God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1274: Chade Village Viper

What Jiang Fan said was the T virus research and development manuscript of Dr. Asifford!

Dr. Asifford's T virus research and development manuscript: Legendary props!

Note: This manuscript records the development process of T virus in detail!

Instructions for use: When the host gathers at least four "Resident Evil" world bloodlines and obtains at least three or more gold-level monster blood, they can be synthesized into the blood of the ancestor tyrant!

Tip: For every additional bloodline, or gold-level monster blood, the combined power of the tyrant bloodline will be even more terrifying!

Note: The highest level of the synthesized bloodline is-Legendary!

At present, Jiang Fan has the super evolutionary bloodline of T virus and the super violent bloodline of T virus!

Now there are only two T virus bloodlines and two gold monster bloods to synthesize a legendary bloodline!

When the time comes, the strength will inevitably appear extremely terrifying overflight!


Then there is the Headless Horseman Summoning Card!

Headless Horseman Summoning Card: Use this item to summon a headless horseman to assist the host in combat. The headless horseman will exist for half an hour!

The Headless Horseman is a real level 15 monster!

Although it seems vulnerable in front of Jiang Fan, his true strength is absolutely formidable!

One more hole card!

The last item is the headless knight's huge sword that has been completely enveloped by layers of dried blood!

As Jiang Fan picked up this weapon, the blood stains on it suddenly peeled off, directly revealing a black giant sword engraved with weird symbols!

Black Flame Greatsword: Silver Rank!

Sure enough, it is a silver level!

Jiang Fan didn't have the slightest accident!

If the opponent's weapon is really a gold rank, even if it is the sturdiness bonus brought by the alienation of the body, terror can't stop this weapon!

Black Flame Greatsword: Silver Level

Level requirement: Level 10

Attack power: unusually sharp

Attribute: This equipment comes with undead black flames, the host can kill the opponent, or the sword body can pierce the opponent's body, which can continuously extract the vitality of the enemy!

Remarks: The length of the sword is 1.7 meters, the length of the blade is 1.4 meters, and the width is 20 cm. The real murder weapon!

Jiang Fan tried to wave a few times, and nodded in satisfaction.

The props obtained this time are not important, the most important thing is that the strength of his men has ushered in a qualitative change!

For example, Yue Jianhan, even though he was only at level fourteen, with the terrifying power of Jian Xiu, it was absolutely easy to kill the half-step master!

The same is true for Long Yan!

After putting these things away, Jiang Fan immediately waved!

The crowd immediately became active again!

"It's incredible!"

"My lord uses such a method, I think it must be a god-king kind of existence back then!"

"More than that! I think it is the reincarnation of the God of Creation!"

"Your Western theory is too low! In my opinion, it is the sage when Hongmeng was not opened!"

A group of people gossiping!

Jiang Fan shook his head, and threw the core of life to Curtis with his backhand!

"This is the core of life of the headless knight, here it is!"


Curtis exclaimed and hurriedly caught it carefully!

After looking at this thing carefully for a long time, the eyes of the Necromancer suddenly burst out with extremely excited light!

"Great! Great! The things you got before, plus this...hehehe, hahaha!"

"Okay, get ready, go back!"

Jiang Fan said, already silently in his heart!

"System! Back!"


A flower in front of everyone has returned to Jiangzhai!

It was late at night, Jiang Fan called Douglas, threw the demon crystal to him, then went to bed and went to sleep!

at the same time!


Chad Village, 20 kilometers away from the capital of Bangkok!

Unlike Bangkok, which is glamorous in appearance, there are dilapidated houses with mottled walls everywhere, and it is in depression.

However, in the middle of the village, there is a fairly tidy two-story small building. The nearby villagers know that this is the home of the merchant Zhanpeng!

But no one knows that the so-called Champhong has another name, Viper!

The captain of the fourth team of the Holy Light Judgment, Viper!

And this small building is the stronghold of the Holy Light Judgment in Bangkok!

If the line of sight has been offline at this moment, and through the soil tens of meters deep, you can see that the underground scene is completely different from the ground!

The underground space is vast, even larger than the entire village on the ground!

More importantly, it is all made of metal, full of the sense of future technology!

And in an office underground, Viper looked coldly at the subordinate who had just reported the news!

"what did you say?"

"My lord, Med, Med is dead!"


The hard desktop was directly crushed by the viper!

The subordinates trembled in shock!

"When did this happen?"

"Yes, it should be this morning..."

"Asshole! Why didn't you say it earlier!"

The viper suddenly roared!

"My lord! My lord, forgive me! I really can't contact you!"

The subordinate hurriedly said.

Viper left the base today for some reason, and didn't come back until just now.

But when he heard the assistant's words, he was furious!

"Asshole! You mean, this is my fault?"

"Don't dare! Subordinates don't dare!"

He trembled all over!

Vipers are notoriously cruel!

Before joining the organization, he was a fierce role in the trading of living organs!

If you anger him, the whole person will be broken up and sold all over the world!

"Damn! This bunch of trash! That lord has already given an ultimatum! If you can't find the target you need, everyone will die!"

"Alright, I will kill you first!"

Viper's eyes are fierce, and one hand is about to grab his hand!

At this moment!

"My lord, calm down! Med and the others mailed back a package before, which is likely to have something to do with the target!"


Viper had a meal in his hand.

And the subordinates have spoken quickly!

"My lord! In the package is a hair sample, 80% of the subordinates, no! 100% sure, it must be the target person!"

Viper's eyes flickered, and after a long time, he finally slowly retracted his arm.

"Huh! This guy is not worthless, at least he finally found the target! Where did the package get back from?"

"Yes, Los Angeles!"

"Los Angeles?!"

Viper trembled involuntarily!

A sea of ​​fire appeared in my mind!

In the sea of ​​flames, there is an image of a man with a smile on his face, but with extremely harsh methods!

He still remembers the name of that man!

Jiang Fan!

At that time, the Luocheng Yang family hired them to kill Jiang Fan, but in the end, not only a few captains died, but even the first and third judges were also beheaded by the monster!

In a rage, they went to destroy the Yang Family Mansion, but they happened to meet Jiang Fan in the Yang Family!

At that time, Jiang Fan slaughtered a captain in such a fierce manner!

Shocked everyone!

And his image has become a nightmare that everyone present will linger in their entire lives!

The viper shivered fiercely!

His complexion has become extremely ugly!

If the target person is in Los Angeles, then...

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