The headless knight didn't know when to recruit the horse, and launched a surprise attack at this time!

It's just that Jiang Fan is not in trouble, his eyes are slightly squinted, and he will burst out of spirit!

But at this moment!


In the eyes of the horse, two black flames suddenly burst out!

Mental defense!

Jiang Fan's complexion changed!

at the same time!


The bone whip that had been pierced to the side suddenly spun, and it directly entangled Jiang Fan's two giant hammers! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

And the giant sword in the hands of the headless knight had already pierced Jiang Fan's heart fiercely!

Limb alienation is only effective on the limbs, but Jiang Fan's body simply cannot withstand the power of the giant sword!

Even with the Diamond Curse, it is the same!

But at this moment!


Suddenly, the Shuiyu Zimu Sword sprang out from the mud at Jiang Fan's feet, directly blocking the tip of the giant sword!


The rage of the headless knight is endless!

This **** human!

How could he be so difficult!

Why can't he die honestly!

However, although Jiang Fan blocked the headless knight, the tusks of the horse had already bitten his left head!

next moment!


Jiang Fan's left head was directly bitten by the horse!


Jiang Fan roared in pain, and the giant hammer entangled in the bone whip suddenly rose, and hit the warhorse's head fiercely!


The horse was smashed into flight by Jiang Fan a full ten meters away!

But the headless knight took the opportunity to be another stab like thunder!


Jiang Fan's lungs were directly pierced by the giant sword!

Moreover, the Headless Horseman is taking advantage of the trend and must divide Jiang Fan into two parts!

However, the giant hammer in Jiang Fan's right hand instantly turned into a pair of pliers, clamping the giant sword tightly!

At the same time, the giant hammer in his left hand suddenly turned into a huge machete, and he slashed directly at the headless knight!

The headless horseman suddenly turned sideways, but at this moment!


A white light suddenly lit up!



Accompanied by a roar of the headless knight, his right arm was cut off by the Shui Yu Zi-Mother Sword, a sword!

This thrilling series of quick battles are almost evenly matched!

With the strength of the fourteenth level and the existence of the grandmaster level to this level, apart from Jiang Fan, I am afraid that there will be no second one!

This is not only because of Jiang Fan's strength, but also because of his ability to adapt to battle!

If the alienation of the limbs can be brought to such an extent, even real parasites can't do it!

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!!!"

The headless knight is simply furious!

Jiang Fan had already reluctantly pulled out the headless knight's right hand with the giant sword!

It's just that as soon as the right hand landed, it flew up strangely, and returned to the headless knight with a "pop"!

This monster actually seems to have an immortal body!

Jiang Fan was startled, his eyes moved suddenly!

But the headless knight roared, and once again raised the giant sword, he was about to rush towards Jiang Fan!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce!

The headless knight trembled all over, then took a step back steeply!

That look is wrong!

Keep going, you will die!

But Jiang Fan suddenly smiled at this moment!

"Fine, I can't kill you now and let you win once!"

"You, what did you say?"

The headless knight was taken aback!

But Jiang Fan opened his mouth with a smile.

"Just kill me!"

It's not in team mode now. Killing the Headless Horseman by himself, Xiaoyue and the others can't get any benefits, there is no need!

Anyway, with three resurrection opportunities, Jiang Fan only wanted to see how powerful the fifteenth level was, and whether he was sure of the frontal bombardment, besides other purposes.

But the Headless Horseman was stunned!

Just when Jiang Fan's expression was ruthless, he even felt the threat of eternal sleep, but now, this powerful and perverted character is looking for death?

"Hurry up, my neck hurts terribly, if you don't kill me, I will kill you!"

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily!



Jiang Fan reappeared and has returned to the temple!

And at this moment, Yue Jianhan, Curtis and others are all exuding a cloud of white light, floating in the air with a dazed expression!

Seeing Jiang Fan appeared, everyone was taken aback!

"Master! You, are you dead too?"

Curtis screamed suddenly!

And as soon as his voice fell, Sadako appeared in the temple in the same state!

Apart from Jiang Fan, no one can hold the headless rider's blow!

Seeing the staff gathered together, Jiang Fan suddenly smiled!

"All resurrected!"


The white light on everyone suddenly disappeared, and they fell to the ground with their feet on the ground!

"what happened?"

"It feels like the flesh is back again!"

"The energy is still there!"

"Re, resurrected?"

"It turns out that my lord still has such a heaven-defying method!"

Everyone was stunned, looking at Jiang Fan in shock!

And Curtis was almost crying with joy!


The rest are equally unhappy!

Adults are really nasty, seeing that he and others are killed, just to resurrect them?

This is too abnormal!

Jiang Fan looked around.

"Do you think I'm abnormal? Deliberately let you bear the fear of death?"

No one spoke, but everyone's expressions were extremely bad!

Seeing that if it weren't for Jiang Fan, I'm afraid it would have been a group fight long ago!

Jiang Fan didn't take it seriously. These guys can put such an expression on his face, obviously they trust him very much, otherwise they are really angry, I'm afraid they will be greeted with smiles!

"On this small island, everyone has three chances to resurrect! This time if you do not die, I am afraid there will be no such chance in the future!"


"Can be resurrected three times?"

"But what kind of opportunity is this?"

"Why do you have to die once?"

The crowd was shocked!

At the same time even more puzzled.

But Jiang Fan smiled and spoke slowly.

"There is a great horror between life and death, born in the heart and manifest in the body!"

As soon as Jiang Fan finished speaking, Yue Jianhan and Long Yan were startled!

The meaning of Jiang Fan, who has thoroughly understood!

The two even closed their eyes, and there was no response except for the surging breath on their bodies!

Jiang Fan nodded in satisfaction, looked at the dazed No.2 and others, and continued to speak.

"This sentence comes from the "Huang Ting Jing". It means that there is something terrifying between life and death. It is produced in the heart and manifested in the outside of the person."

"I let you die just to let you break through this level of fear!"

"Only by facing death, feeling it, and accepting it, can you not fear death in the end!"

"And only if you are not afraid of death, your future road can go longer!"

Everyone was stunned!

Then close your eyes almost at the same time!

They now thoroughly understand Jiang Fan's meaning, using the simplest three words, that is-Heart Slasher!

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