"Master! I changed my mind, since I want to gain strength quickly, of course I have to take a certain risk! I have decided, I want strength!"

Curtis looked fearless!

"Oh? Have you thought about it?"

"of course!"

"Don't change your mind?"


"Why don't you think about it again?"

"No need! Master! I must go!"

Curtis looked solemn, and his tone was as if Mount Tai was overwhelming, full of firmness!

"okay then!"

Jiang Fan pondered for a moment, then silently glanced at everyone before speaking solemnly.

"To enhance your strength, it is completely different from Xiaobu Sadako and the others!"

"You need to fight a master-level super power!"

"As long as you can kill him, the strength of each of you will be extremely powerful!"

"But if it fails, everyone will die!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

"Now, I'll ask again for the last time, do you still want to go?"

"Master! Don't test us again! This time, I must go! Especially, since it is so dangerous, as your loyal servant, of course I must serve you!"

The Necromancer waved his hand, and his tone was full of awe-inspiring and almost overflowing loyalty!


I'm not fooled because it's so dangerous!

The master has always been an anti-routine, and this time it will definitely not be an exception!

But I'm still more treacherous!

My heartfelt remarks can not only benefit, but also sell a wave of loyalty!

When the master gives me a boost in a while, it will definitely be more!

You idiots, you don’t know how to shoot flattery, it's so hopeless!

As for fighting a master-level master?

Hehehe, lie to those idiots!

Curtis is triumphant!

I can't help but smile!

And No. 2 and No. 13 were silent for a while, and finally spoke at the same time!

"My lord! We are going!"

As for Long Yan and Yue Jianhan, they just looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

Obviously, except for Curtis, who is thinking about flattering, all the others really want power!

"Very good! Let's set off now!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had already pulled out a golden card!

This thing, surprisingly, is the gold-level item drawn before the second round-the golden trial card!

Golden Trial Card: Alcatraz Island!

Attribute: Special props!

Description: Use this item, you will enter the independent dimension-Alcatraz! Alcatraz will randomly spawn a gold rank strong, kill this strong, you will get a lot of rewards!

Remarks: Users can go there independently or form a team of no more than six people! During the killing process, each person has three chances to resurrect!

Tip: Refresh the strength of the strong has nothing to do with the number or strength of the team! Players can also get a lot of rewards! But those with the gold level will not be able to enter!

As Jiang Fan's servants, Lu Bu and Zhenzi will not be counted in the number.

"System! Use the golden trial card!"

"Ding! Successful use! Please mark the host to enter teammates!"

"Yue Jianhan, Long Yan, Curtis, No.2, No.13!"

"Ding! Marking completed! Transmission started!"

With the sound of the system prompt, the golden trial card suddenly exploded into golden light!

In the next moment, this golden light directly enveloped everyone present!


When Jiang Fan and others opened their eyes again, they had already arrived in a strangely shaped temple!

The whole of the temple is in an extremely repressive black color, with an interior of no less than a thousand square meters, a height of more than 20 meters, and it is supported by dozens of thick stone pillars.

And no matter the ground, the walls, or even the stone pillars, they are all carved with weird reliefs!

If you look carefully, the reliefs are all monsters with ferocious and fierce shapes!

In addition, the interior of the temple is empty, but a statue stands in the very center!

The statue was blood-red, and it exuded a burst of thick blood!

It's just that no matter how hard a few people try to see, they can't see the statue clearly!

The crowd was stunned!

"My lord, what is this place?"

"What a weird temple!"

"What is the statue? How do you feel that the surrounding light is distorted?"

"On earth, is there any place like this?"

Several people looked surprised!

And Curtis's face changed even more, and suddenly he had a bad feeling about his guess!

At this moment, the prompt of the system has suddenly sounded!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for arriving at the Golden Alcatraz Island! The trial object screening begins!"

With the sound of the system's prompt sound, the reliefs in the entire temple began to flicker and go out!

And a drop of blood suddenly condensed on the statue in the temple, slowly floating!

As the light on the relief continued to disappear, in the end only one relief that seemed to be a knight was still glowing!

And the blood bead trembled slightly, suddenly like a streamer, suddenly rushed into the relief!

next moment!


A brutal roar almost instantly spread to everyone's eardrums!

"Ding! Successful selection of trial objects! This time the strongest trial-the headless knight!"

Trial Object: Headless Horseman

Race: Undead

Level: 15

"Ding! System reminder: The Headless Horseman has been spawned in the center of Alcatraz! Killing the Headless Horseman will get a lot of rewards!"

"Ding! System prompt: The host can choose whether to enter the team mode at will!"

"Ding! System prompt: During the killing process, each person has three chances to resurrect!"

"Ding! The system prompts: the kill time is twenty-four hours! If you fail to kill after the time expires, it will be regarded as a failed kill, and the host and teammates will be forcibly recalled!"

"Ding! System reminder: The kill will officially begin in five minutes! Now the countdown begins..."


Jiang Fan spit out a foul breath, and then strode out of the temple!

Suddenly, the outside scene has come into view!

The location of the temple at this moment is on a mountain top, and you can see it when you look around. It is an extremely vast island in the sea!

But under the temple, there is a cloud of smoke, and it seems that only when you go down can you see the landscape.

"Let's go!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand and jumped down!

The others looked at each other and hurriedly followed!

After two minutes, everyone has come to the ground!

However, the sight in front of them shocked everyone!

This is actually a smoky forest!

Do not!

To be precise, it is a dead forest!

The trees here are extremely tall, some even as high as tens of meters!

However, at this moment, these trees are all left with dry trunks, and the trunks are full of a smell of decay!

"What a strong smell of death!"

Curtis exclaimed directly!

"what is that?"

At this moment, Long Yan suddenly pointed to a giant tree in the distance!

The giant tree is hidden in the smoke, it seems to be full of fruit, compared to the rest of the dead wood, it is extremely lush!

Everyone quickly walked forward, but when they saw the giant tree clearly, they all couldn't help but tremble!

I saw that above the giant tree, there was no fruit at all!

It's incredibly hideous, staring at everyone with black eye sockets, countless people's heads!

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