God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 126: Bombing the helicopter with one shot

"My subordinates continue to flow. Even if you kill all of these people, the others will come soon!"

"And you, you can't find the tunnel, you still die!"

Braga gritted his teeth! This is his last chance!

Unexpectedly, at this moment!

The car Jiang Fan was driving suddenly accelerated! Actually, rushed to the forefront!

"System, locate the tunnel!"

"Ding! This positioning requires 10 causal points!"


"Ding! Positioning succeeded!"

In an instant, before Jiang Fan's eyes, the entire tunnel became transparent!


The gate used to cover up was directly smashed by Jiang Fan!

Brian and Doretto were followed by overjoyed!

so amazing!

Jiang Fan, he even knows where the tunnel is!

Braga, on the other hand, has a face as gray as death!

It's over, it's over!


The exit of the tunnel burst suddenly!

Jiang Fan drove out of the car, suddenly!

After the car hits the ground, there is a beautiful flick and it stops steadily!

Brian and Toledo, who followed closely behind, also passed through the tunnel safely and stopped by Jiang Fan!


Toledo got out of the car and immediately rushed towards Jiang Fan, giving him a bear hug!


Jiang Fan smiled and patted Toledo on the back!

"Before, I always thought I was dead! Thanks to you!"

Toledo, with a look of excitement!

"Hello, this is Brian! Thank you!"

At this moment, Brian also pulled Braga out of the car, and said to Jiang Fan with gratitude!

However, seeing Jiang Fan's appearance clearly, he was suddenly taken aback!

So handsome!

Actually, he is more handsome than himself!

No wonder Miya looked obsessed when she talked about Jiang Fan!

At this moment, there was a few more roars in the tunnel!

Three cars suddenly rushed out!

Surround Jiang Fan and others at the same time!

Phoenix opened the car door to take cover, carrying a pistol, and staring at Jiang Fan viciously!

In the tunnel just now, he lost two more cars!

"Damn Chinese people! Actually, dare to ruin my good deeds!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

Look directly at Doretto!

"This is a gift from me, you can figure it out!"

Doreto hasn't answered yet, Phoenix is ​​already laughing!

"Boy, there are five people on our side. How dare you say such crazy things!"


Braga is also excited!

"Phoenix! Kill them!"


Jiang Fan shook his right hand, and suddenly turned into a magic pistol!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Five shots in a row!

Four of Phoenix's men were all overwhelmed!

And the gun in Phoenix's hand was also directly blown by Jiang Fan!

"Come on, say it again, how many others are there?"

Phoenix is ​​dumbfounded!

Braga is also dumbfounded!

This, what marksmanship is this?

However, before he had time to react, Toledo had a cold face, took his double-barreled shotgun, and directly gave Phoenix a headshot!

"Letti, I finally avenge you!"

Toledo, suddenly, burst into tears!

Brian, also sighed!

"Don't cry, this is chicken soup for you!"

Jiang Fan patted Doretto on the shoulder, took out the takeaway, and handed it over!



After the last experience, Doreto already knows the value of this takeaway!

The chicken soup entrance, sure enough, he once again felt the warm time with his wife!

"Ding! This takeaway task has been completed. You have 30 minutes to stay. You can choose to return automatically or return automatically after the time is over!"

Jiang Fan was about to leave. At this moment, the roar of a helicopter suddenly came from a distance!

On the ground, there was also the sound of a police siren!

"The FBI is here, Jiang Fan, you go quickly, don't be implicated!"

Doretto, looked at Jiang Fan seriously!

Brian also said: "Jiang Fan, thank you! Next time I meet, I will invite you to drink!"

"No! I think what they want to catch may be..."

Jiang Fan didn't finish speaking, a horn suddenly sounded on the helicopter!

"Jiang Fan! You have been arrested! Hold your head with your hands immediately! Don't resist!"


Doretto and Brian were stunned at the same time!

Nima! The FBI is not doing such a big battle for Braga, but for Jiang Fan?

"Jiang Fan, what have you done?"

Brian looked blank!

Doretto's face changed!

"Jiang Fan, is it because you saved me last time?"

The two are still asking, a group of FBI has already surrounded Jiang Fan!

"Abandon your weapon and lie on the ground immediately, otherwise, we may kill you at any time!"

On the plane, the loudspeaker was still shouting!


Jiang Fan frowned! In front of everyone, aim the gun at the helicopter!

A group of FBI surrounding Jiang Fan was taken aback, and then laughed loudly!

"What is this kid doing?"

"Threat the helicopter with a pistol?"

"Hahaha! It's so funny!"

"Hey, kid, I suggest you still obey..."

A group of people are still noisy, Jiang Fan, his eyes are cold!


A gunshot!

The bullet, drawn an impossible arc, suddenly penetrated the fuel tank!

The helicopter a hundred meters away suddenly trembled, and then—


Actually, the volley exploded into a spark!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!


"How is this possible?"

"Break the helicopter with one shot?"

"Is he a monster?"

After the shock, an FBI suddenly pointed at Jiang Fan with a gun, and yelled at him!

"Damn Huaxia Pig! How dare you..."

Jiang Fan's eyes were suddenly cold!

"You dare to say one more thing, I promise, the bullet will get in from your **** and out of your heavenly spirit cover!"

"You dare to threaten me? I'm going to kill now..."


A gunshot!

The FBI suddenly let out a scream, and then the whole head fell apart!

Until he fell to the ground, the people around him realized that there was a bullet hole in the man's ass!

Jiang Fan did what he said and realized his promise directly with circular ballistics!

The people around all looked at Jiang Fan in horror!

"Give you three seconds to put down the gun. After three seconds, whoever dares to point a gun at me will die!"

Jiang Fan went all over, murderous!

Everyone who frightened, the gun could not be held steady!

"Three, two, one!"

The sound of reading like a reminder resounded throughout the audience!


Deterred by Jiang Fan's overbearing murderous aura, a group of people unexpectedly dropped their guns involuntarily!

Doretto and Brian looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

So handsome!

Only two shots were fired, and a group of FBI was completely frightened!

In one sentence, let them surrender directly!

Throughout history, Jiang Fan is the only one who can do this!

He doesn't seem to be surrounded by people at all, but like he is surrounded by a group of FBI!


Doretto trembled with excitement!

Jiang Fan has become his idol!

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