God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1272: The team logo is so popular

What is a heart demon?

All karma on the road of spiritual practice is a demon!

There are many kinds of demons, and everyone is different, but only the last level is exactly the same!

That is a matter of life and death!

Human beings have been close to death since they were born. The fear of death has been rooted in everyone's heart!

This is instinct!

Unchangeable, unsurpassed!

For ordinary people, most people will accept it calmly at the end, and some even sacrifice themselves to save others. This is the demon of life and death!

For the strong, the demons that ordinary people can easily get through are the biggest obstacle to them!

It's as if the richer, the more powerful, and the more afraid of death!

The stronger the power, the more fear of death!

The demons will become more flaming!

Jiang Fan let them face death this time, which is actually putting the cart before the horse, letting them pass the most difficult hurdle on the road of cultivation in advance!

Once this pass has passed, the rest of the road is easy to go!

If they can see through life and death, as long as they have enough talent, their future achievements will be limitless!

Everyone understands this benefit at this moment, so they directly enter the state of sentiment!

Jiang Fan was not in a hurry. Twenty-four hours, now only half an hour has passed!

"Foster father, that headless horseman is a bit difficult to deal with, so let's prepare a strategy later!"

Both Lv Bu and Zhenzi are Jiang Fan's servants, and the system has been appointed!

As long as Jiang Fan does not die, they can live forever!

Moreover, there is no need to work hard at all to improve strength, so it doesn't matter if you don't die!

The system is so unpretentious and boring!

"No, I have basically figured out what's going on with that guy, I will form a team for a while and just stop him!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!


Lu Bu nodded.

Sadako looked at Jiang Fan with some anxiety.

"Brother Jiang Fan, yes, I'm sorry, it was me who pulled my back..."

"Nothing! After all, it is a fifteenth-level gold-level monster. Even me, it is extremely difficult to fight. It is normal that you can't stop him."

Jiang Fan smiled and rubbed Sadako's hair.

And at this moment!


Two breaths rose almost at the same time!

One of them is as sharp as a sword, full of hostility!

The other is both rigid and soft, with a hint of fierceness faintly!

It was Yue Jianhan and Long Yan who woke up at the same time!

Although the two of them had no progress in their skills at this moment, the spirit of the whole person was completely different!

It's as if the stone embryo is broken, revealing the jade inside!


"Brother Fan!"

The two looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

The talents of the two of them are the best under Jiang Fan, or even the top class!

After this time, the future entry will inevitably be thousands of miles away!

As the two woke up, the others gradually woke up!

Just looking at the status, although gaining a lot, it is far inferior to the two Yue Jianhan!

"System! All team up!"

Jiang Fan shouted in a low voice!

At the next moment, a small lunch box logo appeared on everyone's head!

Jiang Fan was a little confused at the time!

It's worthy of the Wanjie takeaway system, this special team logo is so popular!

"Go! Kill that bastard!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand!


The crowd has rushed back to the dead forest again!

Feeling the breath of Jiang Fan and the others, the headless knight who was pressing the huge head tree with one hand, his body trembled suddenly!

He turned slowly, and then spoke in an unbelievable tone.

"You guys are really not dead!"

Jiang Fan was startled slightly.

But the headless knight and his horse suddenly raised their heads, staring at the temple on the top of the mist!

"Damn it! Damn it! If it wasn't..."

After a long time, he suddenly picked up the giant sword!

"Alright, I will let you die again!"

Accompanied by this roar of the headless knight, he has rushed towards Jiang Fan like a phantom!

And Jiang Fan also roared, in full state, and suddenly rushed out!

Seeing that the two are about to knock down together!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan made a mistake and passed by the headless horseman!

The headless horseman was taken aback for a moment, and he couldn't help having a meal at his feet!

But the next moment, he suddenly remembered something and screamed directly!

"Do not!"

But it's too late!

Jiang Fan was already like a stream of light, directly in front of his horse!


A brilliant silver light suddenly flashed!

next moment!


The huge head of the war horse suddenly rose to the sky!

Jiang Fan didn't even attack the headless knight, but beheaded his horse first!

Everyone was stunned!

The headless knight trembled all over!

Only Jiang Fan's smile is extremely happy!

All the resilience of the headless knight comes from the horse, the horse died, and his immortal body has been broken!

"Asshole! Asshole!!!"

The headless knight roared suddenly and rushed towards Jiang Fan like crazy!

And Jiang Fan also gave a grinning laugh, and really rushed towards the headless horseman!

"Boom boom!"

With the two constantly defending, the entire forest is rumbling!

It's as if two nuclear bombs are colliding!

The hurricane blown by the fighting made it impossible for the rest of the people to get close at all!

However, the attack of the Headless Horseman has completely lost its tactics!

The two were evenly matched before, and at the moment the headless knight is in a mess, Jiang Fan is even more at ease!

After the three moves, Jiang Fan's right hand long sword suddenly flicked!


The headless horseman's arms have been flying again!

But this time, as soon as his arm left his body, it turned into a handful of flying ash!

Jiang Fan has already taken advantage of the situation to deceive himself. Under the blessing of the nine-fold Qi Jin of the Great Movement of the Universe, the Wing Chun short hit, like a storm with a terrifying scream, instantly blasted out a hundred blows!


The armor on the headless knight suddenly burst!

It directly exposed a cloud of black mist inside!

And in the black mist, there is actually a black dazzling crystal!

This is the core of life of the headless knight!

As long as this thing is broken, the headless knight is bound to die!

Everyone was sweating, and even the heart was convulsing!

It's too fierce!

Jiang Fan has reached the limit!

The other party is a real master!

However, Jiang Fan didn't have the slightest strength to fight back!

Not as good as a wild dog!

The unreached grandmaster is already so tough, then after becoming a grandmaster, wouldn't Jiang Fan be invincible?

It's no wonder Jiang Fan didn't arrange it. Such strength has already reached the point of breaking cleverness with force!

No layout is needed at all!

Seeing Jiang Fan blasted another punch!

But at this moment!


The core of life in the headless knight suddenly burst into three cracks!

At the same time, a feeling that made Jiang Fan tremble all over suddenly appeared!

He almost retreated involuntarily!

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and they didn't understand why Jiang Fan was going to kill the headless knight, but he just retreated!

And the next moment!

"I can only issue this trick once in my life!"

"However, as long as it can kill you, everything is worth it!"

The headless horseman spoke slowly, and as his voice rang, a blazing black flame ignited above his neck!

It can be seen to the naked eye that a head is taking shape in the black flames!

Jiang Fan's heart trembled suddenly, and his instinct told him that he must never let this head appear!

With a move, Jiang Fan suddenly exploded with all his strength and rushed towards the headless horseman!

But at this moment!

The headless horseman pointed at Jiang Fan with his remaining right hand!

And the head that appeared even used a hateful tone, and spit out two words from the teeth!

"Pull away!"

next moment!

Jiang Fan trembled, and the breath of life in his whole body had suddenly disappeared!


This headless knight actually had a lethal attack!

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