God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1279: Fight like walking a dog

"Shanks, your hand...wow, woohoo..."

At this moment, Luffy finally saw Shanks's severed hand and burst into tears!

"It's okay, it's just a hand! Thank you, thank you for standing up for us before..."

Shanks smiled and headed toward the shore faster!

At this moment, Jiang Fan was already like a meteor, smashing the sea monster fiercely!


The sea monster roared abruptly, a dozen tentacles bounced, and with a terrifying scream, they suddenly blasted towards Jiang Fan!

The human being rushed made it feel an inexplicable irritability, and it just wanted to destroy the existence that made it uncomfortable!

Seeing more than a dozen tentacles booming, Jiang Fan just smiled coldly!

While his body was flashing, he hit the thickest tentacle with a fierce punch and blasted it up!


A loud noise!

Unexpectedly, even though the tentacles were trembling with Jiang Fan's terrifying force, they didn't even break the skin!

Instead, Jiang Fan's attack directly angered this monster!

The sea monster roared, and more tentacles bounced up, like a big net covering the sky and the sun, suddenly covering Jiang Fan!

The crowds on the shore were scared to see it!

If such an attack falls on the town, the entire town will be destroyed in an instant!

Jiang Fan, can you hold it?

Seeing countless tentacles attacking, Jiang Fan seemed to be prepared!

With a flash of light, a strange flying machine appeared under his feet!

Demon flying machine!

Demon Aircraft (Bronze): Flying equipment!

Level requirement: Level 9!

Maximum speed: 500 km/h!

Load: 200 kg!

Weapon load: 4 micro missiles! 2 impact blades!

Remarks: This equipment can only be manipulated manually due to the lack of green magic armor and brain collocation!

At the moment when the tentacles were about to envelop him, he was already flying into the sky!

These tentacles are no more than a few hundred meters long, and soon collapsed to their limit!

The sea monster couldn't catch Jiang Fan, so he could only stop!

But just when the tentacles retracted!

"Swish swish swish!"

A series of four screams suddenly sounded!

In the next moment, the four miniature missiles had already hit the sea monster extremely fast!


For a moment, the smoke and dust filled the sea monster's entire body almost covered by gunpowder smoke!

It's a pity that the attack power of these missiles is too low, not only did not harm the sea monster, but completely angered it!


The sea monster roared suddenly!

In an instant, the gunpowder smoke was blown away by its roar!

And the sea monsters had blinked those sixteen huge eyeballs, and began to catch Jiang Fan's trail!

It's a pity that after watching it for a long time, it realized that Jiang Fan was missing!

"Look for me?"

At this moment!

Jiang Fan unexpectedly appeared directly across from an eye of the sea monster!

It turned out that the missile just now was just a feint, and he had already fallen on the monster with the help of the smoke to converge his breath!

At first sight of Jiang Fan, the sea monster was furious, suddenly raised its tentacles, and blasted him desperately!

It is a pity that this monster has forgotten that Jiang Fan is just sticking to its eyes at this moment!

Seeing the tentacles hit, Jiang Fan smiled, his feet moved suddenly!

next moment!


The sea monster suddenly let out a deafening cry!

The one just now was directly pierced by its own tentacles!

The sea monster roared desperately in pain, and Jiang Fan had already appeared in front of its other eye!

The sea monster hates Jiang Fan to death, and what he ignores is another poke!


The roar of ecstasy sounded again!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan was like a play idiot, constantly sprinting around the sea monster, and the sea monster was so stupid that it could not be described. While screaming in pain, he madly made holes in his body!

The group of people on the shore was completely dumbfounded!

Facing such a terrifying monster, Jiang Fan felt like walking a dog!

According to this situation, it won't take long for the sea monster to poke himself to death!

"This, this monster is too stupid!"

"Yeah! Even though it is extremely powerful, but he has no brains!"

"Hahaha, Jiang Fan is really smart, he can think of this way!"

"If you encounter the same monster in the future, just walk like this!"

The crowd was so excited that they spoke!


"No! Jiang Fan can do this, we can't!"

Shanks' voice suddenly sounded!

It turned out that he had brought Luffy back to the shore!

"Why not? This monster looks stupid and stupid, not very strong!"

One of the crew members spoke.

But Shanks just shook his head, looking at Jiang Fan's eyes full of fighting spirit!

"You are wrong, the monster is only because the opponent is Jiang Fan, so it looks stupid and slow, but if we go up, I am afraid it will be torn apart by its tentacles in an instant!"

"Moreover, this monster is definitely not stupid. Look carefully and see Jiang Fan's movements!"

Everyone was taken aback, and suddenly looked at Jiang Fan intently!

"Oh my God!"

"This this--"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically!

Before, they thought it was the sea monster who poke holes in themselves, but now they took a closer look and found that it was not like that at all!

At this moment, another tentacle stabbed Jiang Fan!

Seeing that the tentacles were in front of him, Jiang Fan was slightly sideways!

And the tentacles obviously made a motion that is about to stop!

Obviously, although this monster is huge, it has extremely flexible control over its limbs, and it won't hit itself at all!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan hugged the tentacles flexibly, and then swung it down!

At this moment, the tentacles are in a stage where the old strength is still unabated, and their self-respect is extremely exaggerated. With this flick of Jiang Fan, the tentacles not only did not stop, but moved down faster!


The tentacles have penetrated deeply into the monster body!

"It turned out to be like this!"

"Too, too exaggerated!"

"It is ridiculous that we thought it was a monster stupid at first!"

"Jiang Fan is too tough! No! It's just terrifying!"

The crowd exclaimed, their faces shocked!

And Shanks still shook his head!

"What's more terrifying is his reaction ability! There is only a momentary opportunity in the middle, and there is more than one tentacle attacking him, but every time, Jiang Fan can actually seize the opportunity to make a shot. This is not only based on strength alone. If you can do it, you must have super powerful computing power!"

"Jiang Fan! It's terrible!"

"This guy is even more terrifying than a general of the Navy!"

The light in Shanks' eyes shone brighter!

too strong!

When he thinks that his goal is such a terrible person, he is shaking with excitement!

Jiang Fan!

I must surpass you!

And Luffy just stared at Jiang Fan blankly, and in his eyes, a little light was slowly appearing!


There was another explosion!

Only three of the sixteen eyes of this huge sea monster were left!

The whole body is full of countless scars, dripping with blood!

Now, this monster dare not attack Jiang Fan anymore!

Even in the eyes, the **** red color began to fade away!

too frightening!

This human being is too strong!

I can't fight anymore, I'll die!

Will definitely die!

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