Seeing Jiang Fan's expression, Long Yan's hearts suddenly burst!

Needless to say, someone must be unlucky!

"Brother Fan, you, shouldn't you be calculating someone again, right?"

"What did you say!"

Jiang Fan glanced at Long Yan dissatisfied!

A few people felt relieved, but they followed.

"One of them counts as one. Let me give my life to all of them!"

Jiang Fan grinned!

Knew it!

For adults, everything is a pawn!

The corners of a few people's mouth twitched!

"Then, what are your plans?"

"For the time being, there is only one general direction, and there are too many forces, the current situation is changeable, and the overall control is too difficult. You have to find a few helpers!"

Jiang Fan smiled, his eyes turned to the east!

At this moment, in the direction that Jiang Fan was watching, it was another Hamilton hotel of the same level as Ampton!

At this moment, in a suite of the hotel.

Five men and women are chatting.

"Old Lin, how come there are so many forces this time?"

A young man with glasses asked an old man.

This old man was thin and full of elegant temperament. He is the respondent of the Dragon Team this time, Lin Guodong!

The questioner was Fang Tong, one of the members of the Dragon Group's mission this time.

Hearing Fang Tong's question, Lin Guodong smiled suddenly.

"Everyone wants their own things! After all, the rise of the night demon is seen by everyone, everyone wants to come here to reap some benefits, and some forces have suffered badly here last time, and they want to take the opportunity to seek revenge against the night demon. "

"Vengeance? Ah! Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered one thing!"

Jiaojiao, the only girl in the team, suddenly spoke.

"Old Lin, I heard that we had a branch called Longqi before..."


Before she could finish her words, another man with a stern face suddenly sank!

Jiaojiao was startled, and she closed her mouth immediately.

Lin Guodong glanced at the grim man helplessly.

"Guo Yu, pay attention to the way you speak."

"Got it!"

Guo Yu replied indifferently.

At this moment.

"Old Lin, when will the person the old man said will arrive?"

A gentle male voice suddenly sounded.

It was the last person in the room who was talking. This person looked a little thin, with half-length hair, fair skin, and delicate face. If it weren't for her Adam's apple, she might even think she was a shy girl.

He was standing in front of the window at the moment, looking at the crowd frolicking on the beach with a smile on his face.

The whole person is shining with a ray of sunshine.

However, apart from Lin Guodong, the other people looked at him, but they all carried an unconcealable fear!

Even Lin Guodong's eyes were a little erratic, and he was reluctant to look at him!

All this is because this person's name is Pei Qing!

The strength method is the opposite of the gentle appearance, the fierce **** Pei Qing!

Many people were deceived by his current appearance, and they didn't know how to die in the end!

The most important thing is that he is another genius besides the forgotten genius of Dragon Group!

Within two years, he jumped from the tenth level to the fourteenth limit, which is unprecedented in the entire dragon group!

Of course, the premise is not to count the true genius who has been selectively forgotten!

"That person should be there in two days."

Lin Guodong said.

"Let me wait for so long, really want to see this man quickly, what's so special about him!"

Pei Qing said with a smile.

"Hehe, since it's the person chosen by the old man, I shouldn't let you..."

Before Lin Guodong finished speaking, Pei Qing's right hand suddenly shook!

next moment!


A handful of dark, three-sided military thorns with no reflections suddenly pierced the wall!

It can be seen to the naked eye that the body of a mosquito is split into five petals, and it is slowly falling from the air!

Lin Guodong's eyes twitched!

Pei Qing's shot was so fast just now, even he only vaguely saw a rough idea!


Pei Qing pulled out the army thorn, and suddenly looked at Lin Guodong with a smile.

"It's so boring! Old Lin, why don't we go and kill Iga?"


"Pei Qing, the forces on the island are complicated now, don't do stupid things!"

"Yes, Brother Pei, the two forces are at war, this is not a joke!"

"Don't be impulsive, or should I eat chicken with you?"

A group of people panicked!

Even Lin Guodong had cold sweat on his forehead!

"I'm just kidding, why are you reacting so much?"

Pei Qing blinked his eyes, then suddenly smiled and looked out the window again.

It's just that the three-sided army thorn in his hand is getting tighter and tighter!


But at this moment, the group of Igaryu who was worried by Pei Qing was eating lunch in the restaurant downstairs.

They are also five people, protected by a gray-haired old woman.

The old woman looked like she was over eighty years old, wrinkled, her eyes cloudy but full of hostility.

And sitting next to the old woman was Kiara Hasegawa, who Jiang Fan had read the information!

Compared with the photos, Kirara Hasegawa's figure seems to be more popular, and she is still wearing a specially tailored kimono. It should be exposed, and the ones that shouldn't be exposed are also exposed. The whole person exudes a strong feeling. The enchanting taste makes many people nearby feel excited.

In addition to the two, there are three men in the team.

Two of them were unsmiling and even gave a stern look when they were eating.

These two are two brothers, dog breed worship, dog breed ghost!

The last man has a mediocre face, but his right hand is always clasped on a long knife, with an arrogant face.

According to the information, this man is named Kazuo Kameda, who is the personal guard of Kirara Hasegawa.

At this moment, seeing the eyes of the crowd swept back and forth on Keira Hasegawa, Kazuo Kameda's expression suddenly changed!

"Baga! You bastards! If you dare to look around again, don't blame me for being polite!"

After Kazuo Kameda finished speaking, he immediately raised his long knife with a proud expression!

It's just that the strong Hamiltons gather at this moment, how can there be any soft persimmons?

Hearing what Kazuo Kameda said, many people became even more presumptuous!

Especially one of the strong guys from Citigroup has a smirk on his face!

"Hehehe, why is this Xiaozizi so angry?"

"Couldn't that woman be his wife?"

"Which man would make his wife look so coquettish?"

"It's true, Dongying AV is famous all over the world. Could it be that they came here to gather the charm?"

"It makes sense! Hey! Is there a shortage of people in your crew? We can participate for free!"

"Yes! You know what Citi Dad is capable of!"


The crowd laughed.


Kazuo Kameda violently jumped on his forehead!

Can't help but want to shoot!

But at this moment!


Keira Hasegawa spoke suddenly.

Her voice was soft and waxy, and it was two-pointed hoarse, which made people feel like a kitten was scratching in her heart!

It's just that when he heard this sound, Kazuo Kameda looked down and bowed his head straight!

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