"Impossible! Obviously the strength has been split..."

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank, and all the pictures in his mind flashed again!

Then his face suddenly sank!

The calculation is wrong!

No wonder that warhorse couldn't hold its thirteenth-level power storm!

It is not that the headless rider enjoys the power of the mount, but the mount is sharing his power!

That horse is indeed a gold rank, but it is only a gold rank!

Its role is just a container!

What it supplies to the headless knight is only its vitality!

In other words, the headless horseman riding a war horse is weak, but its resilience is doubled!

But once he left the horse, his power would increase explosively!

System, you really don't arrange soft persimmons for me!

Jiang Fan murmured in his heart!

All this only took a moment!

The headless knight had already taken advantage of his elbow, and suddenly an elbow hit!

The elbow stroke seemed silent, but Jiang Fan only felt his heart twitch!

The strength of this blow is bound to be surprisingly great!

The key is that the joints of the headless knight's armor are covered with barbs!

Jiang Fan's six arms deformed abruptly, and instantly turned into a metallic shield!

And the headless knight's elbow hit has lightly hit it!


Obviously, the seemingly weak elbow, the moment Jiang Fan hit, unexpectedly broke out with a force that was twice as terrifying as Jiang Fan's previous fist!

In an instant, Jiang Fan was like a small stone, and was directly blown away hundreds of meters away!

The trees and rocks along the way were crushed even more!

Even plowed the ground into two deep trenches!

The power of this monster really broke out!

However, Jiang Fan's defense has already surpassed the fourteenth level, plus the shield formed by the alienation of his limbs, even though he received this blow, he was only slightly injured!

"threw up!"

Jiang Fan slowly climbed up, spit out the mud in his mouth, and then looked at the headless horseman again with some excitement!


The headless knight was startled, never expected that Jiang Fan not only had amazing strength, but also his defenses!

"Human, you really surprised me!"

The headless horseman's voice sounded again!

At the same time, the war horse returned to his side, but the headless horseman did not ride at all. He just lifted the giant sword and assumed a stab pose with both hands.

At this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly felt his scalp numb, almost without even thinking about it, his six arms had been alienated into a shield again!

And the next moment!


A loud noise!

The headless knight had arrived in front of Jiang Fan in an instant, and the giant sword was spewing black flames, and it penetrated the shield in an instant!

Then he drove straight in, and suddenly penetrated Jiang Fan's abdomen!

One sword!

Just a sword!

Jiang Fan's terrifying defense was completely destroyed!

The Headless Horseman is now really serious!

With the giant sword in his body, Jiang Fan only felt that his vitality was boiling, and he was constantly being absorbed by the opponent!

"Oh shit!"

Jiang Fan resisted the severe pain and suddenly roared!

The six arms instantly recovered, and directly turned into six pointed cones, which suddenly pierced the headless knight!



With a scream, the headless knight's left hand swiftly buckled the bone whip around his waist, suddenly raising!

next moment!

Jiang Fan's six pointed cones were directly swept away by the bone whip!

And the headless knight had already kicked Jiang Fan suddenly!


There is another loud noise!

Jiang Fan was forcibly pulled away from the giant sword and flew upside down with a bouquet of blood!

But the headless horseman caught up to Jiang Fan in an instant, and suddenly slashed towards his head while swinging his sword!

However, at such a critical moment, Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

next moment!


Behind the headless knight, a long sword suddenly burst out of the mud, and suddenly shot towards behind him silently!

That was Jiang Fan's Shuiyu Sword and Mother Sword!


Swordsmanship: Use Qi to control the sword and kill the enemy in the air!

Remarks: After learning this skill, the host can volley the sword to kill the enemy! The lethality of Yu Jianshu is equal to the strength of the host itself!

Reminder: The current level can cast a range of 500 meters!

Jiang Fan actually started this trick as early as the moment he was stabbed!

But at this moment!


The headless knight looked like an unknown prophet, and the bone whip had been waiting there for a long time. At this moment, he suddenly flicked the Shuiyu Zimu Sword and flew out!


Jiang Fan's pupils shrank!

Looking at the headless knight's shot, it seems that he has seen his move a long time ago, how is this possible!

Does he have eyes behind his back?

At this moment, the headless knight's giant sword did not stop at all, and it was only a few steps away from Jiang Fan's neck!

However, Jiang Fan suddenly burst into a mental shock at this critical moment of life and death!

At the same time, he hooked his finger even more!

A violent wind suddenly appeared, and it grabbed the headless knight's cloak!

For the mental shock, the headless knight turned a blind eye!

But the cloak was torn, and his body couldn't help but take a while!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's six arms suddenly turned into a shield again!

All this seems to be slow and fast, not even half a second in between!

In such a short period of time, Jiang Fan could think of such a way to save himself, not to mention anything else, this calculation and combat talent alone is already terrifying!


"It's useless!"

The headless knight roared suddenly!

The black flame of the giant sword is more blazing, and it suddenly slashes down!


A loud noise!

Jiang Fan was knocked out directly!

A deep sword mark was left on the shield!

However, this shield is not broken!


The headless knight exclaimed directly, and even forgot to pursue it!

And Jiang Fan has stopped the castration and stood up!

If it's an ordinary state, of course he can't withstand this blow!

Not to mention the shield, even his head has to be smashed by a sword!

But Jiang Fan has another hole card that he got at the same time as Yu Jianshu!

The Diamond Curse from Zhao Linger!

King Kong Mantra: Recite this mantra silently, King Kong is not bad!

Remarks: Learning this skill can temporarily bless twice the defense! The effective time of this skill is three minutes in total, and it can be used for up to three people, but the time consumed by each person is included in the total duration!

Tip: The cooldown of this skill is twelve hours!

Jiang Fan's own defense has reached the level of abnormality, coupled with the strong attributes of body alienation, and the Diamond Curse doubles the full attribute defense, the shield that the three gathered together directly held the sword!

"Damn it!"

The headless knight roared, and he chased him up again with his sword!

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth on the wound on his abdomen, and two fierce rays of light appeared in his eyes!


With a roar, Jiang Fan's six arms merged in threes and threes, and they suddenly turned into two giant hammers covered with barbeds, and then slammed at the headless knight!

"Boom boom boom!"

The two fought a hundred times in an instant, and the violent impact sounded the dust from the ground!

The more the headless knight fought, the more angry this damned human being was so difficult!

He is obviously only level fourteen, but how can he be so strong!


The headless knight roared suddenly!

In an instant, the bone whip in his hand suddenly bounced, ran directly at Jiang Fan's head and shot it over!

Jiang Fan hid sideways, but at this moment!

A black shadow suddenly fell in the sky!

At the same time, a big mouth full of fangs bit his head!

Amazingly it is the war horse!

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