God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1254: Two to eight splits



The sound of broken bones kept ringing!

The strong smell of blood filled the entire Jiang Mansion!

Along with it, there was a burst of pungent foul smell——

This is the reason why the people of Maid are so painful that they suffer from incontinence!


"No, please, no more..."

"We are just being ordered to do things, not us, not we want this kid..."


From five minutes ago, Jiang Fan didn't speak any more, but was silent, like a cold machine, slowly and without hesitation, crushing all the bones of these people's hands!

Let them scream, intimidate, begging, yelling...all to no avail!

Compared to Jiang Fan, the silent executioner, to the Maid, the physical pain is no longer a big deal, and the mental shock is the most terrifying!

They have never seen such a cruel, terrifying monster without the slightest humanity!

Several people have almost collapsed in fright!

No, to be precise, Bruce has collapsed!

He now looks like a mentally retarded, his eyes are dull, just twitching constantly, like a dying marine fish!

Under such a stimulus, Med and White could only beg for mercy!

Jiang Fan's hand finally stopped!

"Three minutes, you have three minutes, tell everything in your head!"

Jiang Fan smiled and looked at Mede and spoke slowly.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Mede screamed desperately, repeating the previous words quickly!

"Zhao Qing?"

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, and soon thought of this person!

At that time, Wang Xinxin got the informant and found clues to the murderer of the 421 case and asked Jiang Fan to help arrest.

Jiang Fan was obliged to help Wang Xinxin catch the murderer, and this murderer was Zhao Qing!

But on the way to **** Zhao Qing, Zhao Qing escaped!

Fortunately, Jiang Fan quickly found him and killed him directly!

Now listening to Meide, this matter does not seem to be simple!

"What do you want these kids to do?"

"This this……"

Mede suddenly hesitated, only to see the fierce light in Jiang Fan's eyes, he couldn't care about anything!

"Spare! I, I don't know too well, it's an adult who needs it!"

"He said he would gather 13 children born on the sixth day of June, 6:6 in the morning, and even accurate to six seconds!"

"And only Huaxia has the lunar calendar, so we came to China to catch children!"

Mede screamed in a hurry!

Upon hearing this number, everyone was stunned!

But Jiang Fan frowned!

The number six is ​​a lucky number for Huaxia people!

But for the West, especially the three 6s, they represent the devil's number!

Thirteen and six are both numbers that devil worshippers like very much!

"What is the name of the organization you are talking about?"

"Call, call, Holy Light Judgment..."

As soon as Maid spoke out, Jiang Fan's mouth immediately hooked!

Knew it!

It's really them!

Now Jiang Fan already knows that the Light Judgment is just a branch of Solomon's Key!

So, does Solomon's Key want to use these children to perform some kind of ritual?

But no matter what they want to do, since they dare to cause trouble in Los Angeles, then go to death!

"Who is the adult you are talking about?"

"He, he is the captain of the fourth team of the Holy Light Judgment, Viper!"

Just a small captain, to Jiang Fan now, it is really rubbish!

"Very well, the last question, where is your base outside of China?"


Mede looked horrified!

If you say it, he is really dead!

"Don't be afraid, it's not a big deal if you don't tell, let's continue the game!"

Jiang Fan smiled and raised his hand again!


Mede screamed suddenly!

"Siam! In Siam! Siam in a village called Chad on the outskirts of Bangkok! Lord Viper is there too!"


Jiang Fan nodded in satisfaction and waved casually!


The heads of the three Maid suddenly skyrocketed!

"The corpse is cleaned up!"


Jiang Fan had already looked at Ding Xuan.

"Brother Ding, according to what the other party said, there are probably not too many children born on this date. During this time, you might as well let Xiaobao stay in the Jiangzhai!"

"No, because Xiaobao has troubled Brother Jiang too much, I will change his date of birth in a while and erase the previous traces, so that there will be no trouble!"

Ding Xuan was really embarrassed to continue to trouble Jiang Fan.

"It's okay, but your Ding family must also be on guard. If you have any problems, come to Jiangzhai anytime!"

"Okay! Then I'll leave first!"


Seeing Ding Xuan leave, Lu Zhenglong also left with the corpses of Maid, but only then did Jiang Fan take out his mobile phone and dialed Fiona directly.

"Jiang Fan!"

As soon as the phone was connected, Fiona's joyous voice came.

"Fiona, I want to provide information to the organization!"

"Huh? What information?"

"On the outskirts of Bangkok, Siam, in a village called Chad, there is a secret base for the Holy Light Judgment. There should be some mature cloning technology in it."


Fiona exclaimed directly, and then overjoyed!

"This news is very important! If it is verified, your points will definitely not be less!"

"That's great, divide the account between two and eight, and 20% will count as your errands!"

"Hee hee, why is this so embarrassing?"

"You're welcome, there is another message!"

"and also?"

"Solomon's Key is looking for children born at 6:6 on the sixth day of June. A total of 13 children are needed. It should be some kind of ritual. I believe that with the help of the sword of thorns to understand them, and the U that I brought back. It should be possible to find out what they are going to do."

The news of Jiang Fan was thrown out, and Fiona's voice was already wearing a dignified voice.

"I see, I will post it to the adults!"

"Well, that's it!"

Jiang Fan was about to hang up as he spoke.

But at this moment.

"Wait! I also have one thing to tell you."

Fiona spoke hurriedly.

"what's up?"

"The opening of the ruins this time is of great importance. Lord Isaac has asked Lord Field to wait there in advance with two sword-holding hands!"

"Field? But didn't Isaac say that in the ruins, level 15 and above cannot be entered?"

"Yes, Lord Field is only responsible for receiving you, and the two sword-holding hands belonging to him will enter the mission with you at that time. Their loyalty should be no problem."

"Oh, I see."

"Oh, more!"

Fiona's voice was solemn.

"This time there should be a lot of forces from all sides, plus the fact that the entire army was wiped out by the Night Demon last time, so these forces are probably also grandmaster-level existences who are responsible for responding! Your lord asks you to keep a low profile. be careful!"

"Haha, I have always kept a low profile!"

"Don't make trouble, really! Also, you'd better go early, after all, get to know more and have more chance!"

"I see, let Isaac wait for my good news!"

Hanging up the phone, it was noon, Jiang Fan was about to run two orders after lunch, but at this moment.


The door was suddenly knocked!

Immediately after that, a somewhat rough familiar voice sounded directly!

"Is Mr. Jiang there?"

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