God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1269: See if you can still be mad

At the moment, only Jiang Fan and Sadako are still alive!

The headless knight had already clamped his legs and restrained his mount. Then, with his right hand raised, the giant sword was suddenly thrown towards Sadako!

At this moment, Sadako had just been violently broken through the eyes of fear, and his whole body almost completely lost resistance!

She was not the opponent of the headless knight, so she could only wait to die!

At first sight, the giant sword has rubbed her neck with a stern scream!

At this moment!


There was a bang!

It turned out to be a rock-like fist, suddenly appeared, and hit the giant sword fiercely!

The power of this fist was so powerful that it made people feel shocked, and it actually flew the giant sword directly!

It was Jiang Fan, who finally made a move!

It's just that although the giant sword blasted off, Jiang Fan's entire arm was trembling slightly!

Too tough!

It is worthy of being a gold-level powerhouse, and it has reached this level with a single blow!


The giant sword returned to the headless knight in a spinning motion!

This monster seemed to watch Jiang Fan silently for a while before speaking slowly!

"Human, you are very strong!"

"It's much stronger than the few ants just now!"

"But dare to disturb my long sleep, only death can atone for my sins!"

As the headless knight said, the giant sword in his hand suddenly pointed at Jiang Fan!

It is a pity that Jiang Fan just hooked the corner of his mouth!

"You are a wild monster, where is so much nonsense!"

"what did you say?!"

The headless knight was startled!

Then he was furious and suddenly roared!

"Ant! Go to death!"

Accompanied by this roar, the mount under him suddenly jumped up and rushed directly towards Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan casually threw Sadako to the distance, and then rushed towards the headless horseman as well!

The two have come into contact in an instant!

"Hey Lily~!!!"

The black horse that the headless knight sat down suddenly raised his hooves and stepped on Jiang Fan fiercely!

But Jiang Fan did not evade and raised his hand suddenly!

It actually blocked two horseshoes directly!


The moment the hands and hooves collided, Jiang Fan's expression suddenly changed!

Something's wrong!

How could the strength of this horse's hoof be so great?

And at the moment Jiang Fan was shocked, the headless knight had already swung his great sword and slashed at Jiang Fan's neck!

Jiang Fan was blocking the horseshoe with both hands at the moment, and normally he couldn't resist this sword at all!

The headless horseman has even seen the scene of Jiang Fan's head flying!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan suddenly trembled under his ribs, and the next moment, the third arm was already holding the Shuiyu Zimu Sword, which suddenly blocked the headless knight's huge sword!


The headless knight was stunned!

And the next moment!


A storm suddenly pulled up from under his mount, blasting the headless horseman and horse directly into the sky!

Jiang Fan had already squatted down, and the ground under his feet trembled suddenly!

But at the moment Jiang Fan was about to rush to chase the Headless Horseman, his pupils shrank, and his upward momentum suddenly changed. He changed his direction forcibly and rushed forward!

at the same time!


An extremely stern wind broke Jiang Fan's ears and brushed past!

That was the spine whip of the headless knight!

If Jiang Fan had to jump up just now, he would definitely be hit by this bone whip!

It's just that although Jiang Fan escaped the murder, he also lost the best chance to continue chasing the headless horseman!


With a loud noise, the headless horseman has re-drove the horse to the ground!

Then the giant sword rushed towards Jiang Fan again!

Jiang Fan frowned and greeted him again!

The same picture as before appears again!

The horse suddenly raised its hoof and stepped on Jiang Fan, Jiang Fan raised his hand to block again!

However, this time, the strength of the warhorse was even greater, and it slammed Jiang Fan's two calves into the dirt!


The power of this horse is too strong!

Jiang Fan's complexion changed!

But the war horse took advantage of Jiang Fan's stunned moment, opened a big mouth full of fangs, and suddenly bit at Jiang Fan's head!

At the same time, the giant sword in the hands of the headless knight suddenly swung down!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

"Three heads and six arms!"

"Puff puff!"

The complete body with three heads and six arms appeared instantly!

Jiang Fan has already blasted a mental shock directly to the head of the warhorse!

And the moment he held the sword arm blocking the headless knight's great sword, the remaining three arms suddenly turned into three extremely sharp whips, suddenly piercing the warhorse!

Limb alienation!


The war horse roared suddenly, and the whole body stood upright!

But Jiang Fan made a wrong footstep, and he was already under the horse in an instant, and his six arms suddenly charged up, and then suddenly blasted out!

"Boom, boom, boom!!"

Explosive punches resounded through the entire forest in an instant!

Jiang Fan's strength at this moment has long surpassed the fourteenth level, and with the terrifying improvement of three heads and six arms, let alone a mount, even an alloy steel wall, it has to be blasted into iron!

However, no matter how Jiang Fan bombarded, the vigor he played was like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was no wave of waves at all!

And visible to the naked eye, the three wounds that the warhorse had been pierced before, are actually still healing strangely!

This thing actually seems to have an immortal body!

However, when such a strange sight appeared, Jiang Fan's eyes brightened!

Suddenly kicked out, and directly blasted the horse a dozen meters away!


The horse fell to the ground again, and the two front hooves suddenly slashed on the ground, and then the headless horseman rushed up again!

But this time Jiang Fan ticked the corner of his mouth and suddenly raised his hand!



In the next moment, the ferocious demonized nightmare beast has suddenly appeared!

The headless knight on the opposite side was obviously startled!

And the nightmare beast has leaped high and stepped directly on him!

The headless horseman sneered, and the bone whip suddenly flicked!


The nightmare beast that just appeared was suddenly blown into a black mist by the bone whip!

However, the next moment, Hei Mist trembled suddenly, and Jiang Fan who was hiding behind had already roared and hit the headless knight with one head!


The headless knight was unguarded, and Jiang Fan was hit directly under the horse!

At the same time, Jiang Fan suddenly waved again!

An extremely violent storm suddenly blew the horse into the air again!

And at the moment when the two were separated, two gold-grade auras appeared around them at the same time!

One is the headless horseman, and the other is that fierce war horse!

These two monsters are all gold rank!

But Jiang Fan didn't have the slightest surprise, he just looked at the headless horseman mockingly!

"Without the war horse, you can share your strength, I think you can still be mad!"

He roared abruptly, and his aura opened in an instant!

That powerful and unparalleled power fluctuation is no longer under the Headless Horseman!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan had reached the headless knight like a phantom, and the fist full of violent true energy roared, and suddenly blasted the headless knight's chest!

However, seeing that his fist was about to hit him, the headless knight plunged his huge sword into the ground, and then suddenly raised his hand!


A loud noise!

Within a hundred meters of the two of them, the earth was surging, and countless trees were directly exploded into powder!

Even the fog in the sky is suddenly clear!

But when the smoke dissipated, Jiang Fan was shocked to find that the fists of his six arms gathered together were blocked by the headless knight!

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