As soon as I saw this picture, everyone's complexion changed!

And Curtis is even cold sweat!

He finally felt that things were different from what he thought!

Only Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes and looked at the giant tree interestingly.

for a long time!

"Curtis, tell me about the Headless Horseman!"

The reason Jiang Fan wanted to bring Curtis was precisely because of his profound knowledge!

The trial powerhouses on Alcatraz are randomly refreshed, and since it is Alcatraz, it must be something related to the devil, so it's perfect to bring Curtis!

"headless rider?"

Curtiston was taken aback!

"Yes! Headless Horseman!"

The headless horseman comes from Irish folk legends of gods and monsters.

Regarding the origin of the legend of the Headless Horseman, it is said that he was a brave knight in his lifetime.

Due to the unfortunate death on the battlefield, the first level was cut off by the enemy, so every night when the moon was black and the wind was high, he would ride a horse that was also an undead in Sleepy Hollow, looking for his lost first level. When he saw someone who looked similar to his own, he would behead his head and bring it back.

In the orthodox Irish folklore, the headless horseman who haunts the Sleepy Hollow usually holds the reins of the black headless horse under his seat with one hand, and holds his head around his waist with the other hand.

His image is described as "face and skin like moldy cheese, with a large mouth and large fly-like eyes, and when he encounters humans, he will pour barrels of blood on them.

In some folktales, his horse, the undead black horse, has a head, an unusually huge head, short ears, and a pair of eyes that burn like flames.

In some other legends, the headless horseman will be accompanied by a group of monsters, such as "Bansi", they ride in a car led by six black horses "Kiste Bodal", the whip used to drive the carriage is The human spinal cord is made.

In addition, the headless knight’s power to speak is extremely limited, and he has only one chance to speak each time he goes out on a tour, and in this only opportunity he will call the dying person’s name and bring his soul. go.

Soon, Curtis explained what he knew about the Headless Horseman.

After listening to Jiang Fan, he fell into deep thought.

And Curtis didn't react until this time!

"Master! Oh, shouldn't it, really want us to kill a grandmaster-level powerhouse? Headless knight?"

The Necromancer suddenly looked at Jiang Fan tremblingly!


Jiang Fan nodded and looked at Curtis seriously.

"I told you already!"


At this moment, the poor and cunning Necromancer was as if he was hit by Pikachu's one hundred thousand volts!

The whole person is scorched outside and tender inside, completely stunned!

He stared at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

"Master, you, don't tease me..."

"Relax, your desire for power overwhelms life and death. As your master, how could I deceive you?"

"No! I, I mean..."

"I understand! I'll let you take the lead in a while!"

"What? Master, I mean..."

Curtis hasn't finished speaking!


A tyrannical roar suddenly sounded from a distance!

And along with the roar, there was a terrifying aura that made everyone tremble all over!

This breath is full of bloodthirsty and tyranny, just like the low blood on the fangs of a fierce beast!

However, what really scares people is not the attributes of this breath, but its strength!

That tsunami-like coercion caused two words to appear in everyone's mind in an instant-Grandmaster!

The real thing, Master!

Curtis two battles, tears came straight down!

Do evil!

I'm so stupid!

Guess the master's mind!

Is this different from guessing what numbers can be drawn by a two-color ball?

Indeed there is!

The two-color ball may be right, but who can guess Jiang Fan's mind!

The soul is pale!

If I can come back again, I will choose Li Bai~~

Curtis circulates this divine song infinitely in his mind!

Not to mention Curtis, the faces of the people on the 2nd group have become extremely difficult to look at!

It's one thing to make up your mind, but it's another thing to really match up!

On the contrary, Yue Jianhan's eyes lit up suddenly, and he even clasped his hand on the sword box with excitement!

Jiang Fan, a cheap disciple, is almost not the same as Jiang Fan in terms of temper, personality or preferences, but only in one point, he is exactly the same as Jiang Fan!

That is the courage to dare to shine the sword no matter who the opponent is!

To put it bluntly, this guy and Jiang Fan are two extremes. Jiang Fan only takes the shot after calculating, and Yue Jianhan doesn't want so much at all. Don't say you can't beat it, just cut it!

And Long Yan's face also showed a trace of hideousness!

After following Jiang Fan for so long, he has already developed a blind trust in Jiang Fan!

What about Grand Master?

As long as Brother Fan speaks, he will do it directly!

The two shot fiercely, and the 2nd and the 13th were immediately encouraged, their eyes gradually indifferent, and all their energy was mobilized, ready to go!

I chose the road myself, and now it’s hard to fight!

Only Curtis looked at Jiang Fan with tears of tears!

"Master, do whatever you say, don't let me die!"


"Stop talking nonsense! There is no layout this time. When he comes, let's do it!"

Jiang Fan said coldly!


Everyone is shocked!

Curtis's nose is about to come out!

Do it directly?

Master, you have this ability, but we don't!

Besides, such an upright confrontation is not at all whether your style is good or not!

But the poor necromancer has no chance to think about it anymore!

Just watch Jiang Fan suddenly took a deep breath, and then suddenly roared!

"get out!!"

Roar like thunder!

It spread all over the forest in an instant!

The roar in the distance suddenly stopped!

Immediately afterwards, as if being completely irritated, he burst out a harsh scream!

At the same time, the ground shook slightly!

It's as if there is some kind of behemoth, rushing wildly towards here!

The tremor on the ground became stronger and stronger, and in the end, it turned out to be like an earthquake!

And with this violent tremor, just behind the giant tree with human heads, a terrifying monster finally slowly emerged from the mist and appeared in front of everyone!


As soon as he saw the other person's look, even Jiang Fan couldn't help but explode!

The first thing that caught everyone's eyes was a black steed that was taller than the Demonized Nightmare Beast!

It's just that the head of this horse is surprisingly big, thick blood is still dripping on its mouth full of fangs, and its two eyes are even more red to make people feel trembling!

And the one who controls this behemoth is a mighty knight wearing a cloak and a Middle-World one-piece mail!

The knight's chain mail joints were covered with sharp and hideous barbs, and it was covered with brown blood!

In his left hand is a huge sword with a pitch black color and a blade length of more than 1.5 meters, while in his right hand is a long whip twisted and twisted by the human spine!

However, like his armor, these two weapons are also stained with brown!

In addition, the most shocking thing is that the knight's neck is actually empty!

He has no head!

With such a sturdy shape and such a terrifying monster, there is no doubt that it is exactly the target of this trial, the headless knight!

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