God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1301: God's blessing

"Master Adelaide, what did you mean by just now? Could someone kill me?"

Jiang Fan asked.

Adelaide groaned for a moment and nodded suddenly.

"Yes! Jiang Fan, you are mine now, so I don't have to hide some words from you."

"You should know that the outside world likes to call us lunatics, lunatics!"

"But no matter what the outside world calls, a large part of us act in principle. At least for the lost lambs, we want to sow the glory of the Lord and save them!"

"But there are some people who are not like this. They think that anyone who does not believe in our Lord is a heretic, a fallen person without faith, and a dregs that should be cleared!"

"Compared to us, they are the true mad believers and irrational lunatics!"

"And this time, there is such a person who came with us!"

"His name is Francis!"


This is the second time Jiang Fan has heard this name!

"My lord, this Francis is amazing?"

Jiang Fan asked calmly.

"Yes! He is much stronger than me! No, to be precise, he is far more than me!"

"Although you made a great contribution last time, you were pardoned by Lord Green, and you were specifically allowed to join the Council of Light by Lord Barkley, but not everyone expressed obedience to this decision!"

"And Francis is one of the staunch opponents!"

"In his opinion, as long as he has offended my lord once, he cannot be forgiven, but he can only be purified!"

"So once you learn that you are here, that **** will definitely try to get rid of you!"

Adelaide's face was solemn.

However, Jiang Fan only smiled.

"It's okay, I believe he won't hurt me!"

Adelaide blinked, and suddenly looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded.

"Are you an idiot? I told you everything, that kind of person is different from me and doesn't make sense at all!"

"And if he insists on killing you, I can't stop him at all!"

"Don't talk nonsense, you will leave here by boat right now..."

Before Adelaide had finished speaking, Jiang Fan suddenly stretched out his right hand with a smile, and snapped his fingers!

next moment!


An extremely pure holy light suddenly emerged from his palm!


Adelaide's whole person is dumbfounded!

The eyeballs almost didn't come out!

What did you see?

Holy light!

Only the most pious believers of the God of Light can burst out the holy light!

The point is that the holy light that Jiang Fan emits is actually more pure and sacred than the light he emits!

Do not!

Not only that!

Such a pure holy light, I am afraid that even Lord Sharman, or even Lord Barkley, could not emit it at all!

The rich sacred aura in this holy light is as if the God of Light is spreading glory!

What a level of devotion to the God of Light!

I am afraid it is already the same as the Pope!

Adelaide stared at the holy light in Jiang Fan's palm, so excited that he almost fell to his knees!

"Master Adelaide, presumably Francis will not embarrass me anymore after seeing this?"

"He dare! Such a sacred and flawless holy light, Francis's waste will never be sent out after another hundred years of cultivation! This proves that you are more pious than him!"

Adelaide is overjoyed!

"Jiang Fan! You, how did you awaken the Holy Light? There is no magician from the council headquarters to pray for blessings, you definitely shouldn't be awakened!"

"Speaking of this, it is almost like a dream!"



Jiang Fan looked serious!

"It's just a dream. After waking up for a long time, I am still very moved. I still want to be protected by you. It is hard to like me! Actually I know it! Don't worry, this world is big, but I remember your instructions... Um, yo!"

Jiang Fan finally habitually shook his fingers!

Adelaide looked dumbfounded!

He rubbed his eyes vigorously, and finally asked tentatively.

"Could it be, what did you dream of..."

"My lord, what I can only say is as vague as before, there is no way to elaborate!"

Jiang Fan looked serious!

"I know!"

Adelaide has a serious face!

At the same time, the eyes that looked at Jiang Fan had already brought undisguised worship!

Jiang Fan used this trendy RAP method to express it, and it is obvious that the reason cannot be revealed!

It is very possible that Jiang Fan's piety moved the **** and was blessed!


Except for the saint a few hundred years ago, this is unique in the entire history of the Council of Light!

The key is that Jiang Fan is still a Chinese!

Could it be that my lord meant that the land of China is expected to be shrouded in glory?

If this is the case, isn't Jiang Fan appointed by my lord-the apostle? !


Adelaide gasped!

The whole person was trembling with excitement!

"Master Adelaide, what's the matter with you?"

Jiang Fan looked curious.


"Shut up! Don't call me an adult! I, I'm not worthy!"

Adelaide choked, looked at Jiang Fan seriously for a long time, and suddenly knelt on one knee!

"Master Jiang Fan! You are an apostle appointed by our Lord! Starting today, Adelaide is willing to follow your will!"

"Adelaide, what are you doing?"

Jiang Fan was shocked!

He intended to only blur the source of the light, he didn't know that Adelaide would think so many messy things!

He was a bit blinded for a while!


"My lord! Since the Lord led me to find you, it must be because the Lord wants me to serve you!"

"From today, no matter what you need, just ask!"

"From today onwards, Adelaide will be the sword in your hand. I would like to clear all the thorns on the way to the glory of the Savior!"

Adelaide looks enthusiastic!

"This... okay!"

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched and nodded blankly!

And Adelaide has already looked at Jiang Fan seriously!

"My lord, you can assign tasks to me now!"

"Are you in such a hurry? Why don't you drink some saliva?"

"No! Carrying out the will of the adults is the meaning of my existence!"

"Okay! I need you to go back to the Illumination Council resident. There will be a big event tonight, you must be prepared!"


"Also, protect yourself, don't make senseless sacrifices, you can be a dog!"

"My lord, don't worry, before I receive your next instruction, I will kill you!"

Adelaide stood up, and saluted Jiang Fan very respectfully, and then left with joy!

Jiang Fan looked at Adelaide who was leaving, and he was at a loss for a long time before reacting.

"Forget it, originally this group of guys are not normal people, then..."

Jiang Fan looked at the paper in his hand, and a strange expression suddenly flashed in his eyes!

At this moment, Long Yan had already arrived at the Dragon Group's resident!

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