God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1300: Caution is a virtue

At this moment, it is a full five hundred kilometers away from the southwest of Bermuda!

A huge cruise ship, like an island, is mooring here.

Looking at the barnacles and aquatic plants densely underneath the cruise ship, you can know that this cruise ship has been anchored here for a long time.

However, unlike the bottom of the ship full of years, the cabin is bustling.

Based on the huge deck, the cabin is as high as twelve floors, and the cabin at the top has been transformed into a small holiday estate like a beach!

The cool swimming pool, the soft sandy beach, and a few coconut trees that have been transplanted as a whole are so cleverly embellished, making this cabin a pleasant paradise.

At this moment, on the beach chair, a tall man wearing a black trench coat stretched out his right hand, enjoying the bright sunshine that leaked between his fingers.

He has long black hair and almost perfect cheek contours. Whether it is a tall nose or a raised corner of his mouth, he is full of beauty that a master sculptor can create.

However, the only drawback is that a black cloth was wrapped around his eyes, so that people regrettably cannot appreciate his eyes.

This person is exactly the same as the man Jiang Fan had seen in the photo.

His name is Night Demon!

The leader of the "Nightmare", one of the top ten assassin organizations, wiped out the last time the other forces' trip to the Ruins No. 3, Night Demon!

At this moment, a blond, blue-eyed, proud white-clothed woman was whispering to the night demon, reporting news about the various forces on the Bermuda Islands.

Only different from the information Jiang Fan has, the clues reported by the woman are obviously more detailed.

"... Chief, the personnel and arrangements of other forces are basically these."


The Night Demon agreed softly, and then suddenly asked.

"Where is the dust?"

"Sorry, the leader, that person's identity is too mysterious. We neither found him nor found any information about him."

"I hate mysterious guys!"

The Night Demon sighed.

He watched the changing light between his fingers, and then he continued to speak after a long time.

"Where is the sword of thorns?"

"The backup of the Sword of Thorns should have arrived. They had just contacted Field not long ago, but we don't know exactly what we talked about. After the conversation, Field left the Bermuda Islands and is currently on his way back to the headquarters of the Sword of Thorns. Up."


The Night Demon obviously raised a hint of interest.

And the woman immediately reported in more detail.

"There should be a total of four supporters for the sword of thorns. They all wear masks. It will take a while to find out the specific identity. However, one of them has been shot at the Ampton Hotel. He is a half-step master. Seeing Field feel relieved to leave. , Presumably their strength is absolutely formidable!"

"not necessarily!"

The corners of Night Demon's lips raised slightly.

"Whether these people are strong or not will be known after investigation, but what we can confirm now is that Field's injury is far more serious than we estimated."

"what do you mean……"

"If Field doesn't leave, I'm afraid he will die!"


Renata's eyes widened suddenly.

"But he just got caught in the dust!"

"This just shows how powerful the dust is! A trick that can't stand even the fifteenth level, hehe..."

The Night Demon suddenly laughed softly.

"Check! Be sure to find out the identity of Dust! And his current location!"

"But my lord, even if he can kill level fifteen, he may not be your opponent."

"No, there is a saying in Huaxia, which is called careful sailing for ten thousand years. After checking it out, I can rest assured!"

"You are still so cautious."

"Prudence is a virtue."

Night Demon smiled!



Jiang Fan has reappeared in the real world!

Back in the living room, he immediately looked at number two.

"On the second, go and inform the Shadow League, the Scythe organizations, and the powerful solo travelers, and tell them to meet at the Ampton Hotel tonight. I want to invite them to a good show!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

The spirit of number two is lifted up!

Jiang Fan's game seems to be finally about to begin!

"On the 13th, you go back to the hotel temporarily, wrap up the roof, and then go to Igaryu!"

As Jiang Fan spoke, he wrote quickly, and one of them was handed to the thirteenth.

"Everything is in accordance with the actions on my letter."

"Yes! Your lord!"

Jiang Fan had already handed another letter to Long Yan.

"Go to Dragon Team and give the letter to Lin Guodong! Also tell him..."


"Remember, from now on, you don't need to hide your strength. If you encounter provocations, you should kill it! Even if it's the other six forces, you don't have to be polite!"


Everyone was excited, and the heart was uncontrollably jumping for joy!

"set off!"

Following Jiang Fan's order, the three of them rushed out of the house and quickly disappeared into the distance.

Jiang Fan closed his eyes and pondered for a long time before the corners of his mouth came up.

Taking out his mobile phone, Jiang Fan dialed a number directly!

Soon, the phone was picked up!

"Jiang Fan?"

"Master Adelaide!"

It was Adelaide's voice that sounded on the opposite side!

"Jiang Fan, why did you call me? What's the matter?"

"My lord, I want to ask you, are you in Hamilton?"

"You, how do you know?!"

Adelaide was taken aback!

But Jiang Fan chuckled.

"I am also here!"

"You too?!"

Adelaide was completely stunned!

But his face changed immediately!

"Jiang Fan! Why are you here?"

"It's a long story, can I go see you?"

"Don't! Don't come!"

Adelaide exclaimed directly, but he immediately lowered his voice!

"Where are you? I'm going to find you!"

"Well, I am in a private house in the west of the city, the address is..."

"Okay! I'll be there soon!"

Hanging up, Jiang Fan frowned!

Adelaide’s reaction was strange, as if for fear that others would know that he was on the island, could it be...what's the problem in the Council of Light?


Ten minutes after the call was hung up, Adelaide has arrived here!

"Jiang Fan!"

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, Adelaide's originally stern face showed a faint smile.

"Master Adelaide, are you okay? How is your injury? Have you taken the decoction given to you?"

"I'm very good!"

Adelaide looked at Jiang Fan's concerned eyes, and his heart immediately warmed!

But his face was stern immediately!

"Jiang Fan, what are you doing here?"

"Entrusted by others, I want to enter that ruin and kill the night demon!"

"What are you kidding?"

Adelaide shouted directly!

"Are you looking for death? Do you know how terrible the Night Demon is? Even if it is me, it is not his opponent at all! What's more, if someone knows you are here, I am afraid that you will be dead before you see the Night Demon. !"

Facing the furious Adelaide, Jiang Fan's heart suddenly flashed with guilt.

Although the Illuminati Council is indeed a group of lunatics and has no habit of making friends, it is precisely because of this that once they determine that someone is a friend, they will cherish it even more!

And his original purpose was to use Adelaide, but he didn't regard him as a friend at all!

But now is not the time to be hypocritical. Listening to Adelaide's meaning, it is true that someone is going to be against him!

who is it?

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