"My lord, what do you mean?"

The number two looked at Jiang Fan in confusion.

"How many enemies does the Sword of Thorns have?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly.

"At the moment, the people on this island are basically enemies!"

Number Two spoke up.


Jiang Fan nodded.

"Under normal circumstances, no one will casually take a shot at a grandmaster level, but if this grandmaster is injured, and it is seriously injured, what will other people do?"

As soon as Jiang Fan's question came out, the other people's complexions suddenly changed, and they had completely understood it!

"If I were from another force, I would definitely take the opportunity to eliminate such an opponent!"

"Not only, but also take the opportunity to erase his team directly!"

"After all, the fewer competitors, the higher the success rate!"

The crowd spoke!

And Jiang Fan's face is getting colder!

"That's right! That's why he has to avoid other people. He doesn't even dare to return to the hotel, let alone show up!"

"He was afraid that others would discover that he was seriously injured and would take the opportunity to kill him!"

"Field's injury is probably more serious than Fiona said!"

Everyone trembled!

They know the strength of the Grand Master too!

At that time, the headless knights only took a few seconds to kill them all!

There is no room to fight back!

Without Jiang Fan, even if they were given a hundred chances to resurrect, the final outcome would not change in any way!

However, the existence of a headless knight at the same level as Field was actually injured by the "dust" so that he did not even dare to show his face!

The opponent's strength is almost equal to Jiang Fan!

It is hard to imagine that in the fourteenth level, besides Jiang Fan, there is actually such a monster!

"My lord, then we..."

"Go to Field!"

Jiang Fan opened the window and suddenly jumped down!

The seven-story building was several tens of meters away from the ground, but when Jiang Fan fell, he didn't even leave half a footprint!

Soon, several people had found a car, and then rushed directly to the west of the city.

In the west of the city, close to the coast, there was a patchwork of residential areas. Jiang Fan and others arrived at the door of a private house not long after according to the address.

Jiang Fan didn't delay and pushed in directly!

However, as soon as the door was opened, a fist banged towards Jiang Fan's door silently!

Looking at the opponent's shot, the destructive power of this punch is at least the fourteenth peak!

But Jiang Fan just stretched out his right hand and flicked his fingers!


A slight sonic boom sounded, and the other party exclaimed, steeply and then took three steps back!

And number two has spoken quickly!

"Baylor! It's us!"


The other party was taken aback, and No. 2 had quickly taken off the mask!

Just as soon as he saw Number Two, a trace of dissatisfaction appeared on Baylor's face!

"Have you made a mistake? With your fourteenth-level elementary strength, coming here is simply looking for death! Why would Lord Isaac let you come?"

The contempt in Baylor's tone is unconcealed!

The faces of the people on the 2nd suddenly sank!

But before they could speak, a deep voice suddenly sounded in the room.

"Baylor, you are wrong, I am afraid that any of these people is better than you!"


Baylor was taken aback!

Jiang Fan had already stomped lightly, and slowly spoke to the ground.

"Little guy, if you don't come out again, don't blame me for trampling you to death!"

Everyone was taken aback!

But the next moment, the ground under everyone's feet was suddenly distorted!

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful woman with a curvy body and a leather jacket slowly floated from the ground!

It's just that the woman is shocked all over her face at this moment!

She is a real half-step master!

Especially because of her ability, the ability to hide and hide is extremely outstanding, but Jiang Fan found her at a glance!

Who is this person?

In the room, that voice has sounded again!

"Baylor, Jessica, please invite Master Jiang Fan in!"


"He is Jiang Fan?"

"The sixth Lord of Thorns?!"

Both of them changed their faces!

Jiang Fan had already taken off his mask and waved his hand with a smile.

So handsome!

Jessica was stunned!

Then he almost involuntarily turned his body sideways and bowed his head to Jiang Fan.

Belle hesitated for a moment, thinking of the power of Jiang Fan's finger just now, he bowed his head!

Jiang Fan didn't speak, and strode into the living room!

As soon as he entered, he saw a well-proportioned middle-aged man with a beard. This man was one of the Lords of Thorns, Field!

It's just that Field at this moment is different from what Jiang Fan had seen before. He was lying on the sofa with a pale face. He described it as a withered lion, full of lifelessness!

Jiang Fan frowned, stepped forward, and directly clasped Field's wrist.

"Asshole! What are you doing!"

As soon as Baylor's complexion changed, he was about to step forward!


"Boy, pay attention to your tone!"

One hand of No. 2 suddenly rested on Baylor's shoulder!

For a moment, Baylor only felt that his scalp was about to explode!

He had a hunch that if he had any actions that he shouldn't have, or if he dared to say a word that was disrespectful to Jiang Fan, he would definitely die!

Damn it!

When did the strength of No. 2 become so terrifying?

Baylor was wet with cold sweat in an instant!

And Jiang Fan was clasping Field's wrist at this moment, and he had slowly closed his eyes!

for a long time!


Jiang Fan let out a suffocating breath, his eyes were very strange.

"Field, you are really amazing, you are not dead yet!"

Jiang Fan said this as if cursing, but Field actually smiled.

"Luck, I was fortunate enough to be buried with ninjutsu in my body by an adult, so I can survive until now!"


Long Yan exclaimed directly!

"Have you heard of it?"

Jiang Fan looked curious, and the others were also blank.

"Yes! Ninja technique is a secret technique that can only be mastered by the top berserkers. Once trained, even if the heart is crushed, you can continue to fight! But there are very few that can be practiced, and it can be buried in others. There is nothing in the body!"

After Long Yan's explanation, everyone looked shocked!

Jiang Fan nodded.

"No wonder, your entire right lung has almost completely disappeared, and your intestines are missing a bit. Such injuries can still survive. It turns out that it is because of ninjutsu!"


Baylor and Jessica exclaimed suddenly!

They only thought that Field was injured internally, but they didn't expect it to be so serious!

But Field just waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter, I have less than 24 hours of ninjutsu, and I will hurry up and use this time to send you to the ruins!"

"What about after it is sent there?"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke.

Field was taken aback.

"All the distances are counted, your injury will never resist returning to the headquarters...you will die!"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly.

The others were shocked.

"My lord! Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"Now back to the headquarters, just enter the training tank, and it will definitely recover!"

"Yes! Can't drag anymore!"

Baylor and Jessica hurriedly spoke!

But Field was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled indifferently.

"No, Isaac-sama is kind to me. That thing is too important to him. It doesn't matter if I die, I must create opportunities for you!"

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes and looked at Field carefully for a long time before he spoke.

"Tell me how you got hurt first, and I'll talk about other things later!"

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