At this moment, the location of Solomon's key.

A tall middle-aged man was holding a wine glass, looking into the distance dreamily.

His looks are not handsome, but he is full of maturity that can only be achieved through the years, especially the two-handed beard under his lips, and his tailored suit with blue diamonds as buttons, which actually makes him extra. An aristocratic temperament.

Strictly speaking, he is indeed a nobleman.

This person is Solomon's Key second only to the Bloody Grand Duke, one of the Four Pillar Duke, Pampas!

Behind Pampas, led by Adolf, a total of five men and women are sitting around the room.

The one sitting with Adolf is still Diana.

And not far from Adolf was a thin man with weird vertical pupils and scales on his right hand, like a thin claw.

This man, like Adolf, is also one of the thirteen marquis, the Snake Demon!

As for the remaining two, one of them is actually a big fat man who is not at all below Long Yan!

At this moment, he was suffocating a suckling pig, but he was different from normal people. When he ate the suckling pig, he seemed to be eating bread. Those hard bones were just finely chopped and swallowed by his two mouthfuls!

Soon after one suckling pig finished eating, he changed hands and picked up another one!

This fat man's eating habits are really ugly, but no one, including Pampas, showed the slightest dissatisfaction.

Even if this fat man is just an earl!

Even Adolf and the Snake Demon looked at this fat man with a trace of jealousy in their eyes!

And the last person is actually a slender, sweet-looking girl!

But at the moment, the girl was hurriedly helping the fat man pour the juice.

"Master Earl, please slow down. You can easily choke if you eat like this!"

The girl handed the juice to the fat man while gently rubbing his back.

"No, no! I have a big throat that can fit it—mum! Mum!"

Before the fat man had finished speaking, a pair of fat hands hurriedly pinched his throat, and his whole person rolled his eyes, groaning like a fat pig waiting to be slaughtered!

The girl sighed helplessly, tentatively clenched her fist, and then suddenly punched and banged directly at the fat man's back!

This girl is less than 1.6 meters tall and weighs no more than 80 catties. However, this punch blasted out, causing three consecutive sonic booms!


A loud noise!

The fist hit the fat man's back directly!

However, what was even more shocking was that he was bombarded by such a terrifying fist, and the fat man just shook the fat on his back a little!



A bone in the fat man's throat was directly shaken out!

And the broken bones that were shaken out were like bullets, and with a terrifying sound, they suddenly pierced the wall!

"Oh, so comfortable, Nina, thanks to you!"

The fat man looked relaxed.

"It's my pleasure to serve you!"

The girl Nina smiled sweetly.

"Dodoroa, you have almost eaten, let's talk about business now!"

Pampas finally spoke.

Fatty Dodoroa glanced at the roast pig on the table next to him with some dismay, and finally managed to endure the saliva and nodded reluctantly.

Pampas put down his glass, glanced at Adolf, and then spoke.

"Have you found Field?"

"Sorry, sir, my ability is not enough to track the whereabouts of 15th level, but our spies are all in action, I believe I will get the news in three hours at the latest!

Diana said softly.

"Well, three hours, not long... Where is the dust?"

Pampas continued to ask.

"That person is missing! We never found him!"


Pampas frowned.

"Yes, my lord, all his traces have disappeared, as if it had never existed before!"

Diana looked solemn!

The origin of this dust is very mysterious. So far, if you don't count against Field, you can find only one shot with a record!

And it was that time that he personally killed a lone fifteenth level!

If this kind of role cannot be recruited, it must be removed as soon as possible!

It's just a pity that, including them, many forces have not even noticed the shadow of the dust!

Pampas pondered for a long time before speaking slowly.

"Since you can't find it, forget it. He hurt Field badly. He and the Sword of Thorns are dead enemies. The enemy's enemy is a friend. If you meet him in the ruins, try to recruit. If you can't, don't offend him!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

Several people nodded together.

However, the snake demon immediately spoke in confusion.

"My lord, Field was really badly injured?"

"Well, this can't be wrong, otherwise Field will never disappear. What he is afraid of is that we will get rid of him when he is injured!"

"If so, as long as you find Field, then the sword of thorns will be wiped out!"

Snake Demon's eyes lit up!


"Huh! Naive!"

Adolf suddenly smiled coldly!

"what did you say!"

The snake demon's eyes are fierce!

"Idiot! Do you think that the sword of thorns will only send the two sword-holding hands next to Field to participate in this competition? They obviously have backup!"

"Not bad!"

Before the snake demon could speak, Pampas nodded.

"Although the hapless man in Field was injured, there are only two sword-holding hands beside him. This is obviously not the highest configuration of the Sword of Thorns!"

"It is said that there is something extremely important to Isaac in the ruins. He is absolutely determined to get it, so the Sword of Thorns will definitely have support!"

"Moreover, the commander of this backup will definitely be a guy with both strength and intelligence!"

As soon as Pampas spoke, everyone's complexion sank!

And in the minds of Adolf and Diana, an extremely terrifying figure emerged!

Both of them couldn't help but tremble slightly!

This trembling was directly caught by the snake demon, and he suddenly smiled gloomily.

"Hehehe, Adolf, are you scared?"

"Afraid? Your lord is just excited! With both strength and intelligence, such a character can be killed by the lord's appetite!"

Diana spoke quickly and directly resolved the crisis for Adolf.

And Adolf smiled grinningly.

"Yes! Lao Tzu is not an incompetent person like you, who can only find a sense of existence by killing the weak!"


The snake demon was furious!

"Okay! Since we are sure that the Sword of Thorns still has backup, our top priority is to find an ally! As an old opponent, the Sword of Thorns is not so easy to deal with!"

Pampas frowned!


Snake Demon and Adolf stared at each other, and then sneered at the same time!

As for Dodoroa, his eyes were always floating on the pile of roasted pigs, and he turned a deaf ear to everything that was happening around him!

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