God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1333: Widow Tun Gambling God

"what happened?"

"What did you bump into?"

"Is it a whale?"

"Don't be silly! This is not out of the shallow sea yet!"

The crowd talked a lot, but there was not much panic. After all, the crowd gathered on the boat at this moment are all masters!

"Passengers, I am the captain! I touched a sinking ship just now while sailing, but you can rest assured that the hull is not damaged! In addition, the casino and bar on the cruise ship are already open, so you can rest assured!"

At this moment, the captain's voice suddenly sounded from the speaker of the cruise ship.

When the crowd heard it, they were even more determined!

There are many shipwrecks around the Bermuda Islands, because there are too many reefs here, and a little carelessness will cause them to hit the reef.

Although this route is often cleaned up, along with the undercurrent of the seabed, occasionally some shipwrecks may be rolled onto the route, so it is not uncommon to hit the ship in the sea.

However, the opening of casinos and bars is good news, the next voyage is not short, and finally there is fun to pass the time!

The point is, if the gambling is prosperous, the money for the ferry tickets can be recovered!

Suddenly, the crowd rushed into the cabin with excitement!

The cruise ship has a total of five floors, the second and third floors are guest rooms, the casino and bar are on the fourth floor, and the fifth floor is the restaurant.

Soon, with the influx of people, the entire fourth floor became active.

The area is not small, all kinds of gambling equipment are readily available, and there are many waiters who are dressed in cool clothes carrying drinks and interspersed around.

Jiang Fan is not very interested in gambling, which depends on luck, and focuses on observing the performance of these people.

"Mr. Bai Zhou, don't you go play two?"

Archibald, who was following Jiang Fan, asked with a smile on his face!

"It's nothing, I can't lose again."

Jiang Fan's tone was a bit lonely.

At this moment, a few people happened to be near a blackjack gambling table. When they heard Jiang Fan's words, the men who had been betting against them suddenly turned their heads.

"Can't lose?"

"Boy, the tone is crazy!"

"In front of my widow, the gambling **** Hu Lao Er, dare to be so arrogant!"

"Huh! I am the first to be the first to be unsatisfied with the gambling in Scalper Town, Las Vegas!"

"And me! Do you treat me as the gambler Jack in London, British Columbia!"

"Boy, come over and play a few if you have the ability!"

Several people looked at Jiang Fan proudly!

"This...you guys are too young to play, I have no interest, forget it!"

Jiang Fan's tone is full of hesitation!

"Small play? Look clearly, the minimum bet is 1,000 dollars! There is no cap on the top!"

"Hey, kid, aren't you afraid?"

"It doesn't matter if it's too small, just add it up and it's done! So, no matter you win or lose, you can get 10,000 in a hand!"

Several people sneered!

"Ten thousand? It's still too small, forget it, I'll go elsewhere!"

Jiang Fan shook his head, leaving with a guilty tone!


"Damn! Don't leave!"

"Today you have to play, and you have to play if you don't!"

"Yes! How old are you talking about!"

Bill stood up and stopped Jiang Fan!

"you guys!"

Jiang Fan's tone was angry, and then suddenly roared!

"Okay! If you want to play! One million! If I have money, I will play!"


"One million?"

"Is this kid crazy?"

"Do you have that much money?"

Everyone was stunned!

Even the surrounding crowd came up!

"I have money!"

Jiang Fan said, shaking his head at No. 2!

Suddenly, No. 2 directly drew out a bank card and flicked it at the dealer!

The dealer quickly took out the POSS machine and brushed it again, and then his face suddenly changed!

"One hundred million... thirty million! There are thirty million knives in it!"


"This kid is so rich?"

"It turned out to be a fat sheep!"

"Just say it if you have money!"

Bill is overjoyed!

"Okay! One million is one million! Come!"

As soon as they agreed, Jiang Fan was taken aback!

"You, you guys, really playing?"

"Nonsense! Hurry up! Who made you pretend to be forced!"

"Yes! I have to teach you a lesson today!"

A few people looked at Jiang Fan's bank card, and their eyes almost gleamed!

Thirty million dollars!

Nearly two billion Chinese coins!

Although these small forces are not bad for money, two hundred million, no matter where they are, this is a huge sum of money!

Those guys of this kid are all great, it is impossible to grab, but if it is to win, no one has anything to say!

Today, we must find all the money!


Jiang Fan's tone is full of helplessness!

Soon, a few people have been seated again!

It's rare to encounter this kind of gamble, and the crowd has surrounded them!

After a while, No. 2 came back with a million chips!

Bill's brows frowned, this kid only changed a million chips!

It seems that I want to run after losing!

But how can it be that simple!

Looking at this kid's performance on the rooftop, he was obviously full of arrogance!

What this kind of person fears most is being despised!

When the time comes, he will say a few ruthless words, he will definitely have to do it again for the sake of face!

Several people laughed darkly!

"How to play?"

Jiang Fan asked.

"Simple, not counting the croupier, whoever has the big card, kills!"

Jack laughed!

"One wins and three loses?"

"Fart! These three guys are obviously doing a trick!"

"Yes, it looks fair, but the three of them have obviously colluded. If the three of them lose each other, they must all return!"

"As for winning, of course they are divided!"

"And no matter what card is dealt, they have a three-quarter chance of winning!"

"Fuck, this is a good trick!"

The crowd suddenly glanced at Jiang Fan sympathetically!

Does this kid have a problem with his head?

Can't you see such an obvious trap?

Kirara Hasegawa frowned and wanted to serve!

But at this moment, the old woman suddenly grabbed the corner of his clothes and shook her head slightly!

Hasegawa was startled, and the cards had already been dealt over there!

Four players are playing Kombat, one player has two cards without adding cards, and the cards are drawn directly to compare the cards!

Hu Lao Er stretched out his hand to open the card first, and then suddenly laughed!

A K and a Q are actually a preserved egg!

And Bill's luck is not bad, it is eight o'clock.

Jack was unlucky, only thirteen.

But the three of them looked at each other, but they all smiled!

They were originally meant to pit Jiangfan, it doesn't count if they lose each other, but as long as one family wins, then they all win!

Preserved eggs, stable!

"Hehehe, kid, you don't seem to be very lucky!"

"Yes, under normal circumstances, the chances of a preserved egg winning are 90%!"

"Hehehe, don't froze, go ahead!"

The three of them were so excited that they couldn't help but want to get the chips on the table!

But Jiang Fan hesitated, and finally slowly opened the card!

K, A!

It turned out to be blackjack!

For a moment!

The smiles of Hu Lao Er and the others all froze on their faces!

The first one was blackjack. The odds were so low that when I suddenly went home and found that the next door Pharaoh was visiting at home, it was even lower!

This kid, so lucky?

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