As soon as this monster showed up, its extremely hideous image had already shocked everyone!

Only Jiang Fan had a glimmer of light in his eyes!

This monster is finally here!

"Who is it! Dare to disturb my long sleep!"

A thunderous roar suddenly burst from the headless knight!

"Huh? Isn't this headless? How can I say something?"

Long Yan looked surprised!

However, he had only spoken, and the headless knight had suddenly turned around, as if he had been locked in!

Long Yan's expression was stagnant, and he felt that his scalp was about to explode for a moment!

But he hasn't waited for him to react!


The ear-piercing scream suddenly sounded!

next moment!


Long Yan's head suddenly rose to the sky!

And until this time, everyone could see clearly that it was the headless knight who threw out his terrifying giant sword and killed Long Yan with a single blow!

Everyone was stunned!

Long Yan, is dead?

Died so easily?

Even Jiang Fan's pupils shrank!

This was his true sense. It was the first time he faced a gold rank powerhouse, but the moment he saw the headless knight took action, he knew that he still underestimated the power of the gold rank!


The giant sword cut off the first level of Long Yan, followed by a roundabout, and has returned to the hands of the headless knight!

And until this time, the rest of the people reacted!


Yue Jianhan suddenly roared, and suddenly opened the sword box!


A three-foot long front rises into the air!

As soon as Yue Jianhan grasped the hilt, his entire popularity skyrocketed!

It can be seen to the naked eye that he has a dozen sword energy around him!

And above the long sword, a silver brilliance faintly lit up!



An incredibly terrifying sword light suddenly split the fog that covered the sky, and suddenly passed by the headless knight!

This move was exactly what Yue Jianhan used to kill the third chief judge in a flash!

With this sword, the fog, dead wood, and even air along the way were actually divided into two!

With only level 12 Yue Jianhan, this sword unexpectedly exploded with almost fourteen levels of terrifying lethality. The name of light splitting is absolutely veritable!

However, the headless knight just raised the black giant sword and waved his backhand!


The lightsaber moves are instantly smashed!

And the terrifying energy carried by the black giant sword burst out, suddenly blasting on Yue Jianhan!


Yue Jianhan looked at Jiang Fan in the distance blankly, the next moment!


This exceptionally talented kendo genius has suddenly exploded into a blood mist!

Everyone just thinks that the scalp is going to explode!

so horrible!

This headless knight is so strong to the point of abnormality!

And seeing Yue see Han's death, even if he knew he would be resurrected, Jiang Fan still felt a pain in his heart!

I can't help it!

But he just took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed this impulse!

But he can hold it back, others can't hold it!

"Oh shit!"

Lu Bu suddenly roared, and suddenly flicked his right hand!

Fang Tian's painted halberd, burning with flames, suddenly appeared!

Immediately afterwards, he already roared, and the halberd burst out with all his strength banged directly at the headless knight!

At the same time, Sadako's eyes turned pale in an instant!

Stare fiercely at the headless knight!

In an instant, there was a terrible wailing in everyone's eardrums!

This move is exactly Sadako's signature skill, Eye of Fear!

Even if the headless knight was hit by Sadako's move, the whole person trembled suddenly!

And the 2nd and 13th also shot at the same time!

With a move from the second player, a waterspout has risen from the ground, slamming the headless knight!

On the 13th, he lifted his hands and joined forcefully!

In an instant, the piercing whistling sound that even the air was torn apart suddenly blasted from the headless knight's body!

It is the ability cutting!

Seeing several attacks will fall on the headless knight at the same time!

At this moment!

The headless horseman's cloak suddenly rose!


Sadako suddenly screamed, and two lines of blood and tears came out of his eyes!

It was the eye of fear, and it was directly cracked by violence!

And then, the giant sword in the head of the headless knight suddenly raised, directly blocking the Fang Tian painted halberd under Lu Bu's bombardment!


A loud noise!

Lu Bu suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood, and the whole person was blown away directly!

But No. 2 and No. 13 trembled!

When the two looked down, they realized that they didn't know when, the bone whip of the headless horseman had suddenly extended and penetrated the hearts of the two directly!


The headless horseman flicked his bone whip!


No. 2 and No. 13 have been directly fried into Man Tian Mi powder!

"It has to be..."

Curtis's scared teeth trembled, and the whole person was blinded!


At this time, the headless knight uttered a roar again, and the bone whip twitched on the mount!

next moment!

The hideous monster he sat down suddenly bounced, and his two front hooves suddenly stepped on Lu Bu who was still in the air!

"Oh shit!"

Lu Bu's eyes were fierce and triumphant, Fang Tian's painted halberd suddenly lifted, actually blocking the monster's step!

But at this moment!


The giant sword in the hands of the headless knight flashed suddenly!

next moment!


Lu Bu's head suddenly flew!

And the headless horseman is already looking sideways at Sadako!

At this moment, Curtis, who was originally scared to death, suddenly got a cruel look in his eyes!

"Cao Nima! Don't move Sadako!"

The necromancer screamed desperately, and his right hand suddenly pressed **** the ground!

next moment!

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless white bone arms suddenly spurted from the ground, and they clung to the four hooves of the war horse!

At the same time, above the head of the headless knight, an extremely complicated pentagram suddenly appeared!

Taboo Summoning!

With the use of this trick, Curtis's skinny body seemed to have been drained, and the flesh and blood disappeared in half in an instant!

And among the five-pointed star formation, suddenly exuded a terrifying aura no less than that of a headless knight!



The center of the five-pointed star array suddenly exploded, and a terrifying giant claw burning with raging flames went directly to the headless knight!

Gold level!

Curtis actually used himself to sacrifice and summoned a golden monster!


The headless knight seemed to raise his body, glanced at the giant claw, and then, his giant sword suddenly waved!


With a soft sound, the giant claw was cut off by a sword!


Suddenly there was a terrible cry in the pentagram array!

And Curtis seemed to have suffered a heavy blow, also wailing!

Visible to the naked eye, the flesh of his body has turned into fly ash in an instant!

"Master... protect Zhen..."

The Necromancer murmured, and the whole person was directly exploded into a ball of bone meal!

In less than ten seconds, Long Yan, Yue Jianhan, No.2, No.3, Lu Bu, Curtis, and Jiang Fan's strongest masters have been completely killed by the headless knight!

The strength of this monster is simply terrifying to a perverted level!

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