"My lord, you, what's the matter with you?"

The subordinate asked cautiously.

But the Viper suddenly roared!

"Asshole! Why is it Los Angeles! It's impossible to search again in such a short period of time!"

"But when I went to Los Angeles, it was obviously looking for death!"

"That monster... don't say it's the trash from Mede! Even if it's me, I won't live long if I go!"

"Asshole! Asshole!"

The blue veins on Med's forehead violently!

The big man above has not given him much time, and now it is too late to send people to find new goals!

And to go to Los Angeles, it is even more to die!

Could it be that I am going to apologize with death?

Mede clenched his fist tightly, his heart was full of fear!

At this moment!

"Big, sir..."

Suddenly, his men spoke cautiously.

"Fart, let it go!"

The viper suddenly roared!

"Yes, yes! My lord, since it's too late for us to search again, and we can't go to Los Angeles, why don't we think of a separate way?"

"What else can be done!"

"My lord, have you forgotten the role of our base?"

Please smile!

Viper was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes lit up!


"Yeah! If, I mean, if, if we clone the target and give it to it as a genuine..."


Viper's heart beats!

"This, I'm afraid it won't work, clones are just a pile of dead flesh, simply..."

"My lord, we can say that there was an accident! When the time comes, we will only say that the target has become a vegetative... huh!"

The subordinate smiled.

The viper was silent!

for a long time!

"Hehe, hehe, hahaha! Not bad! In this way, you can deal with the devil without having to face the devil, good! Very good! Just do it!"

"That group of idiots have to have children born at 6:6 on the sixth day of June, but in fact, what is the difference?"

"Huh! Clones are humans too! DNA is all exactly the same! Could anything go wrong?"

"You go to do this now! After it's done, all relevant operators..."

As the Viper said, his eyes were fierce!

"Yes! Subordinates understand!"

The subordinates agreed, turned and left!



Jiang Fan stayed asleep until three poles in the sun.

After getting up to wash, he went straight to the old house of the Jiang family.

The plane is scheduled to leave in the afternoon, so it will be daytime to arrive at the destination.

However, before leaving, it was an accident that he had to let Uncle Zhong return to Jiangzhai to sit down and let others stare at the project here.

Soon, Jiang Fan has rushed to the Jiang family's old house!

The progress of the project here is almost the same every day, and it has only been two days since the last time I came here. It has been built and it seems to be completed sooner than expected!

At this moment, Uncle Zhong was patrolling around with a helmet, and seeing Jiang Fan coming over, he immediately greeted him.


"Well, I am leaving in the afternoon. You can go back to Jiangzhai during this time!"

"But Master, now is the critical moment of reconstruction. If I am not here, the progress of the project might be..."

"No hurry for these few days! Although the Zhou family has just been sent, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not come again. Also, the Song family is not a good bird. Although I gave Song Minghe a week, will this **** be any small The abacus is also uncertain, in case you are caught alone, and I am not at home, the rest of the people can't control the situation!"

Jiang Fan quickly analyzed the pros and cons.

Uncle Zhong groaned for a moment and nodded immediately.

"I understand the young master, well, it's a pity that it will be a few more days before the Jiang family can be rebuilt!"

"Hehe, there are talents and homes!"

Jiang Fan smiled and patted Uncle Zhong on the shoulder.

Uncle Zhong was startled, and then he also smiled.

"What the young master said is, then I'll go back as soon as I order."


Jiang Fan nodded, ready to continue to run two more orders!

But at this moment!

"Ding Dong!"

The phone WeChat rang suddenly!

Jiang Fan took a look, and it turned out that Murong Cui was in Aite himself in the class group!

Scrolling up the news, he was taken aback!

It turned out that a piece of news was posted in the group before.

"Surprised! More than 20 people in Xiaozhou were hospitalized for eating Uncle Zhong's chicken soup!"

Jiang Fan frowned and clicked on the news.

Suddenly, the familiar marketing account smells rushing to the face!

"As we all know, Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup is a trendy diet that has been popular in China recently, and many friends like it..."

"But yesterday, more than 20 people in Xiaozhou were hospitalized for eating Uncle Zhong's chicken soup. What's the matter? Please find out with me, friends!"

"... It turns out that these twenty-odd people are not eating the real Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup, but the copycat version of Uncle Suffering's Chicken Soup!"

"...Alright! That's all for today's video. If you have any interesting things, please share with me~~"

Comment below:

"Is the editor my parents dead?"

"Scared me to death! The copycat said Nima! Still under the name of Uncle Zhong Chicken Soup!"

"Now these **** marketing accounts have no bottom line for traffic!"

"I bought a watch, I spilled my pants on my new Uncle Zhong's chicken soup!"


Just watching this video, Jiang Fan's brows gradually frowned. For no reason, he suddenly smelled a strong scent of conspiracy!

He opened several news software and started to inquire one by one!

Although there is no news about Uncle Zhong's chicken soup on mainstream software, even if there is, it is in the financial category, but there are a lot of gossips on various marketing accounts!

The current official accounts and marketing accounts are all slaves of capital. They can tell lies for money, and dare to say anything!

They are a weather vane. Once the exposure of certain people or companies increases, there are only two possibilities!

Either it is to fire!

Either, it's bad luck!

Watching this video about Uncle Zhong’s Chicken Soup and the speeches of a few big Vs is definitely not a hot rhythm!

Interesting, it seems that some people are greedy for Uncle Zhong's chicken soup industry!

However, there are Uncle Zhong Chicken Soup and Bai Xia at the helm, and Uncle Zhong is behind the scenes to make suggestions. If you want to deal with it, hehe, I'm afraid it will be difficult!

But Murongcui is really smart, so he is so deliberately Aite himself, can he see anything?

Although the third class is a headache, there are indeed a lot of talents.

Jiang Fan thought for a while, and forwarded this video to Bai Xia.

Riding in the car again, Jiang Fan has left the Jiang family's old house!

Time is running out, cherish it!

Just arrived at the food court!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

At this moment, the system prompt suddenly sounded!

"There is a man who has all the wealth, fame and power in the world!"

"A word he said before his death made people all over the world rush to the sea!"

"——Do you want my treasure? Get it if you want it! I put everything in the world there!"

"With these words, this world ushered in the most magnificent era of great pirates in history!"


It's actually this world!

Jiang Fan squeezed his fist tightly!

But the system's prompts are still going on!

"The one who said this is the Pirate King——Gorud Roger!"

"And our story originated from a very small town..."

"Ding! Please give Lu Fei a piece of Wangzai QQ candy!"

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