"Jiang Fan, what's the matter?"

Qiu Mingyue asked.

"I always think I missed something, but I can't remember..."

Jiang Fan rubbed his forehead vigorously.

"Then don't think about it for the time being. The problem now is, since Qiu Yuanfeng has seen through your plan, then Lingzhou is obviously unable to continue planning!"

Qiu Mingyue said.

"Do not!"

Jiang Fan shook his head, his tone firm as a rock.

"Lingzhou must win!"


"It's nothing! Now that I know Qiu Yuanfeng's plan, no matter how he arranges it, I won't escape the word'kill me' after all!"

"And as long as I know what he wants to do, even his plan may not be unavailable to me!"

There was a frightening look in Jiang Fan's eyes!

According to Qiu Yuanfeng's personality, if he wants to kill himself, he will definitely go to the scene to make arrangements!

And as long as he dares to appear, that is his death date!

Qiu Mingyue was startled, but a bright color flashed in his eyes!

Jiang Fan attracted her the most because of this world-famous spirit!

However, women's minds are the most capricious.

When they are in a moment when a good impression is born, what they admire most is often the courage of men!

But if you really fall in love with this man, you will stop him from taking risks!

"Jiang Fan, let's consider this matter in the long term. In case you make a slight mistake, then it will be time..."

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled when she knew she was worried about herself.

"Don't worry, I have my own measures."

Qiu Mingyue knew that Jiang Fan was determined, and he made the decision, and that was a firm decision, and no one could persuade him!

So she just gave a soft "um".

The atmosphere was suddenly silent, and the two of them looked at each other, which was a bit ambiguous.

"Jiang Fan..."

Qiu Mingyue's pretty face blushed, and she involuntarily leaned towards Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan's heart jumped, and he wanted to retreat under his feet, but at this moment.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The phone on the desk rang suddenly!

A fierce light flashed in Qiu Mingyue's eyes!

Damn it!

Who on earth is not eye-opening, actually call yourself at this time!

"Mingyue, call, the phone rang!"

Jiang Fan hurriedly spoke.

"I heard it!"

Qiu Mingyue roared angrily, picked up the phone, and suddenly roared!


The opposite was obviously taken aback!

"Autumn, President Qiu, the board of directors has started, everyone is waiting..."

"Then wait a little longer!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Qiu Mingyue suddenly dropped the phone and turned around, only to find that Jiang Fan had slipped to the door!

"Jiang Fan! Where are you going?"

"Urine urgency! I'll take a step! Let's talk another day!"

As Jiang Fan said, he opened the door, turned and ran!


Qiu Mingyue was so furious!

But she immediately moved her eyes!

"No! Since the capital came back, Jiang Fan has been hiding from me everywhere. Could it be that what really happened in the capital?"

"Beijing...Xia Fanxing..."

"Huh! This woman's methods are really amazing!"

Qiu Mingyue's eyes flashed and thundered!

at this time!

"Miss, do you need me to do something to solve her?"

The cold voice suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, she appeared behind Qiu Mingyue out of thin air!

But Qiu Mingyue smiled coldly!

"Cold feelings, such stupid things, don't let me hear them a second time in the future!"

Cold feeling trembled all over, a faint look of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Miss, me, I just..."

"Forget all the conspiracies and tricks you used to follow Qiu Yuanfeng! Remember! If I, Qiu Mingyue, win her, I must win upright!"

Qiu Mingyue's eyes are fierce!


Leng Qing's heart was shocked, and the look in Qiu Mingyue's eyes unexpectedly brought a few traces of admiration!

Compared with the gloomy Qiu Yuanfeng, following a character like Qiu Mingyue is obviously wiser!

And Qiu Mingyue has already looked at the full moon hanging outside the window.

"Xia Fanxing, as long as I'm here, don't even think about getting on Jiang Fan's bed!"

This last sentence was a self-talk that was coldly heard!



Zhou family!

Zhou Yuanwang and Zhou Yuande sat facing each other, sipping tea.

At this moment!

"Father! Zhou Jing is back!"

Zhou Yantang suddenly walked in.

Zhou Yuanwang and Zhou Yuande's expressions suddenly moved!

"Where is Jiang Fan? Is Jiang Fan dead?"

"I don't know yet, Zhou Jing just came back and didn't say anything..."

"Let him come right now!"

Zhou Yuande hurriedly spoke!


Zhou Yantang promised to leave the house, but he had just opened the door of the room and saw that Zhou Jing was already standing outside the door!

"Zhou Jing?!"

All of them were taken aback!

However, Zhou Jing looked gloomy, pushed Zhou Yantang away, and walked in directly!

But at the moment, no one noticed his rudeness, but all of them looked at him with piercing eyes.

"Zhou Jing! Is Jiang Fan dead?"

"How did you die? Where's the corpse?"

"This time, I will definitely crush him! We must never give him a chance to come back from the dead!"

Zhou Jing's face was gloomy as water, and he picked up the teapot in front of the two of them, and drank the pot of boiling water all at once, before speaking coldly.

"Failed! Jiang Fan, still alive!"


Zhou Yuanwang and Zhou Yuande's expressions changed abruptly, and then they looked at each other quickly.

The eyes of the two flickered, but they completed an exchange in an instant!

"Hehe, Zhou Jing, Jiang Fan has always been scheming. It's normal to make a miss once. Next time, he will definitely die in your hands!"

"Yes! You are the genius of our Zhou family. This time you may just underestimate the enemy. There must be a chance in the future!"

The two smiled.

"Huh! I really underestimate the enemy, but that kid Jiang Fan is really capable! Next time, he will definitely die!"

Zhou Jing looked ruthless!

"Yes, yes, yes! But Zhou Jing, to kill Jiang Fan, there is no need to use wisdom. If you can ask the ancestors to leave the customs, then Jiang Fan absolutely..."

"Do not!"

Before Zhou Yuanwang had finished speaking, Zhou Jing interrupted directly.

"I, Zhou Jing, have never encountered such an enemy, Jiang Fan, must die in my hands!"


The two wanted to speak, but Zhou Jing waved his hand!

"It's nothing, but also, in order to get Zhou Qing to make a move, I promised him a lot of benefits. If you want to use him in the future, you'd better give this benefit!"

After saying this, Zhou Jing turned around and left without staying!

"Damn! This wicked species!"

Seeing Zhou Jing leaving, Zhou Yuande suddenly shouted angrily!

"I thought that this kid could kill Jiang Fan. No matter how bad he was, he would be killed by Jiang Fan and let the ancestor go out. But now, not only does he come back alive, he actually helps Zhou Qing to benefit! Really, really... "

"Forget it, it may not be a bad thing for him to come back alive!"

Zhou Yuanwang suddenly smiled coldly!

Zhou Yuande was startled, and suddenly reacted!

"Yes! Since he is alive, he must have a new understanding of Jiang Fan. The next time he makes a shot, he will have a greater grasp!"

"Hey, although this kid is smart, he is a bit tender after all. I really thought it would be great to have an ancestor as a backer? Isn't it our pawn!"


The two are extremely proud!

On the other side, Zhou Yantang was silent.

For these two old guys, he suddenly felt a sense of extreme disgust!

The previous generation of the Zhou family is really true and utterly lousy!

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