless attack, but it would kill everyone at every turn! Even if my Hu Dajin has ten heads, I would not dare to do this in the Jiang family!"

This fat guy looked so terribly scared, he actually handed in all the bottom!

"Then why are you finishing up the project?"

Jiang Fan looked curious.

"All right, I'll tell you!"

"In fact, this money is not from the Jiang family at all, it is all the other families and big groups in Los Angeles who took the initiative to help the Jiang family!"

"When an accident happened to the Jiang family, these people were all white-eyed wolves, and they often seized the Jiang family's property!"

"Now that the Jiang family has risen again, although the Jiang family did not trouble them, who knows what will happen in the future?"

"Now that I can help rebuild the Jiang family, that would be an atonement!"

"So for them, money is not a problem, but the most important thing is to satisfy the Jiang family!"

"So no matter who does this project, the money is best made! It's far more than cutting corners!"

"Even after finishing this order, it is enough to retire!"

"Boy, do you understand now?"

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