God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1295: A word to determine the life and death of the master

The six forces have their own calculations, but Jiang Fan is still staying in the house at the moment, writing and drawing on the paper with a pen.

After a long time.

"No, the difficulty factor is too high if you want not to reveal your identity..."

Jiang Fan muttered to himself.

"My lord, is there something wrong with the plan?"

Number Two asked.

"Well, according to my original expectation, if Field's injury is not serious, I can always hide my identity until after entering the ruins, and then contact the dragon group and other forces, eat the rest of the team, and go straight to the Night Demon!"

"However, since Field has already left, this trick is obviously inappropriate, so I am planning to eliminate the masters of the rest of the team and integrate everyone in one place without revealing their identity..."


As soon as Jiang Fan spoke out, the others suddenly exclaimed!

They never expected that Jiang Fan's appetite was so big!

Even the grandmaster of the rest of the team is to be destroyed!

"Big, sir, this, is it possible?"

On the 2nd, a few people were sweating profusely.

"Of course it is possible, look at it!"

Jiang Fan spoke, pointed at the paper, and explained patiently.

"Among these six forces, the Dark Council and the Light Council are deadly enemies. For them, the value of killing each other may not be less valuable than the benefits from the ruins."

"And the Key of Solomon and the Council of Light are equally incompatible. If the Council of Darkness is in trouble, they will not stand idly by.

"As for the Dragon Team, it has always been a thorn in the eyes of the Super Team, and Dong Ying has always looked at the faces of the Citizens, coupled with the feud, will definitely attack the Dragon Team."

"In other words, these people are actually restraining at this moment, and only a little spark can make them burn!"

With Jiang Fan's explanation, No.2 and others were all stunned!

indeed so!

Although Jiang Fan was only talking about it at the moment, the difficulty coefficient of real operation must be extremely high, but this has been completely possible from the impossible in their understanding!

This is the most terrifying point of Jiang Fan!

His thoughts have never been constrained by inherent thoughts, just like crazy!

Seeing the shocked eyes of the others, Jiang Fan smiled suddenly, and then continued to tell.

"You also know the strength of the Grandmaster level. Once the two sides start a melee, those Grandmaster level existences are afraid that the attack will spread to their subordinates and will inevitably choose to move the battlefield!"

"In fact, it doesn't matter, the key is the comparison of the strengths of the two sides!"

"Look carefully. In fact, every battlefield is two-to-one!"

"Occupying such a big advantage, whether it is the Dark Council, Solomon's Key, and the Light Council, or the Super Team Absolute, Igaryu, and Dragon Team, they are definitely the grandmasters who don't kill the other side!"

"And if this time, I suddenly break the balance...hehe..."

Long Yan's bodies trembled!

I have almost seen what will happen in the end!

In Jiang Fan's entire plan, the most difficult thing was not the final stage of suddenly joining the battlefield, but how to ignite the fighting enthusiasm of these people in the early stage!

But for Jiang Fan, who has always been good at instigating discord, this is obviously not a problem!

In other words, once this plan is implemented, the success rate of killing the six major forces at the master level will be as high as 70% at least!

"Of course, the problem is also here. If I don't reveal my identity, I won't be able to gain the trust of the Dragon Team and the Bright Council. Once my identity is revealed, both parties will have doubts about my true details!"

"It doesn't matter when I was on the Bermuda Islands, but once I enter the ruins, it is very likely that it will have a big impact when I play with the Daredevil!"

"Night Demon is not a small character, I don't want to be on fire in the backyard when I fight him!"

Jiang Fan pouted!

The number two took a deep breath!

They didn't realize until this time that Jiang Fan's troubles were not because of the plan itself, but because of the follow-up!

In that case, he was 100% sure that he would kill those masters!

Although the dust is strong, it is only an individual, and killing at most one master is already the limit!

And Jiang Fan, he actually wanted to simmer several masters in one pot!

In terms of the structure alone, the two of them are already a difference in Tianyuan!

"Then, my lord, is there no better way?"

Number Two asked tentatively.

Jiang Fan pondered for a moment, and finally shook his head directly.

"Yes, but not necessary!"

The hearts of several people trembled again!

Jiang Fan obviously has a hole card beyond their imagination!

"The lord, besides this method, is there any other way to kill those grandmasters?"

Jiang Fan laughed as soon as he asked a question on the 13th.

"Your thinking is wrong again! The purpose of this plan itself is not to kill those grandmasters, but to allow me to better control these teams! And I have no intention of combining the Dragon Team and the Light Council. Killed together!"

"Don't forget, there are not only our seven powers on this island now! At the very least, we have to leave a few strong ones to deter those little characters!"

"Hmm... Forget it, since this plan has a heavy tail, just change it!"

Jiang Fan said it was extremely relaxed, but the cold sweat of other people was getting more and more!

A word will determine the life and death of the master!

The grandmaster is already so exaggerated before reaching the grandmaster, isn't it that the legendary twentieth level also kills if you want to kill it?

A group of people twitched at the corners of their mouths, but Jiang Fan had already looked at the paper he had just drawn on.

"Speaking of which, you can try...identity...identity..."

Jiang Fan pondered for a moment, and finally smiled helplessly!

"Hehe, it seems that hiding my identity is still not suitable for the radiant me!"

"Number two, go to contact—"

Jiang Fan was about to open his mouth to make arrangements.

But at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

Orders came at this time!

"Like Altair, Jiaojiaohe Han girl."

"Slim and slender hands, Zhazha makes the machine."

"It's broken all day long, tears like rain."

"Hehan is clear and shallow, how many times will it be after each other?"

"In the surging water, the pulse can't speak."

Unexpectedly, the system actually produced an ancient poem!

Jiang Fan's face was covered in circles!

At this moment!

"Ding! Please give a bottle of worry-free liquor for the Cowherd who is sick with love!"


Cowherd and Weaver Girl!

Damn it!

The fairy tales are also correct. Is the system so urinary?

But before the order, everything has to be put back!

Jiang Fan went directly into the bathroom without saying a word!

In order to prevent accidents, Jiang Fan’s backpack had a lot of drinks, and now it's time to use it!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the Ten Thousand Realms is on! About to enter-"The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl"!"

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl is a famous folk love story in ancient China, and it is also one of China's four major folk tales!

(The remaining three are "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai", "Meng Jiangnu Cry on the Great Wall" and "The Legend of the White Snake")

Legend has it that the granddaughter of the ancient emperor, the Weaver Girl, is good at weaving cloth and weaves colorful clouds for the sky every day, but she hates this boring life, so she secretly went down to the mortal world, married a cowherd in Hexi privately, and lived a life of male farming and female weaving.

The incident angered the Emperor of Heaven and captured the Weaver Girl back to the Temple of Heaven and ordered them to separate. They were only allowed to meet once a year across the Tianhe on the seventh day of the lunar calendar.

Their steadfast love moved the magpies, and countless magpies flew over, building a magpie bridge across the Tianhe with their bodies, and letting the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet on the Tianhe...

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