God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1278: The mystery of the broken arm

Shanks in this period is indeed not strong, but only relative to Jiang Fan!

The smell of Shanks that I felt just now has definitely surpassed level 13!

Although the King of Offshore is powerful, his breath is only level ten!

Tenth level bite off the thirteenth level arm?

What a joke!

Shanks can blast it into dregs with one hand!

But since that's the case, how could Shanks' arm disappear?

Jiang Fan's thoughts changed, and then his complexion suddenly changed!

"Damn it!"

Jiang Fan roared suddenly, then jumped up suddenly, and then stepped on the surface of the sea, the streamer generally chased Shanks!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

"He, he actually runs on the surface of the sea?!"

"What a joke!"

"It's too exaggerated!"

"Big Brother! There must be a limit to being tough!"

"So tough, this guy shouldn't be an amateur deliverer, is he actually an admiral?"

A group of people looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

At this moment, Shanks had already swam to Luffy's side, and then dragged him out of the sea!

At the same time, the red-eyed King of the Sea also looked at them suddenly!

"Heh, don't you want me to eat it?"

Shanks smiled slightly and raised his left hand!

The king of the sea is about to be killed!

At this moment!


Jiang Fan's roar suddenly sounded like thunder!

Shanks subconsciously turned sideways slightly!

next moment!


A black shadow suddenly sprang up from under the sea, passing by Shanks' left arm!


Splashing blood!

Shanks' left arm has risen to the sky!


Shanks snorted in pain!

And the black shadow has rushed to Shanks again and rushed up!

"Damn it!"

Shanks' pupils shrank!

too fast!

Can't avoid it at all!

The point is, he doesn't even know what that thing is!

Seeing, the two are about to die!

At this moment!


A big hand suddenly grabbed Shanks by the collar and threw him out!

It's Jiang Fan!

However, after Shanks was thrown away, Jiang Fan was completely exposed to the dark shadow!

The black shadow is faster, and suddenly rushes towards Jiang Fan!

But Jiang Fan just had a fierce look in his eyes, and he had already punched him up!


A loud and deafening noise!

The whole sea trembled suddenly!

There was even a roar under the sea!

The pupils of Shanks who were thrown high suddenly shrank!

What the **** is that, but the roar is filled with a tyrannical and terrifying aura!

Hearing this sound, the original eyes were red, and the king of the sea, who seemed to have lost his mind, suddenly trembled. Then, like a frightened rabbit, he swam quickly and hid directly behind Jiang Fan!

It turns out that the King of the Seas was not a ferocious cannibalism just now, it was just frightened, and then it attacked indiscriminately!

It's just that Jiang Fan's face didn't show the slightest surprise!

In the original plot, Shanks, one of the four emperors, was actually bitten off an arm by the king of the sea, who is not even a small character like the sea king, which seemed to be a joke at first!

And just now, Jiang Fan confirmed this even more through his breath judgment!

This is something that shouldn't happen anyway!

Now, everything is finally explained!

That is, in this sea area, in addition to the king of the sea, there is also a monster!


Shanks fell to the surface again!

And Jiang Fan hooked his finger, and a whirlwind suddenly rose under him, directly dragging him and Luffy to the surface!

Shanks was surprised!

Wind control? !

In addition to the extremely powerful swordsmanship, is Jiang Fan the owner of the Devil Fruit?

But these are not the time to ask for the time being!

"Sir, what the **** is that?"

"Just call me Jiang Fan. As for what it is, we will know it right away!"

Accompanied by Jiang Fan's solemn tone sounded!

The sea trembled suddenly!

Then, as if there was a tsunami, the entire sea level began to rise slowly!

It stops until it reaches a full height of tens of meters!



As the water separated, a monster that shocked everyone, finally surfaced!

In Jiang Fan's memory, the largest creature in the modern ocean is the blue whale, which can reach more than 30 meters in length!

It's as high as ten stories!

But the monster on the opposite side, just the height at which it emerged from the sea, has already exceeded this number!

This thing is completely black, with a steel-like luster!

It has sixteen blood-colored eyes that are much larger than a house, and a huge mouth full of sharp teeth is even enough to swallow a building!

And its body is actually covered with countless tentacles!

Those tentacles are big and small, the big ones are as thick as a giant tree, and the small ones are as thick as one person!

These tentacles are all over tens of meters in length, and some are even hundreds of meters long!

And the front of the tentacles were all mouths full of fangs!

It was these things that attacked Shanks and broke his arm just now!

The key is that the aura on this monster is really terrifying!

It was a completely tyrannical atmosphere that was irrational at all!

There is nothing but the desire to kill and eat!

"My goodness……"

"Which, what is this?"

"Neptune class! Really true Neptune class!"

"But shouldn't the sea kings all be in the windless zone? Why do they appear here!"

"It's terrible! Our town is about to die!"

"Navy! Go call the navy!"

The crowd on the shore was about to collapse!

Even Shanks was stunned!

It's not that he has never seen a sea king, but it is the first time he has encountered such a terrifying sea king!

Even Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes slightly!

The breath of this monster is too strong, others can only feel it is strong, but they don't know how strong it is!

Only Jiang Fan knew that the sea king in front of him was actually a gold class!

The fifteenth level of gold!

No wonder Shanks lost a hand!

In front of such a monster, just losing an arm is already strong enough!


Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Fan had already spoken coldly!

"Shanks, take Luffy to the shore!"

"how about you?"


Jiang Fan turned his head and suddenly smiled at the two of them!

"Of course I want to kill it!"


The hearts of the two were shocked!

And Jiang Fan had already roared, and suddenly rose to the sky!

Charged directly at the monster!

Shanks and Luffy both looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

Jiang Fan at this moment is simply domineering!

The indomitable image is even more like a soldering iron, already deeply in their minds!

"Jiang Fan..."

Shanks suddenly turned around, and then directly led Luffy to swim to the shore without looking back!

Once, when he targeted Gao Lude Roger, he almost fell into disrepair after learning that the other party had been executed!

And now, on Jiang Fan, he saw the goal again! I saw the direction even more!

Can't waste time anymore!

I want to set sail again!

Jiang Fan, you are so strong, you will definitely go to that place, right?

Wait, wait for me!

The end of the world, Shanks, must be there before you!

At the moment Shanks made up his mind, there was a trace of black light on his body!

That, it is unique to this world, really belongs to Shanks, domineering!

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