God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1245: Quiet, few desires and no competition

Everyone was stunned!

Even Jiang Fan couldn't help being stunned!

No wonder I didn't feel the slightest killing intent on Zhao Daqiang!

He was just being used!

Just thinking of this, Jiang Fan is even more intent to kill the person with the layout!

This man is too yin and cunning, we must get rid of him!

Jiang Fan walked directly to the assassin who had severed his fingers!

"Whose subordinate are you?"

"Hehehe, kid, we won't tell you anything!"

The man smiled coldly!

But Jiang Fan let out a cold snort!

"Not to mention I also know that the way the internal force operates is obviously from the Zhou family!"


The pupils of that person shrank suddenly!

Jiang Fan had already spoken coldly.

"Give you one more chance, tell me who the layout is!"

"I, I... I won't tell you when I die!"

The man's face was cruel!


Jiang Fan's complexion was suddenly ruthless!

But at this moment!

"Jiang Fan, don't want your woman to die, don't be impulsive!"

A cold male voice suddenly rang from the phone!

It turned out that until now, the calls on both sides have not been hung up!

"who are you?"

"The rooftop of Beihai Building, you know when you come!"

"Interesting, wait for me!"

Jiang Fan hung up the phone and suddenly turned to look at a group of students!

"Classmates, the party is over! I still have something to do, so goodbye!"

Jiang Fan smiled and waved his hand, and then directly sent a message to his family.

Of these people, Curtis will naturally take care of them!

And Jiang Fan is now looking for this person!


Jiang Fan has arrived at Beihai Building!

Looking up silently, Jiang Fan immediately walked into the building and went straight to the top floor!


Kicked open the door of the roof, Jiang Fan finally walked out slowly!

And at this moment, a total of five people, including Zhong Qing, were still parked on the rooftop by a helicopter!

Seeing Jiang Fan coming, one of the men suddenly grabbed Zhong Qing's neck, and then stood directly on the edge of the rooftop!

As long as he loosened his hand, Zhong Qing would inevitably fall from the thirty-story building and fall into a pool of fleshy mud!

However, Jiang Fan didn't even look at it. He didn't even stop his eyes on the short, half-step grandmaster, just staring at an extremely handsome young man!

Intuition tells him that this person is his real opponent!

"Jiang Fan, I'm really fortunate that I didn't shoot you personally. You are really, terrible!"

The young man's eyes were full of admiration and admiration.

"Each each other! How do you call it?"

"Zhou Jing!"

"...Ning, Jing, are you Zhou Ning's younger brother?"

Jiang Fan seems to be thinking about something!

But everyone didn't know, he was just using this little gap to cover up his own psychology!

Zhou Jing!

It's actually this kid!

The plan is about to change!

"No, it's not that Jing, it's the Jing who is'clear and has little desire, no competition with things'! But you are right. In terms of blood, Zhou Ning is indeed my brother."

Zhou Jing smiled.

"Qingjing and few desires, no competition with things? You don't seem to be in no competition with the world."

"I can't help myself, you have a sail in your name, and it's not always smooth sailing, right?"

"Indeed! For example, today, it is not so smooth."

"I think you were too smooth today, otherwise, you are already dead."

"Wrong! What makes me unsuccessful will only die first!"

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly condensed!

However, Zhou Jing's pupils shrank, and his feet sank suddenly!

So far, the two sides are completely silent!

Silence brought an extremely depressing atmosphere!

Soon, the fourteenth-level peak next to Zhou Jing was all wet with cold sweat!

And Zhou Qing's forehead, unexpectedly began to appear large swathes of sweat!

The coercion brought by Jiang Fan is really terrifying!

Even he has a feeling that once Jiang Fan makes a move, he will undoubtedly die!

However, Zhou Jing was much calmer than them, but the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

for a long time!

"Jiang Fan, your woman is still in our hands!"

Zhou Jing spoke slowly!

"So you are still alive!"

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

But when he heard Jiang Fan's words, Zhou Jing's body trembled, and cold sweat slowly seeped out on his forehead!

That's it!

It's still a wrong step after all!

Still alive now!

It means that as long as Zhong Qing either dies, or after being rescued, they will definitely die!

No matter how you do it, there is only one dead end!

He originally planned to use Zhong Qing to threaten Jiang Fan and leave by helicopter, but he did not expect that he still miscalculated Jiang Fan's cold heart!

If you knew this, you shouldn't be big, you have to meet this man!

Zhou Jing suddenly smiled bitterly and looked at the Zhou family master who was carrying Zhong Qing.

"Let her go, it's useless!"

"What? But..."

"Let her go!"

Zhou Jing suddenly let out a low growl!

The man trembled and finally put Zhong Qing down on the roof.

Zhong Qing was down to earth, and immediately ran behind Jiang Fan timidly!

"How smart people do it!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"You're polite, you're going to die anyway, why bother to kill one more person?"

Zhou Jing shook his head, but there was no fear in his eyes!

"Not necessarily, in fact, if you really continued to threaten me just now, I would definitely let you go!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke.

Zhou Jing was startled, but his face suddenly paled in the next moment!

Jiang Fan is now clearly punishing his heart!

How true or false what Jiang Fan said, he didn't even know!

And Jiang Fan's purpose is to make him doubt his own judgment!

It made him feel that he was ruining his own vitality!

For a smart person, nothing is more terrifying than doubting his own mind!

Today, Zhou Jing faced off three times in a row, all of which were completely defeated by Jiang Fan!

For a time, his feeling for Jiang Fan was almost facing an insurmountable moat!

What Jiang Fan did next surprised him even more!

"Since the helicopter is ready, I won't keep a few people. I won't give it away!"


Zhou Qing and others all looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

Even Zhou Jing was stunned!

Jiang Fan meant to let them go!

How is this possible? !

"Don't be so surprised, I will be kind-hearted occasionally! Several people, please!"

As Jiang Fan said, he falsified the helicopter directly!

Zhou Jing was still surprised, but Zhou Qing grabbed him and dragged him in!



Accompanied by the rotating sound of the propeller, the plane has been flying higher and higher and gradually disappeared!

"Jiang...Mr. Jiang, yes, I'm sorry. They came so suddenly, I have no chance to warn you..."

At this moment, Zhong Qing suddenly bowed her head with a look of shame.

"No, you have done a good job. If it weren't for your scream, I'm afraid I would really be conspired today!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

"Really, really?"

"of course!"

Zhong Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief, but her eyes dimmed immediately.

"But, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't let Zhou Jing go..."

"No! You let Zhou Jing go, not because of you, but because I can't kill him now!"

A trace of unspeakable dignity suddenly appeared in Jiang Fan's eyes!

Ten chapters!

Speaking of one explosion this month, I finally caught up

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