God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1247: Heifer flies the plane

There was a strong admiration in Zhou Jing's eyes!

"From a psychological point of view, if I am sure that he knows who I am, then I will definitely suspect that Zhou Yuande and Zhou Yuanwang have harmed me. It is just a psychological hint he gave me!"

"But if he didn't identify me at all, then my guess must be true!"

Seeing the dumbfounded expressions of several people, Zhou Jing had to shook his head.

"You only need to know that Jiang Fan's purpose is not simple, he let me go, not only does not want the ancestor to go out to deal with him, but also wants me to go back and settle accounts with Zhou Yuande and Zhou Yuanwang!"

"Hey, it's all a bunch of old foxes! One made me die, the other punished me, and they all thought of me as a chess piece, amazing!"

"But you too underestimated me Zhou Jing! I really thought I was Zhou Ning's trash!"

Zhou Jing's eyes were fierce, and he suddenly looked at the two fourteenth-level peaks!

"Zhou Yanke, Zhou Yanci, now that you know Zhou Yuande and their calculations, what are you going to do?"

Zhou Yuanke and Zhou Yanci looked at each other, and suddenly they all looked at Zhou Jing solemnly!

"Since Zhou Yuande and the others use us as bait, don't blame us! Young Master Jing, the two of us are willing to follow you from now on!"

"Yes! And we still have many relatives and friends, these forces will always listen to you in the future!"

The two made a loud noise!

And Zhou Qing also spoke with a gloomy expression.

"Xiao Jing, if you want to deal with those two bastards, count me!"

"Okay! But now, it's not the time yet!"

Zhou Jing smiled softly!

Zhou Yuande, Zhou Yuanwang!

I'm afraid you two old things might not think of it. Not only did I miss your intentions, I was still under your nose, and started to develop my own power, right?

As for you, Jiang Fan, wait, next time, I must you know the strength of my Zhou Jing!

Zhou Jing slowly turned his head, and finally glanced at the direction of Los Angeles with a long look!

It's just that there is a trace of fear in his eyes, and there is also a panic that he can't feel himself!

Jiang Fan's words of humiliation finally worked!



Jiang Fan had just entered the door, and Curtis and others had already greeted him.

"Master, those few people cast spells as you told me to fall into a deep sleep!"


"But Master, why don't you kill these Zhou family members?"

"Kill? That would be a waste! I have to keep them and do a good business with Zhou Jing!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly.

Everyone was startled.

Do business with Zhou Jing?

And Jiang Fan has waved his hand.

"Call Justin here."

Jiang Fan was worried about the loyalty of No. 2 and No. 13 before, and he didn't know the Sword of Thorns, so Justin had always been hidden by Lu Zhenglong.

Returning from Citigroup this time, Jiang Fan has learned a lot about the Sword of Thorns, and believes that even for personal gain, the 2nd and 13th will never betray themselves.

So he simply took Justin back to Jiangzhai in the name of Curtis’s apprentice.

Justin's task now is to learn from Curtis.

This guy has gone through so many things, and his desire for strength is almost boiling, so he is very hard, and he is bored to study in Curtis's second-story building almost every day.


Justin came to the yard.

"My lord, what's your order?"

Justin looked respectful and even admired.

He knew that he was the worst, and without Jiang Fan, he would have died long ago!

The point is that although what he provided was only a fake ruins of the tomb of the Dark God, Jiang Fan not only did not blame him, but gave him a lot of benefits!

Such kindness has long since moved him to swear allegiance from the heart.

"It's not an order, I'll give you something good!"

Jiang Fan said, raising his hand directly!

next moment!


The ground trembled suddenly, and then, the bones of the Tyrannosaurus rex suddenly appeared in the courtyard!

Although this fierce beast is only left with a pile of white bones, its huge size and savage teeth still carry a domineering look!

When I saw this thing, the crowd was all stupid!

"What is this?!"

"What a terrifying behemoth!"

"Hey? How do you feel, it's a bit like a dinosaur fossil on TV?"

"It seems to be! The point is, this thing seems to be new!"

The crowd looked at this thing curiously.

"Yes, it's a dinosaur!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

dinosaur? !

They just said before, no one thought this thing was really a dinosaur!

After all, that thing didn’t know how many years ago it went extinct!

Jiang Fan can actually get this thing!

The point is, it's still fresh bones!

This is simply a means to the sky!

"Look at what you guys are like, isn't it just a dinosaur skeleton? What's so great!"

Jiang Fan frowned.

The expressions of the crowd suddenly became more uncomfortable than constipation!

What's so great?

Is that a dinosaur!

Dinosaurs that have long been extinct!

If this thing is discovered by scientists, I am afraid the whole world will have to be rewritten!

But Jiang Fan's expression is exactly the same as looking at the big bones sold in the market!

Your lord, you, you really...

Heifer flies a plane-it's awesome!

Everyone was panting, and wanted to give Jiang Fan a good science!

But when they thought of Jiang Fan's past, they suddenly lost interest completely!

Forget it, anyway, for an adult, I'm afraid it is to let him go for a walk on the moon now, and he can bring a Chang'e back!

Everyone was unable to complain, and simply re-focused on the dinosaur skeleton.

At this time, Justin had already foreseen what Jiang Fan was going to do, and his whole body was trembling with excitement!


"Justin, remember when we first met?"

"Remember! At that time, I took a picture of a dinosaur fossil..."

"Then do you remember what I told you? Now, this real dinosaur bone belongs to you!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Long live your lord!!!"

Justin's excited whole person jumped up!

Originally pale because of practicing necromancy spells, it turned out to be as red as duck blood tofu!

This little mage almost lay down on the huge skull of Tyrannosaurus rex!

Then directly face the bones for a messy kiss!

"Ah! My little baby!"

"Look at your white color! Your sharp teeth! And your domineering look!"

"It's so beautiful! Beautifulgirl!"

"This is fate!"

"Praise Master Jiang Fan!"

"Oh! My little baby! Don't worry! I must make you more beautiful!"

Justin looked drunk!

Everyone, except Curtis, shuddered!

Worthy of being a Necromancer, his fascination with bones is really abnormal!

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