God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 127: Flush the toilet with chicken soup

However, Jiang Fan looked at Brian!

"Brian, I know you want to exonerate Dome by catching Braga, but you are destined to disappoint!"

"You mean, the Federal Court will not fulfill its promise?"

"That's right! The FBI itself is a big liar, and you will always suffer when you trade with them!"

Brian and Doretto looked at each other, and Doretto suddenly said: "Lettie is dead, I have nothing to worry about. Even if you go to jail, let's go in!"

Jiang Fan nodded, and suddenly glanced at a group of FBI coldly!

"I want him to get the best treatment. If you can't do it, the next time I come, I will destroy your headquarters!"

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Jiang Fan's murderous intent skyrocketed!

In fact, even the sky behind him was covered with blood!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

A group of FBI almost freaked out!

"Goodbye Dom, goodbye, Brian!"


In the eyes of a group of FBI full of fear and Toledo and Brian full of admiration, Jiang Fan finally left here!


Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! System prompt! Because the host's contempt for the FBI caused the FBI headquarters to be angry, when the host appears next time, it will definitely be located and besieged by the FBI!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

A group of garbage! Just come!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 230 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the helicopter driving skills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the admiration of Doretto-the nitrogen booster (once)!"

Helicopter driving skills?

It should have been dropped by the helicopter!

Throwing at the backpack casually, Jiang Fan has already looked at the nitrogen booster device!

This thing is similar to two oxygen cylinders tied together, exactly the same as the acceleration device often used in Fast and Furious!

Nitrogen pressurization device: Doreto always wins at the last minute, relying on the superb use of this thing!

Note: Attaching this item to any vehicle will instantly double the speed of the vehicle! Duration, ten minutes!


Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

Magic talisman can only act on creatures! But this thing can be attached to any vehicle!

The bike can now reach up to 120 miles, double that is 240!

As soon as he gathered the things, Jiang Fan let out a low voice!

"Return to reality!"


Pushing open the bathroom door, Jiang Fan walked out contentedly!

However, Manager Wang and Tong Meng both looked dumbfounded!

When I went in, I was still holding chicken soup, but when I came out, why did my hands become empty?

Could it be that you flushed the toilet with chicken soup?

Worthy of being a rich man! Flushing the toilet is so extravagant!

Jiang Fan ignored the two Tong Meng, but looked at Tanglou and Li Shanshan!

At this moment, the room is full of "snapped" sounds!

Tang Lou and Li Shanshan had blood on their faces, their eyes were swollen, and even more so, there was only a seam left!

However, through the thin slits, you can see that both eyes are shining with spiteful light!

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth evoked, these two **** deserved their pure sins!

"Tong Meng, be optimistic about the two of them, one less will not work!"

"Yes, but Mr. Jiang!"

Tong Meng approached Jiang Fan, lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Well, they have already played enough!"

"Why doesn't it stop?"

"Oh, that's the case. Li Shanshan felt that she was at a disadvantage and gave the Tang Mansion another slap!"

"The Tang Mansion was unhappy, so I returned it again. I went back and forth. Now it's hi, I can't stop it! Pharaoh just went to fight, but in the end, he was slapped!

Jiang Fan opened his mouth wide, Nima! You really deserve to be a bitch!

"Forget it, since they are interested, let's not interfere more in the spirit of helping others!"


Tong Meng is facing Jiang Fan, now, admiring him is almost on the ground!

"Okay, then I'll go first!"

Jiang Fan said he was leaving!

"Wait! Mr. Jiang!"

Tong Meng strode to catch up, and respectfully handed Jiang Fan a bank card!

"Mr. Jiang, this is a little bit of our heart, please accept it!"

"No need!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and has already strode out of the Golden Lake Hotel!

Behind him, the admiration on Tong Meng's face is even stronger!

"As expected, it is Mr. Jiang, with such an attitude and style, if you want to rejuvenate the Jiang family, I'm afraid it will be easy! No wonder the master takes him so seriously!"

Jiang Fan took out the bicycle and went straight to home!

On the other hand, Yang Qi is shouting!

"What are you talking about? The hired gunman, something happened?"

One of his hands swallowed and spat, and said cautiously: "Master, I heard that they had a mission, and then, no one saw them again!"

Yang Qi frowned: "What mission did they have?"

"It seems that I also came to Los Angeles. It is said that it is a list of Beihai Building!"

"Beihai Building? I remember, the steward there, the last name is Ding, right?"

"Yes, it's Ding Xuan!"

"Forget it! A bunch of trash! So, contact Boss Niu and let him help me out!"

"Master, the asking price of Boss Niu is always not low, you..."

"Huh! My Yang family has nothing else but money! Give him five million! Let him kill Jiang Fan for me!"


"Jiang Fan! I have ten thousand ways to kill you!"

Yang Qi grumbled viciously while touching his cheeks that were still not swollen, and his eyes were full of resentment!

After a night of rest, Jiang Fan got up from the bed full of energy!

However, unexpectedly, Uncle Zhong is also at home!

"Uncle Zhong, why didn't you go out today?"

"Master, I plan to go to the food court, and I am studying and making a new stall!"

"Hehe, it looks like a lot of earning!"

"Yes! Master, guess how much have you earned in the past few days?"

"How many?"

"Five thousand!"


Jiang Fan was startled!

Uncle Zhong looked excited!

"Master! It's just that the traffic on Da'an Street is too small. If you go to the food court, your income can at least double! As long as we have worked for a full year, we will have enough principal to re-development!"

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes, and suddenly said, "Don't go to the food court, it's still the same, don't move anything!"

Uncle Zhong was taken aback: "Master, this is an opportunity!"

"Of course I know, so we can't do this thing!"

Uncle Zhong's eyes lit up, and he looked at Jiang Fan's eyes full of excitement!

"Master! Are you ready to really start reviving the Jiang family?"

"It's not a small experiment! This time, I will open a store directly, but I have to find a partner with high enough loyalty!"

"It's all about the young master, but the partner..."

"Leave them to me. I'll write you two recipes in a while. You can study the operation!"


With Jiang Fan's support, Uncle Zhong is full of confidence!

And Jiang Fan, had already got on the bike and went straight to the Huayuan Street police station!

"Hello, Comrade Police, I want to find someone named Cheng An!"

"Cheng An? We don't have a colleague named Cheng An!"

"He is not a policeman, he should be in the detention room now!"

Soon, the police led Jiang Fan to the detention room!

Inside, a thin young man in his twenties was squatting on the ground smoking a cigarette with a sad face!

He was rescued from Cui Cheng and his gang that day Jiang Fan, Chef Cheng An!

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