God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1256: Lead me into the urn

After Jiang Fan finished his lunch, he immediately ran the order again!

There is not much peaceful life, so you have to cherish it!

If nothing happens, tomorrow is the time to start, and once you leave Los Angeles, waiting for yourself, it will be another tragic fight!

And this afternoon, Jiang Fan was also giving Long Yan time!

Since the No. 3 Ruins and the ruins Isaac said are the same place, as one of the few people who came out of there alive, Long Yan is the top priority of this mission!

The people behind Zhao Guoliang will definitely contact Long Yan!

At that time, it depends on how he chooses!

Soon, one afternoon has passed.

At this moment, his mobile phone rang suddenly.

When Jiang Fan saw the caller's number, his head suddenly became big!

Qiu Mingyue!

She is what I fear most now!

During this period of time, Jiang Fan has tried his best to alienate him. Although Qiu Mingyue took the initiative to look for him several times, he was always shunned by his busy schedule.

Jiang Fan wanted to tell her that the Jiang Fan she liked had long since disappeared, and she was just someone from another world.

Jiang Fan didn't intend to answer the call, but just after the timeout, he automatically hung up, and Qiu Mingyue actually called again!

Jiang Fan had to pick it up.


"Jiang Fan, Qiu Yuanfeng contacted him coldly!"

Qiu Mingyue's opening is a blockbuster news!

Jiang Fan can't care about the others!

"What did the old fox say?"

"The phone is inconvenient, come and say!"


In ten minutes, Jiang Fan had already arrived at Chengyu Building!

It's just that when he arrived here, Jiang Fan suddenly reacted, as if he had fallen into Qiu Mingyue's suit!

Qiu Mingyue, Xia Fanxing, these two women are really smarter than the other!

But since it has arrived, I can only go up!

Soon, Jiang Fan has arrived at Qiu Mingyue's office!


As soon as Jiang Fan knocked on the door of the room, it was pulled open, and then Qiu Mingyue with a happy face appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

The heat in his eyes made Jiang Fan only feel sweaty!


Jiang Fan said hello with a guilty conscience.

"Come in!"

Qiu Mingyue was not welcome, and directly dragged Jiang Fan into the office.

But as soon as the door was closed, Qiu Mingyue's face sank!

"Jiang Fan! Why are you hiding from me these past few days!"

"No, no!"

"Then I have looked for you several times, why don't you come out?"

"I, I, am I out now?"

"Hmph, if there is no news of Qiu Yuanfeng, would you come?"

"I, I'm busy! You know, the Jiang family is now waiting to be thriving. As the last person in the Jiang family, I have a long way to go and it's not easy!"

"Huh! Sophistry! If you are so busy, and still in the mood to deliver food?"

"Mingyue! You don't even understand! On the surface I was delivering food, but I was actually observing the troubles in Los Angeles! The Zhou family had always wanted to kill me, and the old fox in Qiu Yuanfeng was sneaky and refused to show up at all, I Only in this way can Los Angeles be completely in my hands, I...I am really, so tired!"

Jiang Fan sighed!

Qiu Mingyue was blinded and looked at Jiang Fan suspiciously.

"Really, really?"

"Of course it is true! By the way, what did Qiu Yuanfeng say to Leng Qing?"

Jiang Fan hurriedly changed the subject!

When the matter was mentioned, Qiu Mingyue's face suddenly became gloomy.

"In fact, he asked about cold things, and it has nothing to do with Los Angeles. What he asked was...Lingzhou!"


Jiang Fan was startled, his complexion suddenly changed!


"It's... you, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing Jiang Fan's face so ugly, Qiu Mingyue was shocked!

"He asked Lingzhou what did he do?"

Jiang Fan did not answer, but continued to ask.

"Qiu Yuanfeng has a private security company in Lingzhou. He asked coldly about the company's situation..."

"When did that security company exist?"

"It should have been recently, but I heard it coldly that the company never took over the business at all, it just hung up a sign! Oh, and..."

Qiu Mingyue said suddenly.

"He also asked, if there are any of you in Lingzhou, it's actually not a big deal..."

Qiu Mingyue said absently.

In fact, this matter is really not important to her, mainly because she wants to take this opportunity to see Jiang Fan.

However, when he heard Qiu Mingyue's words, Jiang Fan's face was completely gloomy, and there was a trace of terrifying killing intent in his eyes!

"Damn! Qiuyuanfeng!!"

Jiang Fan almost squeezed these words out of his teeth!

"Jiang Fan, what's the matter? He just asked Lingzhou if there is anyone with you..."

Qiu Mingyue saw Jiang Fan showing such an expression for the first time!

She already had a bad premonition in her heart!


"Is there anyone from me? Haha, Mingyue, you and I all look down on this old fox too much! Compared with him, Zhou Jing is just a little baby with no fur!"

Jiang Fan let out a sigh of air, and suddenly pulled down a map hanging in Qiu Mingyue's office, and then took a pen and paper. It was a little bit in Qingjiang, Xiangzhou, and Wucheng, and then it was directly connected with a line. , These three cities directly form a triangle!

And in the middle of this triangle is Lingzhou!

Qiu Mingyue looked at the map for a while, and suddenly reacted!

Looking at Jiang Fan almost unbelievably!

"No wonder you hold Qingjiang and Xiangzhou all in your hands!"

"It turns out that your final goal is to seize Lingzhou!"

"Not bad!"

Jiang Fan nodded.

"Lingzhou is the largest producer and processing place of metal products in the Zhou family. As long as we seize this place, the Zhou family's inventory in various industries will not be able to carry for three days! This is absolutely terrifying to the Zhou family!"

"It's just that I only lay out two lines, Xiangzhou and Qingjiang, and the city of Wucheng is just beginning!"

"But this old fellow has clearly seen my arrangement!"

"Damn! This old fox!"

Jiang Fan's eyes grew gloomy!

"No, won't it? Would he really look so far?"

"It can't be wrong! Among all the people, this old guy is the only thing I can't see through! I didn't kill him at the beginning because I didn't have full confidence!

"But he just mentioned..."

"Mingyue, this old fellow Qiu Yuanfeng is a kind of person with me. He will never do useless work! If I really follow the original plan and control the city of Faint, I will directly cut off Lingzhou. The company is the biggest variable!"

"Or he..."

Jiang Fan suddenly shook his head, a fierce light flashed in his eyes!

"He wants to set up a trap in Lingzhou to lead me into the urn!"

Qiu Mingyue trembled all over!

Lingzhou is definitely not so easy to win!

That place is so important to the Zhou family, it must be a super power!

If Jiang Fan wants to win, he will inevitably devote himself to the arrangement!

But if Qiu Yuanfeng and Zhou's family ventilate at this time, then Jiang Fan will **** Lingzhou, it will only become a dead end!

"Fortunately, fortunately the coldness has been controlled by me! Otherwise..."

Qiu Mingyue is afraid after a while!

But Jiang Fan frowned, as if still thinking about something.

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