However, I heard the 13th!


This time, not only Keira Hasegawa and others, but even the old woman exclaimed!

The demise of the dark council was actually designed by the lord of the thorns sword?

This, how is this possible!

"It's impossible? There clearly isn't anyone with the sword of thorns!"

Hasegawa almost screamed!

The only ones who destroyed the Dark Council were the Dragon Group, the Light Council, and Solomon's Key!

Without the Sword of Thorns, the Dark Council will be abolished?

She would never believe it!

"Well, it seems that you still don't know enough about my lord. Let's put it this way. To him, destroying the dark council is nothing at all. As long as my lord thinks, there will be no one of your six forces left!"

"what did you say?!"

Everyone looked at the 13th in shock!

But immediately!

"Huh! Boy, your words are too arrogant!"

The old woman sneered directly.

However, the 13th looked at her seriously.

"Old lady, depending on your age, you should have seen countless people, then you might as well take a closer look at my eyes and see if I am telling lies!"

The old woman's complexion changed, she took a deep look at No.13, and then she suddenly trembled!

Upon seeing the old woman's reaction, Hasegawa and others' faces all changed!

What this kid said is true!

Who is the sixth Lord of Thorns who hasn't shown up so far?

How could there be such a strong ability!

"It seems that you already understand our strength, then Miss Hasegawa, let's form an alliance!"

On the 13th, continue to smile and speak.

Hasegawa's complexion was cloudy and sunny.

for a long time.

"If I disagree, what will you do next? Kill us, or the super team? Or kill us together?"

There is no more tenderness on Hasegawa's face. Instead, he has a murderous look!

"You are misunderstood. The reason why the lord destroyed the Dark Council is just to show you his methods! After all, our greatest enemy is the Night Demon. If there is no extraordinary method, you will not be relieved."

"Of course, what you just said, destroying your two teams... is not impossible!"

On the 13th, he didn't react at all to Hasegawa's murderous aura, but said with a grin.

Keira Hasegawa stared at the 13th for a long time, and finally sighed helplessly.

"What about the Super Team?"

"We won't touch them!"

The 13th said with a smile.

"In order to make you believe in our sincerity, the adults left the super team, so if we have any bad intentions, you can immediately unite with the super team. In this way, although you will not fight us, you will protect yourself. But no problem, Miss Hasegawa, this kind of sincerity should be enough, right?"

Everyone was stunned!

Hasegawa covered his mouth even more!

Who is this sixth Lord of Thorns?

In addition to the terrifying layout ability, there is actually such a bearing!

In an instant, she suddenly had an unstoppable admiration for the sixth Lord of Thorns!

And the 13th had already pulled out a contract from the small schoolbag behind him, and then directly bombed a drop of blood on it.

"Ms. Hasegawa, the lord told me before I came, that your decision is not easy to make, so I will stay here! You have seen it, I have signed it, and you only need a drop of blood to take effect. Of course, If you have not made a decision after dawn, the contract will automatically become invalid!"

After finishing talking on the 13th, he put the contract on the table, and then waved his hands to everyone.

"Everyone, goodbye, before dawn, waiting for your good news!"


"Dark Council, it's over!"

Seeing the flames of war extinguishing in the distance, Willis spoke blankly!

And McKinsey on one side also looked blank!

No one thought that the final result would be like this!

The Dark Council and Solomon's Key attacked the Bright Council aggressively, but in the end they were killed by the other three parties, including the Dragon Group!

"How could this happen? It shouldn't be! Solomon's Key and the Council of Light are incompatible with each other. It doesn't make sense to fight back!"

McKinsey still has an unbelievable face to this day!

"My lord, the question now is not how this happened, but what to do afterwards!"

Willis finally reacted and hurriedly spoke!

When reminded by his words, McKinsey finally calmed down.

"Willis, what do you think?"

"Looking at the situation, maybe Solomon's Key has already formed an alliance with the Illuminati Council and the Dragon Team! Together, we are definitely not rivals! We have to contact Iga Ryu again!"

"Well, just as you said! Go!"



"The Dark Council! It really is a bunch of trash!"

Just as Willis roared to find Igaryu, in a building not too far from the Council of Light, Theodore was cautiously lying on the window, silently looking at the remaining flames of war.

It's just that, with the ease of speaking, Theodore's eyes are full of unspeakable fear!

He didn't show up before, indeed, as Cibino said, he didn't want to face his former colleagues.

But he did not expect that it was precisely because of this that he escaped this killing!

However, he never dreamed that Solomon's Key, which was supposed to be cooperative, would turn back and stabbed the Dark Council fiercely!

"According to the style of the Council of Light, I would never cooperate with Solomon's Key! The point is, why did the Dragon Team also come out? Damn it! What happened?"

Theodore frowned, and a thin layer of sweat oozes from the palm of his hand!

for a long time!

"Damn! It doesn't matter! The big deal is that I secretly do it alone! That thing must be obtained!"

"With it, I want to find revenge for that **** to go further!"

Theodore looked fierce!

Some determination has been made!


And the other small forces have been completely stunned by this incident!

"The Dark Council was actually destroyed!"

"Solomon's Key actually joined forces with the Council of Light?"

"The Dragon Team, who has never been out of the way, actually did it today?"

"Damn, what the **** is going on?"

A group of small forces who had recently left the rooftop of the Ampton Hotel all looked at the direction of the Bright Council in shock!

The battle over there was so fierce before, even the blind could see it!

"You, do you still remember, what was the reason we got together today?"

At this moment, the leader of a small force suddenly spoke in a panic.

"Huh? I remember, it seems like that **** day, want us to watch a good show?"

Another person interfaced.

"Then, guess what, he said the good show, does it mean this?"

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