God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1315: Not as good as a fly

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

That's Schmidt!

Schmidt, Ocean Shuttle!

A veteran powerhouse who reached the limit of level fourteen years ago!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is half a master!

He can slaughter three retired soldiers from his side in less than three seconds alone!

Even if the Grand Master comes, he can block it!

However, just now, this extremely powerful and ruthless character could not even hold Jiang Fan's punch!

This day is simply ridiculously powerful!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

The whole body is soaked in cold sweat!

Ponce even remembered what No. 2 had said before--

"By the way, I will give you a piece of news. At my level, under the hands of our adults, I can't even enter the top five!"

In his opinion, No. 2 is already a very cruel character!

Even when he heard this sentence on the 2nd, he thought it was just an exaggeration!

But now it seems that the words of No. 2 are afraid that there is still water!

Such a terrifying strong man, how could his subordinates be a simple role!

"Well, the idiot has been dismissed, and now we can talk about business!"

Jiang Fan's tone was as if he had killed a fly!

And just as he finished saying this!


Suddenly there was a sound like a watermelon being broken downstairs from the hotel!


"Oh my God! Someone jumped off the building!"

"Quick, call an ambulance!"

"Call a fart! My body fell and deformed!"

"Tsk tusk, the brain is all over the floor!"

"It's too miserable! Hurry up! It must be a big fire if it is photographed!"

"Young man, please respect the deceased?"


Listening to the faint voices from downstairs, Ponce and others felt dizzy in their brains!


Schmidt is dead!

And it was extremely shameful, he fell alive and died!

For his level, this should be absolutely impossible!

The only explanation is that Jiang Fan's punch was too hard and too heavy, so heavy that he couldn't even mobilize the slightest energy!

This can only be thrown to death in despair!

This, this is not as good as a fly that was slapped to death!

And while a group of people looked terrified--

"Everyone, I still want to ask again, are you sure, you want to form an alliance with me?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly.

Who dares to say no at this time!

"Think about it!"

"I think more than the feeling of shit!"

"My lord! I don't think the most, only think more!"

"Yes! Form an alliance! Please! Let us form an alliance with you!"

The crowd almost burst into tears, they all looked at Jiang Fan with horror!


Jiang Fan directly took out a magic contract!

"Everyone, this is the equality contract that I prepared long ago! It has been signed!"

"The clauses in this equality contract are very simple. The first clause, as long as they are signed, if the teams between the signatories attack each other, they will definitely not take effect!"

"Of course, of course, this is not permanent, it will expire three days after the end of the ruins exploration! In addition..."

Before Jiang Fan finished speaking, Ted bit his fingers and spilled the blood directly!


Not to mention anything else, just say that as long as the opposing team can't attack itself, it's worth signing!

At the very least, as long as you sign, you no longer have to be afraid of the demon Jiang Fan!

And when they saw Ted doing it, Ponce, Ye Xun and others also reacted!

For a moment!


A group of people didn't say anything, biting their teeth, slashing with a knife, stabbing with a needle... Anyway, how could the bleeding come from!

Then, in a panic, these guys didn't know who had snatched the contract in Jiang Fan's hand, and they all screamed and spilled the blood!

And as the last person finished, the entire contract exploded into golden light in an instant!

Then they rushed into everyone's body!

And the next moment, the content of the contract has surfaced in everyone's mind!

The crowd was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

The content of the contract is amazing!

Not bad, but great!

In addition to what Jiang Fan said just now that he can't attack each other, it also includes that Jiang Fan can't use any means to plot against them!

And they can't **** any items they got in the ruins!

This contract is actually based on their interests!

The only thing Jiang Fan asked for was that he must absolutely obey his orders!

But compared to the previous benefits, what is obedience?

"Sir Shiori..."

Everyone was stunned!

Since their lives, they have never signed such a favorable contract!

Suddenly, a faint touch arose in everyone's hearts!

And what is even stronger is the contempt for those who leave!

A bunch of idiots!

If you know the content of the contract is like this, I'm afraid you will stay on your knees while crying, right?

"My lord, thanks, thank you!"

Ponce and others almost involuntarily spoke seriously!


Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

"You form an alliance with me, of course I have to give you enough respect!"

"grown ups!"

The crowd is even more excited!


The strong kill the weak, never respect it!

And Jiang Fan's respect has given them more than just a touch, but a long-lost dignity!

In almost an instant, this word of respect broke through everyone's defenses!

"My lord, since this contract is so beneficial to us, why didn't you say it earlier?"

At this moment, among the black lightning, a man suddenly asked cautiously.

Jiang Fan smiled.

"Because not everyone is worthy of respect!"

"Moreover, there are not many allies, just a few reliable ones. I don't need to have a sloppy, short-sighted stuff!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke out, everyone's heart was shocked!

"Well, you guys, stop here today, don't tell anyone about our covenant!"

"Yes! Your lord, don't worry!"

A group of people also knew that if they stayed for too long, problems would easily occur, and they all left immediately!

Only at this time, No. 2 and Long Yan came together.

"My lord, what you just said is true?"

"What does it matter? But I didn't expect someone to stay!"

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth raised slightly.

"It should be almost the same on the 13th, right?"


Time to return to the Light Council, when the battle just ended!

Looking at the Kira Hasegawa and others at the Illumination Council from a distance, I only felt that all the hairs on his body were standing up!

Just now, in front of their eyes, the Dark Council disappeared like this!

"Miss Hasegawa, this is the Tuan Mie I just said!"

The 13th looked at Hasegawa with a smile on his face: "Look, after you form an alliance with us, you don't have to worry about this happening!"

"You, you, how did you know that something like this would happen?"

Kirara Hasegawa looked at the 13th in disbelief!

"It's very simple, because this was originally designed by my adults!"

The voice of No. 13 is full of pride and joy!

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