God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1255: It's best to show sincerity when asking for help

Jiang Fan turned his head in the yard to see, isn't this the head of Black Shield Security, Zhao Guoliang?

Waved to the latter, Zhao Guoliang suddenly ran over!

"Lao Zhao, what's the matter?"

Jiang Fan looked curious.

"Mr. Jiang, can you go in and say?"

Zhao Guoliang spoke in a low voice.


The two entered the villa lobby, Zhao Guoliang hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm here this time for the purpose of Ruins No. 3!"

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows immediately.

He can now confirm that the so-called ruins by Isaac are the No. 3 ruins mentioned by Zhao Guoliang!

When Zhao Guoliang and Long Yan came to visit them together, they just hoped that they could go to the No. 3 Ruins!

Only at that time he refused without hesitation.

Now that Zhao Guoliang's old things are brought up again, it must still be the original purpose.

But since I'm going there, it's okay to listen to him.

"Go on!"

Jiang Fan smiled.

Zhao Guoliang suddenly looked happy!

Jiang Fan didn't refuse directly like last time, there is obviously a way to this matter!

"Mr. Jiang, I don't really know the specifics of the No. 3 Ruins, but a team has been organized above, all of which are truly strong, the lowest, which is also level 14!"

"If you agree to enter, all these people will obey your orders, and all you have to do is get back one thing!"

"As long as you get something like that, the old man will help you achieve any wish!"

Zhao Guoliang looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes.

But Jiang Fan just smiled softly.

"Old Zhao, this is not true. As far as I know, the risk factor in that place is not generally high!"

"Do you know that place?"

Zhao Guoliang was surprised!

"That's not important, go back, go back and tell you that old man, ask someone to do something, it's best to show sincerity!"

"Mr. Jiang..."

"Lao Zhao! I know what you are, so I'm so polite. Go back and ask your old man, what is the so-called Ruins No. 3! When you ask you to be clear, you will know that my attitude just now is How kind!"

Jiang Fan shook his head solemnly.

Zhao Guoliang's heart beats!

In Jiang Fan's tone, that is obviously not a good place!

"Okay, then Mr. Jiang, I won't bother too much!"

"Well, go slowly!"

Watching Zhao Guoliang leave, Jiang Fan immediately called Wang Yi.

"It's called Long Yan...Forget it, don't call him yet! Let's eat!"


Jiang Fan entered the restaurant, and Zhao Guoliang also left Jiang's house, and directly took out his mobile phone with a gloomy expression.

"Old man, Ruins No.3, where is it?"

"Xiao Zhao, this is not something you should know!"

On the opposite side, a rough and deep voice suddenly sounded. It was the voice of the old man who always paid attention to Jiang Fan during the Seven Kingdoms Tournament!

"Father, I, Zhao Guoliang, respect you. As long as you say something, I will dare to go! But talking to Jiang Fan just now, it is obviously not a good place! If you change someone else, I’m afraid he would have killed him! I, Zhao Guoliang, are not afraid of death. But I don’t want to die for unknown reasons!"

Zhao Guoliang's voice is obviously with a trace of anger!

There was a moment of silence on the other side.

"You mean, he refused?"

"Yes! And very simply, he knows that place!"

"he knows?!"

The other side was obviously taken aback!

"Yes, and he also said that if you ask him to do something, you'd better show sincerity!"

"Hehe, this little guy is bold enough! Okay, don't participate in this matter!"

The old man just hung up the phone when he finished speaking!

And at this moment, Jiang Zhai!

Long Yanzheng was sitting at the door of the kitchen with a smile on his face. In front of him, a huge table of Eight Immortals had been set up. On the table was a large pot of braised elbows. In addition, there was a box of spirits. !

"Hehehe, the feeling of turning on a small stove is really good! The elbows stewed this morning are almost ascended to heaven after a bite!"

Long Yan rubbed his hands, finally drooling, sat down on his exclusive large seat, and then with a look of excitement, he stretched out his hand to the basin of elbows!

But at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

His cell phone rang suddenly!

Long Yan frowned and wanted to ignore it, but the ringtone was really harsh!

Long Yan looked at his phone and at his elbow, his entire face was distorted!

for a long time!

"Nima's! If you harass the phone, I must run over the phone line and kill you!"

Long Yan cursed angrily and finally picked up the phone!

"Who! If you have a fart, let it go!"

"Long Yan, your violent temper hasn't changed at all!"

The old man's voice suddenly sounded!

Long Yan's complexion changed!

"Old man?"

"Haha, Long Yan, how have you been recently?"

"Everything is okay, what's the matter with the old man?"

"It's not a big deal. Ruins No. 3 will be opened immediately, so you don't want to go there again?"

The old man's voice was peaceful, but when he heard his words, Long Yan's face suddenly paled!

The whole person was silent.

"Long Yan, you have a good relationship with Jiang Fan. If he is willing to make a move, then..."


Before the old man had finished speaking, Long Yan suddenly interrupted!

"I know what you want to say, I will ask, but only once! If Brother Fan disagrees, I can't help it!"

"Brother Fan? Long Yan, don't forget your identity!"

The old man's voice sank!

But Long Yan sneered directly!

"My identity? Hey, if I remember correctly, I don't have any identity now! After the accident, I was almost annulled by the insider for unfavorable work!"

The old man was silent, to be precise, he did not know how to explain it!

At that time, after Long Yan's accident, they didn't know what happened to him, they thought it was Long Yan's failure, and a certain opponent of Long Yan almost destroyed him!

This is an indisputable fact!

Even he, in order to calm the anger of those people, he can only expel Long Yan and lock him in Los Angeles!

Even though Long Yan has recovered from his injuries over the years, his strength has plummeted!

Back then, the chic and energetic "Dragon God" not only fell to the tenth level, but the whole body was out of shape and became what it is now!

"Long Yan, we made a wrong judgment about what happened back then..."

"Come on! Old man, tell the truth, even if you figure it out later, have you let me go? I am still locked? And I also know that if you hadn't been blocking me, I would have been because Some people were secretly executed for fear of leaking secrets, right?"

Long Yan's laughter was full of deep ridicule!

"Father, I am now a quack, and things above the temple have nothing to do with me!"

"I can help organize the last time, but it's all because of your face!"

"As for whether it can be done, it depends on Brother Fan's mood!"

"If you have something in the future, it is my duty, Long Yan! But if it is someone else, you should never contact me!"

After Long Yan finished speaking, he just hung up the phone!

"Oh~~! My elbows are going to be cold!"

Long Yan shook his head, but instead of touching his elbow, he picked up a bottle of spirits and drank it straight away!

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