Seeing Jiang Fan's feet were about to kick out, but at this moment!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for planting sunflower seeds! Current birthday feedback: 2 hours/day!"


Jiang Fan stopped abruptly!

Shouyuan feedback: 2 hours/day?

Is it possible to give yourself two more hours of life every day?

It's... also okay!

At last it was not in vain!

Jiang Fan turned his anger into joy, and glanced at the altar and the botanical garden a little uncomfortably!

These two goods, the altar can't be taken out at all now, if the sword of thorns knows that he has kept the private goods, it must be a trouble!

You know Liander and the guy called Libra behind him, maybe they are staring at them!

And if you let Solomon's key know, it will be even more troublesome!

So now these two things can only be left in the space to burn the causal point!

Shaking his head, Jiang Fan was about to leave the space!

But at this moment!


Suddenly there was a soft noise behind him!

Jiang Fan turned around and saw that in the Zen Garden, under a sunflower, there was an extra piece of golden stuff!

Jiang Fan stretched out his hand curiously, unexpectedly, as soon as the thing touched Jiang Fan, it exploded into golden light!

at the same time!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 50 sunshine!"

"Ding! The Zen Garden exchange function is on!"

With the prompt sound of the system, an interface suddenly opened from before Jiang Fan's eyes!

The next moment, Jiang Fan was stunned!

On that interface, they are all plant seeds in the world of Plants vs. Zombies!

Pea shooter, cherry bomb, potato mine, big mouth flower, nut wall...

Jiang Fan reached out and clicked on the cherry bomb, and the latter's attributes immediately jumped out!

Cherry Bomb: Bomb-like plants!

Range: Ten meters in diameter!

Damage: Starting from the center of the explosion, the maximum lethality is eleven, decreasing in order!

Remarks: "I'm going to burst!" said Cherry One. "No! Let's ignite slowly", his brother, Cherry No.2 Road. After a quarrel, the two guys decided to detonate immediately!

"Fuck...really developed..."

Looking at the attributes, Jiang Fan muttered.

The highest eleventh level of lethality is of course useless to him!

But these things are not for attack, but for defense!

If these things are cultivated, and then set up in the Jiang family...

At that time, the Jiang family is simply invincible!

And this is just a Zen garden. Among Plants vs. Zombies, there are also mushroom gardens and aquariums!

If you can get both of these things, if you can cultivate a destructive mushroom... then it will be whoever will die!


Really developed!

It's just that Jiang Fan immediately calmed down!

Although the price of these seeds is not expensive, but it takes time to grow to maturity, and it will not be used in a short time!

However, what Jiang Fan planned was a long-term plan!

50 Sunshine just exchanged for an exploding cherry seed. After Jiang Fan exchanged it, he planted it in the botanical garden, and finally left the space with pride!

Returning to Jiangzhai, at this moment Long Yan was looking at the information while talking to the second and the others about the details he knew.

Seeing Jiang Fan's return, everyone immediately stood up!

"Sit down!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand, and then looked at each person's face one by one.

After a long time, he suddenly spoke.

"If you are given a chance to increase your strength quickly, but 80% of you will die, will you accept it?"

Everyone was taken aback!


"Does an adult have a way to increase strength quickly?"

"This, isn't it possible?"

"That's true, it's simply a means of heaven!"

"Wrong! Your lord's method is already reaching the sky!"

A group of people began to speak in shock!

But at this moment!

"I accept!"

Suddenly, Long Yan said solemnly!

Although Yue Jianhan didn't speak, there was a fever in his indifference in his eyes!

Jiang Fan smiled, the expressions on everyone's faces just now explained everything!

Everyone's pursuit is different. Some people can die for love, some people can die for family, some people can die for loyalty, but there are not many people who are willing to die for strength!

"Xiaoyue, Curtis, Long Yan, No.2, No.13, Xiaobu, Zhenzi, you guys stay, and the rest are going to rest!"

Everyone was taken aback, knowing that Jiang Fan had understood what they were thinking, and immediately left.

Looking at the blank faces of the few people, Jiang Fan pondered for a moment before speaking.

"It seems that your desire for strength is indeed very strong, but I want to repeat it again, everyone is very likely to die! Even including me, do you really think about it?"

"I didn't think about it, I didn't think about it, I didn't think about it!"

Curtis jumped up suddenly and spoke hurriedly!

"Master! I, I didn't want to stay! I, I feel that power is a thing, it's not necessary to use life to risk it? I, I have something to do, go ahead!"

While talking, Curtis wanted to bugger!

It's just that Jiang Fan didn't stop him at all, but waved his hand with a smile.

"Okay, then you go. By the way, ask who else wants to come."

After saying this, Jiang Fan looked directly at Lu Bu and Sadako!

"This time it's more dangerous, I will give you a boost first!"

"System! Raise the level of Lu Bu and Sadako!"

Along with Jiang Fan's heart, the next moment!


Two whirlwinds of incomparable energy suddenly rose, and went straight to the sky!

That terrifying aura swept across the entire Jiang Mansion in an instant!

System upgrade, upgrade is the pinnacle!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at the two of them almost incredibly!

Fourteen limit!

Jiang Fan obviously didn't do anything, but the two of them had reached the fourteenth level!

Only a trace is the master!

This, this is simply incredible!

Jiang Fan, really has the means to reach the sky!

Jiang Fan nodded in satisfaction.

Zhenzi and Lu Bu are both at level 13 at the moment, and upgrading from 13 to 14 requires each person to spend 30,000 Karma Points!

Add up to 60,000!

Jiang Fan had 80,000 left before. At this moment, after upgrading the two of them, there is basically no money left!

However, the value of the money!

There are two 14th-level extreme powerhouses in charge, undoubtedly adding another layer of insurance to Jiangzhai!

And Curtis is not too surprised!

After all, this is not the first time he has seen Lu Bu sit on a rocket in Jiang Fan's hand to upgrade like a rocket!

He has another idea now!

its not right!

According to his understanding of the master, the master would never make jokes about his life!

Could it be that the master is just scaring people?

That's right! That's definitely it!

Xiaobu and Sadako promoted, that was just a blink of an eye!

The owner is just scaring people!

In fact, there must be no danger at all to increase your strength!

Hehehe, I am as wise as I am!

I'm so~~ smart!

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