God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 133: Money is meaningless to me

"Asshole! Actually, dare to talk to my boss like this!"

Two brawny men are furious!

One of them came straight to Jiang Fan!

Raise a fist and hit Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan sneered and hit the brawny man's heart with an extremely quick knee bump!


The brawny man trembled all over, then fell to his knees!

Another brawny man drew out a swing stick fiercely, and he was about to hit Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan suddenly had a cold look in his eyes!


The brawny man was so frightened that his feet were soft and he fell to his knees!

The three of Wang An looked incredible!

"You just wanted to let my student accompany you?"

Jiang Fan, slowly walk towards Wang An!

"You, what do you want to do? I, let me tell you! A big person like me, you are not a stinky takeaway who can offend you!"


Jiang Fan, just slapped him in the face!

Wang An screamed, and Jiang Fan's face was covered with blood!

"In front of me, you are also worthy of being a big shot?"

Jiang Fan's backhand was another slap in the face!

Wang Anmeng spouted half of his teeth!

He Yaozu and Li Yun, already, look dumbfounded!

It's too fierce!

Teacher Jiang, unexpectedly, so powerful?

However, they were worried immediately!

You know, Wang An has a backer! He has a social background!

"You, how dare you hit me! You're done!"


Jiang Fan slapped again!

Wang An's entire face was as swollen as a pig's head!

"I, I, I'm Cui Cheng's friend!"

Wang An, shouted desperately!

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, and suddenly the corners of his mouth raised: "Call Cui Cheng!"

"You, what did you say?"


Jiang Fan flew directly to Wang An!

"Deaf? Call Choi Sung!"

Wang An was beaten up, so he barely took out his phone and dialed out!

"Brother Cheng! I was beaten!"

"It's a takeaway!"

"You, come and hack him to death!"

Wang An hung up the phone and looked at Jiang Fan sullenly!

"Boy, you are dead! I promise, you will definitely die, terribly!"

However, before he finished speaking, Jiang Fan's cell phone rang!

Jiang Fan, turn on the hands-free directly!

"Mr. Jiang, that, did you do it with someone?"

"Yes, the idiot who called you just now, right across from me!"

"Mr. Jiang, don't get me wrong! We are completely unfamiliar with him!"

"It doesn't matter, this person wants to molest my student, you know what to do?"

"Yes, yes! I will do him right away!"

Jiang Fan hung up the phone and looked at Wang An with a plain expression!

And Wang An is completely scared!

He never expected that this takeaway was such a ruthless character!

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang, I, I..."

Wang An, his face is full of fear! I just felt that the bladder twitched!

Jiang Fan ignored him at all, instead looking at He Yaozu!

"How much do you owe him?"

"Five or fifty million!"

Jiang Fan directly took out a bank card and threw it on Wang An's face!

"50 million! A lot of one!"

"He's and your accounts have been settled. As for your and mine accounts, naturally someone will settle with you!"

"Now, get out!"

Wang An's face was dead gray, and he was completely dragged away by the brawny who was brought!

He knew that he was absolutely dead!

He Yaozu and Li Yun looked at Jiang Fan with gratitude!

"Thank you, Teacher Jiang! Thank you so much!"

The teacher of Blossom is amazing!

Not only can he fight, but he also has money, and most importantly, even the ruthless people in society treat him like an uncle!

It's really amazing!

"You are welcome, it is my bounden duty to ensure the normal learning of children!"

"Teacher Jiang, don't worry, as long as I turn around, I will definitely pay back the money!"

"Money is meaningless to me! Nothing can compare to a child's study!"

Jiang Fan, smile!


Teacher Jiang, it's so magnificent!

50 million, just to let Duo Duo be able to study at ease?

It's amazing! This kind of tolerance is simply not admirable to describe!

Mr. and Mrs. He Yaozu, moved, tears flowed!

"Teacher, rest assured! We will definitely urge Duo to study hard!"

"Good! Goodbye then!"

Jiang Fan said, ignoring He Yaozu and Li Yun's retention, strode out of He family!

At this moment, it was time for school, Jiang Fan simply started to run the singles!

"The 50 million I just got, and if you don't have it, you won't! The speed of spending money is almost catching up with the time when the family did not go bankrupt!"

"Forget it, food delivery is the business!"

Jiang Fan got on the bike!


Takeaway Star, again, set off!

With the appearance of Jiang Fan, there was another scream in the streets and alleys!

Countless mobile phone cameras are all aimed at Jiang Fan!

For these anchors, Jiang Fan represents only one word--


Even, it has become popular abroad!

As long as Jiang Fan can be photographed, those fans of Jiang Fan will definitely give a reward!

And the moment Jiang Fan appeared, a slender and beautiful woman also raised the corners of her mouth!

Surprisingly, Bai Xiaoyu!

"Jiang Fan, do you think you'll be done by taking me to the police station? I'm Bai Xiaoyu, but I will never give up!"

"Even at the end of the world, I must catch you!"

Bai Xiaoyu looks confident!

Because, this time, she prepared a small drone!

Moreover, it is made by DJI, top quality goods!

Super battery life, high-definition camera!

"This time, I see where you go!"

Bai Xiaoyu is confident! Take the driver and follow Jiang Fan without hurries!

"Didi! You have a new takeaway order!"

Jiang Fan didn't notice the candid camera device overhead, and went straight to the next guest!

Time passed bit by bit!

Bai Xiaoyu has an impatient face!

"Damn it! Is this guy a monster? Why doesn't he need to rest?"

"This kind of high-intensity food delivery is simply not something human can do!"

at this time!

In the distance, suddenly, there was a sharp scream of a fire rescue vehicle!

In front of Bai Xiaoyu's eyes, Jiang Fan, who had been delivering meals in a straight line, suddenly turned a big bend and went straight to the place where the fire alarm appeared!

"Takeaway Star, he is, going to watch the fun?"

"Huh! Sure enough, no matter how the fans tell him about him, he is still a hanging silk!"

Although Bai Xiaoyu said dismissively, there was a trace of anger in his heart!

Takeaway Star, you, really let me down!

"Go, let's go too!"

Not far away from them, I saw a six-story residential building, full of fire and smoke!

The fire started from a house on the fourth floor, and several nearby houses were completely trapped to death!

On one of the windows, a child is crying!

At this moment, the fire engine is continuously spraying water into it! And a group of firefighters with perseverance on their faces are quickly putting on fire-proof suits, preparing, and rushing in to save people!

This time the fire is too big and the situation is extremely critical! They are also very worried!

This time, I don’t know, which brother will be lost again!

However, the responsibility on their shoulders keeps them from stepping back!

But, just when a group of firefighters were about to rush in--


A bicycle suddenly appeared with a strong wind!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan, wearing a takeaway suit, had already rushed into the smoke-filled corridor!

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