The expressions of the three of Field changed as soon as Jiang Fan spoke.

"Yes, it was the dust that caused the trouble first, adults can't see it..."

Baylor hurriedly spoke.

But Jiang Fan's eyes were harsh.

"To shut up!"

Baylor trembled all over, and his heart was cold for no reason, and he just closed his mouth!

And Field stared at Baylor sullenly, then sighed and began to tell.

This matter is blunt, or they deserve it!

When Field came here, he also left Baylor downstairs to observe other forces.

But Baylor is obviously used to publicity. At the headquarters, everyone knows that he is Field's subordinate, so they give him some face, but who can come here is not a strong one?

Yesterday morning, Baylor was boring downstairs. At this moment, a man wearing a clown mask suddenly walked in.

Naturally, many people pay attention to this kind of weird guy.

However, the breath of the dust was extremely weird, and it made everyone feel inaccurate.

Two women from a certain small power felt it was an opportunity, so they wanted to win over the dust.

However, Chen directly sent them the word "get off".

Normally, things would end here, but Baylor had been panicking in the past two days, deliberately pretending to be coercive in front of the two women, and immediately stopped the dust.

However, he was arrogant, but the dust was even more mad. The two didn't say a word, and the dust sent him directly with two big mouths!

Baylor resented, and it happened that Field went downstairs to have breakfast, and he immediately made a fuss in front of Field.

Baylor knew what **** Field was all about!

But after all, the face of the sword of thorns was involved, so he still worked on the dust.

According to Field's idea, smoking a few big mouths is over, who knows that although the dust has not reached the fifteenth level, the strength is beyond imagination!

After a few tricks between the two, Field directly became murderous!

Keeping such people into the ruins is definitely a hidden danger of the Sword of Thorns!

It's a pity to feel the killing intent, but the dust first made a killer move!

Field only saw him pointing at himself, and at that moment, he actually had a feeling that his internal organs were burning!

Feld knew that he was bad, and under the outbreak, he finally wounded the dust!

The dust retreated, and Field proudly returned to the room!

Just when he went back, he spewed out a mouthful of dust, and the Ninja Technique was already passively activated!

The terrified Field hurriedly reported to the organization while fleeing to hide in Xicheng District.

After listening to Field's account, Jiang Fan suddenly shook his head.

No wonder Isaac had to win him over!

The strength of the sword of thorns is indeed okay, but these powerhouses are not the material to do great things at all!

The brain is simply a decoration!

The current situation on the Bermuda Islands is so complicated, not to mention the vertical and horizontal, it is extremely unwise to expose the strength in full view, and it is extremely stupid to try to cause trouble!

But saying this would be too hurtful, Jiang Fan suppressed his anger and just spoke lightly.

"I see, Jessica stays, Baylor, you take Field back to headquarters!"


Field sat up suddenly!

"No! Although your strength is enough to enter the ruins, if there is no master's protection on the journey to the ruins, those opponents will definitely not let you go! Although I was seriously injured, I still had two full shots..."

Before Field finished speaking, Jiang Fan suddenly punched him in the head and blasted him up!


A muffled sound!

Field was stunned by Jiang Fan's punch!

Baylor and Jessica looked dumbfounded!


With just a punch, Field was knocked out by Jiang Fan!

Field is a master!

This new Lord of Thorns is so powerful!

"Don't be stunned, take him away quickly!"

"But, sir, Isaac-sama has an order to let us enter the ruins with you..."

Jessica spoke hurriedly.

"I don't trust you!"

Jiang Fan directly dispelled all thoughts of the two of them!

"this is!"

The two reluctantly agreed, and immediately took Field out of the room and directly boarded a yacht on the shore.

Seeing the yacht disappeared, Jiang Fan took out the ring of thorns and turned it slowly.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

Opening the door on the 13th, a sloppy middle-aged man dressed as a fisherman walked in quickly.

This man is the spy who stayed on the Bermuda Islands with the Sword of Thorns!

"grown ups!"

Mr. Fisherman bowed respectfully to several people.

Then he said solemnly.

"My lord, please show me the token!"

Jiang Fan brightened the ring directly!

"Lord Lord!"

The fisherman knelt on one knee and saluted solemnly!

"Get up, report the specific situation on the island!"


The fisherman spoke immediately.

"There are currently seven large-scale forces. In addition to our sword of thorns, there are also Solomon's Key, Huaxia Dragon Team, Bright Council, Dark Council, Dongying Igaryu, and Citigroup's Super Power Team."

"These large forces are based in several large hotels in Hamilton. Each of these forces has a fifteenth-level master leader. They are our biggest opponents at the moment!"

"And there are many smaller forces that are less inferior, such as China's Shadow Alliance, the sickle of one of the three European assassin organizations, the world's fourth mercenary team Amazon Blade..."

"Besides, as of this morning, several powerful solo travelers have arrived, including Archibald the Hell Fang, Schmidt the Sea Shuttler, and Duntecha, the master of descending head... these people are all The veteran fourteenth-level extreme powerhouse, some people's methods are not inferior to the newly promoted grandmaster."

Jiang Fan's brows gradually frowned, and it seemed that the situation on the island was more complicated than he thought!

He closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time before speaking slowly.

"Anything else that needs attention?"

The fisherman thought for a while and finally spoke.

"Yes! Your lord, a young master of the Arthur family is currently on vacation here. He is accompanied by Jaheris, one of the Twelve Knights of the Round Table. If you don't have to, you'd better not conflict with him!"

"Arthur? The sword in the stone?"

Jiang Fan was startled slightly.

"Yes, it is the family!"

The fisherman spoke seriously.

"Okay, I remember, your mission here is over, go back to the headquarters to report on your work! Oh, yes, first go to Isaac's secretary, Miss Fiona, she knows how to arrange you!"

"grown ups……"

The fisherman was taken aback, but his eyes were full of joy!

According to the time he entered the organization, at least he will stay here for another two years!

But Jiang Fan asked him to return to the headquarters with a word!

For these intelligence personnel, once they are recalled, it is clear that they will be in position!

The point is that Jiang Fan actually asked him to find Fiona!

This is a typical back door for him!

"My lord! My name is Russell, and I hope I will have the opportunity to serve you in the future!"

"There will be, go!"

Jiang Fan smiled and waved.


Russell saluted again and left quickly!

Seeing Russell leave, Jiang Fan closed his eyes and began to rub his temples vigorously!

There is too much information in his mind, and he is now summarizing all the news in different categories!

for a long time!

Jiang Fan suddenly opened his eyes!

The corners of the mouth gradually bend!

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