God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1334: Pharaoh has entered the bedroom

At the same time a few people looked dumbfounded.

Jiang Fan was already laughing!

"Look, what am I talking about? I won't lose at all!"

While talking, he has put away all the chips on the table, and is ready to leave!

But at this moment!


Hu Lao Er suddenly roared!

This bastard!

It's so irritating!

I planned to cheat people, but I didn't expect this kid to win!

Losing money is a trivial matter now, and the three companies did a set together and lost. The key is that there are still so many people watching here, and I can't afford to lose this person!

Bill and Jack have the same idea. If you lose one million, you will lose. The big deal is to go back and take a few more orders. Besides, if you enter the ruins, you will definitely bring more than this price!

Now I have to get my face back!

"What else?"

Jiang Fan turned his head and asked.

"Boy, let's have another one if you have a seed!"

Hu's second voice is gloomy!


"Not coming!"

Jiang Fan said straightforwardly, and refused without even thinking about it!

All of them were dumbfounded!

Looking at Jiang Fan blankly!

How can this kid sneak away with money, so shameless than them?

The crowd couldn't help laughing out loud!

"Hehehe, interesting!"

"Yeah, I made a set for others, but I made myself into it!"

"But I made three million in less than ten seconds. This kid is really lucky!"

"It's rare to encounter such an idiot, hehe, I knew I would go up and play a few!"

"You? You may not have that kind of luck!"

The eyes of the crowd watching Bill and others were full of mockery!

Several people are embarrassed to bury their heads in the toilet!

When Jiang Fan was about to leave the casino, several people were finally anxious!

"Boy! Two million once!"


Jiang Fan paused before turning his head slowly.

"Two million at a time?"


"If there is a kind, continue!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to play, just say something that you are afraid of!"

"Yes, I have to apologize for the madness you just said!"

"You have to admit that you are a softie!"

Bill sneered!

"Huh! I dare not? Good!"

Jiang Fan said angrily and returned to the gaming table!

Another round of licensing begins!

This time, Bill actually ate a set of preserved eggs, and Hu's second wife and Jack were not bad luck. They were one at eight o'clock and the other at seventeen!

Boy, I don’t believe you are still blackjack!

Several people looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

Jiang Fan hesitated for a moment, and turned the cards over—

K, A!

It turned out to be blackjack again!



"This kid is so lucky!"

"Too Nima is amazing!"

"It's too crazy to open blackjack in a row!"

The crowd gasped!

And Hu's two and three were completely confused!

Two blackjacks in a row, the odds are the same as when he returned home to find that the next door Lao Wang was showing his wife's palm!

"No, it's impossible!"

"You are a veteran! You must be a veteran!"

"Yes! It must be so!"

Bills roared directly!

Two million, counting the previous one million, that is three million dollars!

And this is only one person lost!

Three million dollars!

No matter where it is, it is a big sum!

Perhaps for a normal first-class family, this is nothing at all, but mercenary forces like Bill, although powerful, do not have that kind of business acumen at all!

It all worked hard!

You can't make a few three million dollars if you work hard for a year!

The key is that a quilt is not an anti-quilt cover!

Too shameful Nima!

So a few people were directly angry, and wanted to go wrong!


"Hehe, several people, there are so many people watching here! If I am a thousand people, would others not be able to see it? Do you think all the people here are blind?"

Jiang Fan sneered!

The trio's expressions suddenly stagnated!

That's right!

The crowd at the scene is not ordinary people, even if it is a thousand people, it is impossible that others will not find it!

And Jiang Fan already smiled gloomily again!

"Also, there is a grandmaster watching here! Even if others can't find it, don't they find it? Do you mean that these grandmasters are also my accomplices?"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone's expressions changed!

The faces of Pampas and others were gloomy, and Hu's second few people almost didn't urinate!

Jiang Fan's words are too overcast!

If they insisted on saying that Jiang Fan would go out of business, they would completely offend everyone!

Especially those masters!

It's easier for these people to kill them than to squeeze a bug!

"you you……"

Bill and the others only feel that their hearts are bleeding!

But there was no other way, he gave Jiang Fan a bitter look, and was about to leave!

But at this moment!

"Hey hey, Mr. Bai Zhou, I'm lucky! Do we want to play two too?"

At this moment, a gloomy voice suddenly sounded!

Everyone looked intently, and their complexions suddenly changed!

It was Duntecha, the master of lowered head, who was talking!

"Dundtcha? Why is he?"

"Why does this old monster join in the fun?"

"This old guy is the most greedy for money, he must be jealous when he saw this kid earn so much!"

"That's true, a total of nine million knives, if you are an individual, you have to be tempted!"

The crowd whispered.

But Archibald narrowed his eyes slightly!

Based on his understanding of Dun Techa, although this old man is greedy for money, he will never go to the gambling table for a few million!

Could it be that he saw his alliance with Jiang Fan and guessed what?

What does he want to do?

Just when Archibald looked uncertain, Duntecha had already sat down at the gambling table, and at the same time looked at Jiang Fan with a weird smile.

"Mr. Bai Zhou, what's the matter? You should not be afraid of such good luck? I have ten million, two million, how about it?"

"Well, in that case, all right!"

Jiang Fan nodded.

Seeing that Jiang Fan was going to continue, Pampas and Lin Guodong looked at each other calmly, and then they all showed a sneerful smile.

This Duntecha is going to be unlucky today!

But Hu Lao Er and the others are all excited!

Hehehe, this kid dared to play with Duntecha, he was just looking for death!

This old monster is notorious for recognizing money and not people!

If you lose, it's better to say that if you win his money, you lose your life!

By day, you just wait to die!

Thinking of the unlucky look after Jiang Fan, their waists are no longer sore, their legs are no longer sore, and they are even more excited about flying!

Soon, the dealer has started to deal cards again!

The Duntecha card will be opened as soon as you get it!

10, J!

It's actually preserved eggs!

This win is definitely not a small one!

The excitement of Hu's two and three people is beyond words!

Unless Jiang Fan is still blackjack, he will definitely lose!

But Jiang Fan sighed and flipped the card gently!

K, A!


It's **** blackjack!


The crowd couldn't help but gasped!

And the two and three of Hu's mouths were open, even their small tongues were exposed!

Three blackjacks in a row. The current probability is that when I get home, I find that the next door Lao Wang is talking with his wife in the bedroom!

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