God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1314: Too smart is stupid

At this moment, Pampas, who should have joined forces with the Dark Council, cooperated with Sharman and exploded Disfano!

However, as Disfano was fried into bone meal, a cloud of black smoke suddenly rose out of thin air!

Disfano's angry roar came even among the black smoke!

"Asshole! Pampas! You despicable villain! I—"

Before he finished his words, the sacred light had been spilled down like a pouring rain!

Amazingly, Sharman made another shot!

"Damn it!"

Disfano suddenly screamed!

Suddenly fled towards the distance!

"Can't let him run!"

Pampas looked fiercely, and a strong magma on his right hand had suddenly formed!

But at this moment!


An extremely harsh scream suddenly sounded!

Disfano, who had already escaped from the rooftops, suddenly trembled in black smoke!

"You, you..."


The black smoke suddenly exploded into pieces!

Then it seemed to have been swallowed by something, turned into a small tornado, and gradually disappeared!

As the black smoke is getting less and less, Sharman and Pampas can see clearly, it turns out that behind Disfano, there is actually no idea when there is a kind-hearted old man!

This person turned out to be the protector of the Dragon Group, Lin Guodong!

At this moment, Lin Guodong was holding Disfano's phylogeny in one hand, and in the other hand, it was actually a silver mirror!

And the black smoke exploded after Disfano's death is being sucked in by this mirror!

"Huaxia Cultivator?"

"Long Group Lin Guodong?"

Sharman and Pampas were all startled!

"Two, the old man is entrusted by others to come and help you clear the dark council!"

Lin Guodong chuckled.



A holy light suddenly blasted down!


Accompanied by a screaming scream, the vampire Cibino was suddenly burnt into a piece of fly ash!

At this point, the Dark Council has been wiped out except for Theodore who has disappeared!



On the rooftop of the Ampton Hotel, just across from the Illumination Council, Jiang Fan let out a sigh of foul breath!

It's done!

After this battle, Solomon's Key has no retreat!

The thing is half done!

"Everyone, this scene is still wonderful, isn't it?"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled softly at Schmidt and the others.

Everyone didn't speak, just opened their mouths and looked stupidly at what was happening in front of them!

Even now, everyone has a feeling of dreaming!

too messy!

It was good that the Key of Solomon attacked the Council of Light with the Dark Council, but they couldn't think of it. In the end, the Key of Solomon not only joined forces with the Council of Light, but even attacked the Council of Darkness backhand!

And just when everyone thought this was the end, the Dragon Group actually appeared!

Three to one, if the Dark Council is not dead, then hell!

This is indeed a good show!

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed!

But after the exclamation was over, everyone reacted and looked at Jiang Fan with trembling almost invariably!

How did he know this guy?

You know, it was noon when he let people tell him to wait for someone to watch the show!

A full seven or eight hours have passed since this battle!

Could it be that the wind of this battle has leaked?

This is absolutely impossible!

These forces are not fools, and they will definitely not continue to find Jiang Fan calling them to watch the show with such a big fanfare!

In addition to this possibility, what else?

Everyone was stunned, and suddenly their faces were extremely pale!

Unless all of this, this guy is also involved!

Even, even very likely...

A group of people murmured in cold sweat and didn't dare to think about it anymore!

"Why don't you guys speak? Is this scene not exciting enough?"

Jiang Fan asked with a smile.

"No, no, it's wonderful! It's wonderful!"

"Yeah! Never seen such a wonderful show!"

"The day comes first, Lord not the day, you, how did you know that such a scene would happen?"

A group of people barely showed a smile and looked at Jiang Fan tremblingly!

But Jiang Fan just smiled, but answered the question that was not asked.

"Do you know what is most terrifying among that ruins?"

"Organization trap?"

"The Seven Powers?"

"I know! It's human heart!"

Ted's eyes lit up!

But Jiang Fan shook his head.

"It's all wrong, it's the night demon!"

"Night Demon?"

Everyone was shocked!

"Yes! That's him! Although I have never seen this person before, it is not difficult to see from his past that this guy's strength is second, and his ability to calculate people is extremely powerful!"

"But my lord, calculating this thing, as long as we have a big fist, shouldn't we be afraid?"

Ponce spoke cautiously.

"No matter how big your fist is, is it bigger than the Dark Council?"

Jiang Fan sneered!


Ponce suddenly laughed.

Just by looking at those people who took action just now, you know that they are all ruthless characters!

"My original purpose was to hope that you, including those who walked away, can watch this good show, so that you can understand a truth. If there is no organization, and the end of a mess of loose sand, you can only be calculated to death by the night demon. It's a pity. Now, those people will never have a chance to know!"

Jiang Fan sighed softly!

However, hearing Jiang Fan's words, everyone just felt the creeps for a moment!

The deeper meaning in Jiang Fan's words is obviously the destruction of the Dark Council and his participation is behind it!

And his purpose is actually to teach them?

This, this is too exaggerated!

The most important thing is, what will happen to those who have left?

"Then, that sir, the matter of alliance..."

Ponce asked with a pale face.

"I said, I'm serious about forming alliances. After all, the more allies, the more able to compete with the Night Demon!"

Jiang Fan said solemnly.

"You all want to form an alliance?"

"miss you!"

Ponce, Ye Xun, and Ted spoke in unison!

"Where is Mr. Schmidt?"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke.

"Hey, make an alliance, listen first before talking!"

Schmidt smiled!


"Schmidt, you'd better remember one sentence, in front of me, being too smart is stupid!"

Jiang Fan's expression changed, and his tone was cold!

"You, what did you say!"

Schmidt's face changed, and a ruthless look suddenly flashed in his eyes!

He didn't believe that Jiang Fan had such a great ability to calculate the Dark Council!

This kid must have heard something in advance!

So I want to use this to force others to work for him!

However, Jiang Fan took a step forward abruptly!

A trace of murder suddenly burst out of his eyes!

"Schmidt, I like smart people, but I don't like people who think they are smart! Say it after listening? Do you think Lao Tzu is a fast food restaurant open all day?"

"Give you two choices, either form an alliance! Or get out!"


Schmidt's complexion changed suddenly!

He is a real old-style powerhouse!

Don't talk about Jiang Fan, even if he is a master, he may not dare to talk to himself like this!

This kid is so rampant!

"Boy! You angered me! I'm going to take you--"

Before Schmidt had finished speaking, Jiang Fan suddenly bullied himself and slammed into Schmidt with a punch!

"Boy! Looking for death!"

Schmidt roared abruptly, and blasted Jiang Fan with a punch!


A loud and deafening noise suddenly resounded across the sky!

next moment!



When Schmidt collided with Jiang Fan’s fist arm, it suddenly twisted like a twist. At the same time, he spouted a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was like a kite with a broken line, which was bombarded by Jiang Fan for hundreds. Rice, fell from the roof!

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