"Mr. Jiang, what do you mean by this?"

Zhong Qing looked surprised.

"Someone told me before that Zhou Yuande and Zhou Yuanwang went to Dangyang Mountain to ask the ancestors of the Zhou family to leave the customs, but they returned in defeat!"

"From the perspective of this incident, Zhou Jing is afraid that he has become their pawn!"

Jiang Fan sneered!


"Yes! Although Zhou Jing is smart enough, he is still too tender. The most important thing is that he is too proud, and even underestimates the sinister heart!"

"Although Zhou Jing is the most beloved disciple of the Zhou family's ancestors, she has no real power in the Zhou family!"

"He came out this time, and he was able to bring out so many fourteenth-level peaks. Obviously Zhou Yuande and Zhou Yuanwang nodded!"

"If he can set up a game to kill me, naturally everyone will be happy!"

"But if he fails and is killed by me, then the ancestor of the Zhou family will be out of the gate in a rage!"

"If I kill him rashly, with my current strength, I am afraid that my death will be approaching!"

"Hehehe, Zhou Yuande, Zhou Yuanwang, actually played this hand with me! Enough and poisonous!"

The cold light flashes in Jiang Fan's eyes!

Zhong Qing was shocked when she heard it!

"Fortunately, you let Zhou Jing go, otherwise..."

"No! Actually letting Zhou Jing go is not a good thing!"


"Zhou Yuande and Zhou Yuanwang, the two old foxes are really insidious! If I let Zhou Jing go, then Zhou Jing will have a better understanding of me, and he will most likely succeed if he sets up next time!"

"These two old foxes clearly want to give me the next midgame!"


Zhong Qing was stunned!

There was even a layer of goose bumps directly on the body!

Human heart is cunning, can it reach this point?

But Jiang Fan shook his head immediately!

"No! Although these two old foxes are insidious and cunning, they are only cunning. With their wisdom, they shouldn't be able to think of this far. This mid-game should be unintentional! If so..."

Zhong Qing only felt that his scalp was about to explode!

Jiang Fan is simply a pervert!

Obviously someone else calculated him, but he just asked what he wanted, and actually thought of the other party's unconscious arrangement!

too frightening!

Is there really anyone in this world who can count him?

How many things did he go through to give him such an insight into all conspiracies?

"Mr. Jiang, even if it was accidentally... Then, isn't this an unsolvable situation?"

"No! Regardless of whether it is intentional or not, it is useless! The future Zhou Jing is definitely a super terrible enemy, but he has no chance to fight me!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"Smart people often have a common problem, that is conceit!"

"But today, he has been frustrated in my hands one after another, his arrogance is lost, and his confidence is even more tense. In addition, my last sentence of heartbreaking has already planted an invincible hint in his heart! "

"In the future, if Zhou Jing wants to attack me again, he will definitely not be as vigorous as he is today, but will become suspicious and sensitive!"

"And once he becomes indecisive, there is no more threat in his game!"

"As for Zhou Yuande and Zhou Yuanwang, even if these two old foxes think of this, if they bet on Zhou Jing next time, I promise that they will definitely lose their money!"

Zhong Qing's heart twitched!

too frightening!

Jiang Fan, really is an out-and-out monster!

"Okay! You are also tired today. After this period of time, I will arrange for you to go on vacation."

Jiang Fan smiled and was about to leave.

"Mr. Jiang, then, then my identity..."

Zhong Qing spoke hurriedly.

"Don't worry, Zhou Jing should have figured it out now, his attention is on the two old foxes, and he will never doubt you!"


The helicopter has gradually left the realm of Los Angeles!

The few people in the cabin were all looking ugly to the extreme!

a little!

Just a little bit, they will all die today!

Thinking of Jiang Fan's terrible coercion, everyone just felt that they were almost out of breath!

Only Zhou Jing closed his eyes tightly, the eyeballs under his eyelids kept shaking, and blue veins appeared on his forehead, as if he was thinking about something at a high speed.

In fact, he was really thinking.

Why did Jiang Fan let him go?

This makes no sense at all!

I really want to kill Jiang Fan!

According to Jiang Fan's character, he would definitely kill someone like himself soon afterwards!

But he actually let go of himself, why on earth?

A thin layer of sweat soon floated on Zhou Jing's forehead, but it didn't take long for the sweat bead to be dried by his hot forehead, and soon afterwards, the sweat appeared again.

So back and forth, suddenly!

Zhou Jing suddenly opened his eyes!

"Damn! Zhou Yuande! Zhou Yuanwang!!!"

Zhou Jing suddenly roared!

Zhou Qing and the others were all startled.

"Zhou Jing, what's the matter?"

"It's been calculated! We are all calculated by those two old foxes!"

Zhou Jing looked murderous!

"These two **** are clearly for us to come and die!"


"No way?"

"Aren't we here to kill Jiang Fan?"

"Zhou Jing, what the **** is going on?"

All of them looked at a loss, with a hint of panic!


Zhou Jing slowly exhaled a suffocating breath, and then he spoke with a cold voice.

"We are all bait!"

"For Zhou Yuande and Zhou Yuanwang, this time we come to Los Angeles, there are only two possible events with high probability!"

"First, kill Jiang Fan!"

"Second, killed by Jiang Fan!"

"As long as Jiang Fan is dead, whether we die with us or not, it will be a happy event for the entire Zhou family!"

"And if we die--"

Zhou Jing almost gritted his teeth and couldn't even speak with anger!

"So, what will happen then?"

Zhou Qing asked hurriedly.


Zhou Jing breathed out a suffocating breath again, and then slowly spoke.

"You should all know that the ancestors love me most, so think about it, if I die, what will happen?"

"These two old guys had invited their ancestors to leave, but they were driven out by Yuan and Grandpa!"

"But if I die, the ancestor will be out of the gate in a rage!"

"No matter how strong Jiang Fan is, in front of the ancestors, he will undoubtedly die!"

"These two old guys just want to use my death to get the ancestors out!"

"The reason Jiang Fan let me go is because he saw this clearly!"

Everyone is chilling!

And Zhou Jing was already irritated and laughing!

"Hey, I thought I would test Jiang Fan for a while, act accordingly, and smart enough! Unexpectedly, Jiang is the hottest old man!"

"Okay! Very good! Zhou Yuande! Zhou Yuanwang! What Jiang Fan said is correct, you are really **** through and through!"

"But, doesn't Jiang Fan don't know who you are?"

Zhou Qing looked blank.

"No! Thinking about it now, he should have known who I am when he heard my name! He just didn't say it on purpose!"

Zhou Jing smiled coldly!

"But why is he? Does it make any sense?"

Everyone is even more confused!

"Of course!"

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