God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 134: The monstrous flame is just a smooth journey to me


Jiang Fan, as soon as he entered, a heat wave rushed all over his body!

Behind him, the firefighters shouted anxiously!

"Little brother! It's too dangerous, come out!"

"You have no experience, don't be aggressive!"

"Leave it to us! Come out!"

Jiang Fan was slightly moved, but he rushed upstairs even more!

Just arrived on the third floor, before Jiang Fan's eyes, it was already hazy!

The choking smell of smoke, even more so, made his lungs hot and painful!

Jiang Fan frowned, and the Nine Suns' True Scriptures flowed endlessly, and he directly closed his external breathing!

As long as the true qi is not consumed, he can do it, no need to breathe for the time being!

I rushed to the fourth floor, and saw that on both sides of the corridor, fires had sprayed out from the doors of several houses!

The entire corridor, except for a little gap on the ground, was almost entirely covered by fire!

"Who has anyone?"

Jiang Fan yelled, but no one answered!

Only the innermost room, vaguely, sounded the cry of a child!

Jiang Fan didn't dare to delay, took two steps, and then, his whole body, pressed against the ground, slid to the innermost corridor!

The raging flames burned on his head, but Jiang Fan was not afraid!


Jiang Fan kicked open the door! Look around for the source of the sound!

Finally, on the balcony, I found a child who had already fainted!

Jiang Fan hurriedly took off his take-out clothes, wrapped the child, and was about to escape from the fire!

Unfortunately, at this moment, the beam at the door actually smashed down!

Moreover, there was a faint smell of gas in the air!

Jiang Fan frowned, suddenly turned around, and then kicked the security window on the balcony!

On the fourth floor, a full ten meters from the ground!

However, the situation is critical, Jiang Fan has no time to think about it, and mobilizes the true energy of his body to his feet, and then he jumps!

Just as Jiang Fan just jumped out of the window, behind him, there was a loud noise!


Gas explosion!

Everyone's windows were blasted to pieces!

The raging tongue of fire leaped a few meters out of the window!

The crowd was frightened and screamed!

As soon as Jiang Fan was pushed by the blast of air, his whole body was tilted!

Actually, the body was down and fell to the ground!

Seeing Jiang Fan fall, the crowd suddenly exclaimed!

And Bai Xiaoyu, who had just arrived, was even more icy in her heart!

Takeaway Star, is that over?

I have not apologized for the misunderstanding of him just now!

"Takeaway Star!"

Bai Xiaoyu suddenly let out a miserable scream!

And Jiang Fan, at this moment, only felt that his hands and feet were out of control!

Seeing getting closer and closer to the ground, Jiang Fan suddenly tried his best to lower his back, and at the same time, hugged the child in his arms tightly!


A loud noise!

Jiang Fan unexpectedly hit a car parked downstairs severely!


The roof of the car suddenly sank, and several windows exploded at the same time!

Countless glass shards sprayed a full ten meters away!

The crowd was silent for a while, then stepped back at the same time, almost afraid to look!

Several firefighters gritted their teeth and walked towards the car with sorrow!

However, they all exclaimed when they were getting closer!

"It's okay! It's okay!"

"Great! It's okay!"

"Hahaha! Brother, you are still alive!"

I saw that Jiang Fan was holding the child tightly, although he grinned with painful teeth, but, except for a scratch on his forehead, he was not hurt!

Several firemen looked at Jiang Fan excitedly!

"Little brother! You are amazing!"

"You are more **** than us!"

"I admire you so much!"

"But next time, you can't be so impulsive! It scared us to death!"

Jiang Fan chuckled and handed the child to the firefighter. However, this time, he affected the injury, and he felt that his whole body seemed to fall apart!

"Brother, are you okay?"

"What's wrong? Did it hurt the internal organs?"

"Quickly, contact 120 first aid!"

Jiang Fan hurriedly shook his head!

"No, I'll just wait for a while!"

At this time, the crowd had already gathered!

Even, many people still take pictures here with their mobile phones!

Jiang Fan hurriedly put the mask back on, and barely climbed off the roof of the car!

The crowd stared at Jiang Fan for a long time, suddenly, applauded at the same time!

"Little brother, you are a real man!"

"real man!"

"It's too powerful! This kind of fire dared to rush in and save people!"

"Thanks to you! Otherwise, the child's life would be lost!"

"It's not just that, if it weren't for this little brother, when we firefighters rushed in, we happened to encounter a gas explosion, and then it would be dangerous!"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

"Nothing, it should be done!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and felt that his body no longer hurts!

At this time, Bai Xiaoyu finally walked over with a complicated expression!

"Hello, gentleman. I'm Bai Xiaoyu, a reporter from Los Angeles TV Station. Can I interview you?"

"Just now, you broke into the fire to save people, so you were not afraid, did you put yourself in?"

Jiang Fan looked directly at Bai Xiaoyu with a solemn expression!

"Some things must be done by someone! It's like these firefighters by my side!"

"Compared to their life-saving life-saving forgotten death, I just did one thing I could do!"

"I hope everyone can pay more attention to them!"

"After all, only these real, unsung heroes can really protect everyone!"

Bai Xiaoyu's eyes lit up!

The crowd suddenly burst into applause!

A group of firefighters, then, gratefully looked at Jiang Fan!

This little brother, what he said, is so touching!

Even, let these ironclad men couldn't help but have red eyes!

"Sir, what you said is great!"

Bai Xiaoyu has a look of admiration!

"Sir, can you ask, your name?"

"Please call me, takeaway boy!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and then stepped on the bicycle!

Step on!


Go away in an instant!

Running on the avenue again, Jiang Fan was not at ease in his heart!

"Fortunately, it fell on the car, otherwise, it would be really troublesome!"

"It seems that the current level of Zhen Qi is still too low!"

Jiang Fan, while thinking, continue to deliver food!

Bai Xiaoyu returned to the car with disappointment!

What a pity, I couldn't, ask Jiang Fan's name!

However, when she thought of the scene where Jiang Fan gave up her life to save others, she suddenly felt stunned!

So handsome! Too brave! This is the real man!

Those niche traffickers, compared with him, are simply rubbish!

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaoyu suddenly remembered that the drone should have captured this scene!

Opening the screen hastily, Bai Xiaoyu's eyes brighter the more she looks!

It's just that after seeing it again, she always feels that something is wrong!

Bai Xiaoyu watched it again, and then suddenly let out an exclamation!

The drone, unexpectedly, captured a complete profile of Jiang Fan!

That was when Jiang Fan suddenly turned his back to save the child!

Probably it was too hard to throw off the mask!

That side face, cold, firm, and his eyes are full of a mockery of fate!

The moment when he saw this profile face, Bai Xiaoyu felt that his heart melted!

So handsome!

Handsome, suffocating!

But, the next moment, she was suddenly entangled!

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