God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1253: Just want to kill you

"Mr. Jiang..."

Everyone was stunned!

Jiang Fan actually treats his subordinates so favorably!

For a while, almost everyone was grateful and bowed vigorously to Jiang Fan!

Scholars die for confidants!

Following Jiang Fan, even if they die, they can go with peace of mind!

"Brother Jiang!"

Ding Xuan was even more excited!

"The death of these two brothers is due to me after all! All their funeral affairs, as well as family arrangements, leave it to me!"

"No! If it weren't for me to send them, they wouldn't have such a thing, it would be nice if Big Brother Ding had this intention."

Jiang Fan shook his head.

At this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Lu Zhenglong's cell phone suddenly rang!

He picked up and listened to a few words, and suddenly looked at Jiang Fan.

"Mr. Jiang, the cars of those people have been found, and they are now on Zhengyang Street!"


Jiang Fan grinned, but the light on the teeth was white and shocking!


Zhengyang Street.

A black Toyota Commercial.

"Damn! Why is the traffic jam so serious!"

The man who drove was a man in his thirties with acne marks on his face. At this moment, the man was annoyed and cursed!

"Wang Dakui, traffic jams in China are the norm!"

The other man spoke.

"Fuck! Med, don't call me this name! Lao Tzu is now a foreign Chinese, call me Bruce!"

"Yes! Our current status is much higher than the **** on the street!"

The last White also spoke proudly.

Of the three of them, Maid is a second-generation immigrant who has already been abroad, while Bruce and White are newcomers who have been absorbed into the group by Maid!

It's just that, for these two people, Mede simply looked down upon!

These two guys who have just changed their nationalities are just **** for his noble second-generation immigrants!

Of course, this contempt, there is no need to show it!

"Med, is this kid really that important to the organization?"

At this moment, Bruce suddenly glanced at Xiaobao, who had passed out in the back seat.

"Of course! This is a task assigned by the adults!"

The way Maid looked at Xiaobao, it was like looking at a pile of gold!

"But, how do you think this kid doesn't look like an important person! What's the use of catching him? Is it kidnapping for extortion? But the organization should not be short of money?

White also spoke curiously.

Seeing the curious eyes of the two, Mede smiled proudly and finally spoke!

"Anyway, if someone has already got it, I'll tell you! Do you know the 4.21 big case?"

"of course I know!"

"I heard that a pervert killed twelve children in one go!"

"Well, shouldn't you do it?"

The two exclaimed, and suddenly they all looked at Med!

"Of course not me!"

Mede smiled.

"That person is also Chinese, he entered the organization two years earlier than me, and the Chinese name is Zhao Qing!"

"But that guy is rather unlucky. Seeing that he finds another suitable child, the task will be completed, but it is a pity that he actually died in Los Angeles!"

"And the death was very miserable, with all limbs broken and bleeding alive!"


Bruce and White both trembled!

But Mede just smiled.

"Don't panic, that guy probably offended some big man, that's why he died so miserably!"

"But thanks to him, the organization gave me this task!"

"Since Zhao Qing came to Los Angeles last, he must have found a suitable target in Los Angeles!"

"So these days, I have taken you to inquire around, even enter the household registration, and check it!"

"The hard work paid off, and I found this little pig!"

Mede smiled triumphantly!

"But, what are you looking for?"

Bruce looked confused!

"Because the organization needs this kid!"

"Actually, the children reported are not dead, they are just clones!"

"We grab these children and mail the blood samples to the organization's base in China's neighboring country, and a clone will be quickly cultivated there and brought over!"

"Kill the clones and give these living children a new foreign identity, and you can naturally bring out of China in an open and honest manner!"

Mede continues to explain!

"But why? This is too much trouble, right?"

The two looked puzzled!

"Trouble is trouble, but there are too many enemies in the organization. By doing this, I don't want to attract the attention of some people!"

Mede knew that, in fact, there weren't many things, so after finishing the pretense, he immediately pointed forward.

"Okay, it looks like it's passable ahead, Bruce, hurry up!"


Bruston kicked the accelerator!



As soon as the car started, he suddenly braked to a stop!

Mead and White were unguarded, and they almost ran into the glass!

"Bruce, what's the matter!"

As soon as Maid spoke, he saw that four or five cars were surrounded by the surrounding Toyota business group without knowing when!

All three of them were startled!

The door on the opposite side kept opening, and soon a tall and handsome man came to the front of the car!

This person is Jiang Fan!

"get off!"

Jiang Fan raised his hand and directly hooked a few people!

"Who is this kid?"

"It seems to be quite powerful!"

"Could it be this kid's family?"

"Fart! Do you look at this kid in a takeaway suit, like a great guy?"

"Wait, I'll go and see!"

As he said, he got out of the car directly!

Look at Jiang Fan with an arrogant expression!

"Boy! Why block my car!"

Jiang Fan cast a glance at him, and turned his head to look at Lu Zhenglong.

"Mr. Jiang, it's them!"

Lu Zhenglong hurriedly spoke!


Jiang Fan smiled!

In the next moment, everyone just felt like a flower in front of them!

But the three of Meade felt that the breeze flashed, and they could not even move a finger!

And as soon as this feeling appeared, they were shocked to see that there was already a child in Jiang Fan's arms!

It was the Ding Han they had just caught!

How is this possible!

How could this kid's speed be so exaggerated!

The point is, what did he do just now?

Why can't I even move my fingers!

Suddenly a trace of unspeakable fear flashed in the hearts of several people!

"Little Treasure!"

As soon as he saw the child, Ding Xuan hurriedly took it, and looked tremblingly all over!

"Don't be afraid, I just passed out and wake up in a while."

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Thank you! Brother Jiang! Thank you!"

Ding Xuan looked excited!

And Lu Zhenglong has already looked at Jiang Fan.

"Mr. Jiang, these people..."

"There are so many people here, bring them up and go back to Jiangzhai!"


Soon, the three of Maid were taken to Jiangzhai.

And as soon as they saw that hideous Tyrannosaurus skeleton, the three of Meade knew that they were afraid that they would really offend a terrific character!

"You, what do you want to do?"

"We just look at this child as cute and want to give a hug!"

"Yes! It's not illegal to hug!"

"And this kid wants to take a ride in the car, so we brought him to the car!"

"Yes! That's it!"

Several people hurriedly spoke!

And Jiang Fan just smiled.

"Don't worry, I am not a judge. I am not at all interested in whether you commit a crime or not!"

Several people suddenly felt relieved when they heard Jiang Fan's words!

But shortly afterwards, Jiang Fan continued to speak with a ferocious gaze!

"I just want to kill you slowly!"

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