
Before Disfano behind the chair could speak, a mocking voice sounded.

"Just like your kind of waste, you want to command us? I'm!"

It was a weird man with a crouched body and a bandage on his head.

This person is also one of the taskmen of the Dark Council team, Alia!

"that's right!"

Another huge figure, but covered with all kinds of weird scars, a burly man like a tattered doll has already laughed!

"This time the team, only a strong man like me Maguire can command!"

"Tsk tusk! Strong? You, an idiot with a smaller brain than peanuts, what qualifications do you have to call yourself a strong?"

A shrill female voice sounded, followed by a woman with a very enchanting figure but a very old face with a weird smile!

"Damn! Darlene, are you going to die?"

"Hehehe, have you become angry when I say it?"

The witch Darina did not show the slightest fear, on the contrary, the sneer on her face was even stronger!

Unlike other forces, the Dark Council does not have any strong organization and discipline at all. Everyone is a group of villains, and they believe that the big fist is the truth!

Everyone wants to step on others!

So up to now, I haven't even chosen who the team leader is!

And Darlene's provocation was more like lighting a powder keg, everyone was excited!

"No one is more qualified to command than me!"

"Fart! The proud blood will never listen to your mummy!"

"That's right! Only a big fist is qualified!"

"Fart! Do women have no rights?"


Several people are clamoring!


At this moment, there was finally a deep and low drink from the chair!

With this sound, everyone suddenly closed their mouths!

At this time, the chair finally turned slowly!

Sitting on the chair was a human being covered in a cloak.

But to be precise, it should be said that skeletons are more suitable!

This person's entire head is just a skull, and the eye sockets are two groups of ghost fires emitting weird red lights!

This person is one of the members of the Dark Council, a powerful Necromancer, Disfano!

The old guy glanced at a group of people with piercing eyes, and then slowly spoke.

"This time the commander...Theodore, you will be the leader!"


The crowd was taken aback, and they all looked at a lazy man lying on the sofa.

The man has long messy red hair, a look of drunkenness, and a beard around his mouth that hasn't been repaired for a long time, just like the tramp on the street!

However, it can be seen vaguely from the eyebrows that this must be a handsome guy in the past!

Hearing Disfano's words, the man named Theodore finally yawned lazily.

Then, he spoke unhurriedly.

"Congressman Disfano, you are really joking!"

"I'm not kidding. You used to be the judge of the Court of Light. Isn't this kind of squad fighting the best for you?"

Disfano Jiejie smiled.

Theodore's eyes jumped, and suddenly he looked at Disfano deeply.

"Dear Senator Disfano, are you sure it is me?"

Being watched by Theodore's eyes, Disfano suddenly trembled for no reason!

But he immediately said coldly!

"Yes! It's you!"

"Okay! From now on, everyone will follow me!"

Theodore grinned suddenly!

"You? A betrayer of the Council of Light, why--"

The terrifying Maguire looked annoyed, but before he could finish his words, Theodore suddenly looked fierce!

"Holy Light!"


A loud noise!

A weird, incomparably dark, but also full of holy power, the holy light suddenly smashed down, like a missile, suddenly hit Maguire's body!


Maguire suddenly let out a heart-piercing howl, and half of his body was swallowed by this dark light!

Everyone looked at Theodore in horror!

Maguire is a monster with the strength of a half-step grandmaster, but he can't even handle Theodore's move!

This betrayer of the Council of Light, his strength has not been compromised by blasphemy against the God of Light, on the contrary, he has become more powerful!

"Who else would you object to?"

Theodore yawned lazily.

Everyone swallowed and shook their heads desperately!

Even Disfano turned a scarlet ring on his hand with some fear.

"Very well, next, we have to find some allies! After all, for those fanatics, killing us is probably more tempting than entering the ruins!"

Theodore chuckled.

"Who do you want to find?"

Disfano asked.

"Of course he is as unclean as us!"

"Solomon's Key?"



"This air full of pagan breath is really suffocating!"

A kilometer away from the hotel of the Dark Council, Francis looked out the window with no expression on his face!

With him, in addition to Kurun Shaman, one of the chief judges of the protector, Adelaide is also among them!

In addition to the three of them, there are two more.

One of them has a bald head and a huge cross tattooed on his forehead. The one who is wiping a silver giant sword is the other judge in the courthouse, Officer Martin.

And the last one who was holding a book of Illumination Ceremony tightly in his hands, closing his eyes and praying, was the magician from the Holy City of the Council of Light, Ingram!

These people are the candidates for the Illumination Council to enter the ruins this time!

"Francis, now you see that there are still many places in the world that our Lord's glory has not reached. In the years to come, you must continue to work hard!"

Sharman spoke with a serious face!

"Yes! Your lord!"

Including Francis, everyone bowed their heads respectfully.

At this moment!

Everyone's complexion changed, and they all looked at the opposite side in unison!

At this moment, in that direction, it was when Theodore gave out the dark holy light!

"It's the breath of Holy Light!"

"No! Although the breath is similar, it is obviously full of dark energy!"

"Which power is there?"

"It should be the Dark Council!"

A group of people spoke one after another.

And Francis's eyes changed even more!

"Damn it! Those dirty creatures!"

He clenched his fist, the light flashing between his fingers!

"Francis, now is not the time to do it!"

Sharman spoke slowly.

"But my lord, letting that group of **** live is a blasphemy to my lord!"

"That's right, but my lord has a more important task waiting for you! Just bear with it a little bit. When you enter the ruins, these sinners will be purified with you!"

"...Yes! Your lord!"

Francis finally nodded.

It's just that the holy light in his hand is getting brighter!

Sharman seemed unconscious, already looking in another direction!

"Not only the filthy monsters of the Dark Council, but also the demons full of sulfur smell. When the time comes, you go and purify them together!"

The direction Sharman looked at was where Solomon's Key resided!

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