God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1335: As long as I want no one can win

The crowd was shocked!

And Dun Techa looked equally surprised!

But he immediately narrowed his eyes!

"carry on!"

With the dealer dealing cards, this time Duntecha is eighteen o'clock!

And Jiang Fan is still doing it at will!

K, A!

It's still blackjack!


The crowd suddenly exclaimed!

Hu's foreheads are sweating!

Now the old Wang next door is not only talking, he has begun to put his hands on his wife and start to comfort him!

"carry on!"

Duntecha frowned!

When the cards were dealt, he lifted his hand, fifteen points!

And Jiang Fan yawned lazily and yawned again!

K, A!


It turned out to be the **** blackjack!

"Damn it!"

"Is this guy a **** of gamblers?"

"Five blackjacks in a row!"

"This chance, this chance..."

The crowd's eyes widened in shock!

Hu Lao Er and the others are almost suffocated!

In front of my eyes, it was as if I could see that the old Wang next door had already begun to perform Chinese medical massage for his wife at this moment!

Even the faces of several masters have completely changed!

In terms of probability, the odds are definitely lower than winning the lottery!

Is Jiang Fan too lucky, or is he really out of business?

This, this is simply impossible!

At this moment everyone's attention has been placed on Jiang Fan, not to mention that he is not a master, even if he reaches the master, it is impossible to escape so many eyes!


Jiang Fan said with a smile.

"Follow, continue!"

Duntecha clenched his fists!

It's another round of licensing!

Duntecha is only 13 o'clock this time!

And Jiang Fan, the face was lifted!

K, A!

It's still blackjack!

"Ah! God!"

The crowd is completely boiling!

"carry on!"

Duntecha almost screamed!

However, Jiang Fan's brand was upset!

K, A!


The seventh blackjack!

"Follow, continue..."

Dun Techa spoke with a trembling voice!


"Don't be so troublesome!"

Jiang Fan suddenly looked at the croupier!

"Four pairs in a row!"


The croupier was taken aback!

"Do it!"

Jiang Fan's tone is plain, but there is no doubt about it!

Without saying anything, the croupier immediately sent four pairs to Jiang Fan!

"I am always lucky!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had already opened the first one!

K, A!


"But some people are always dissatisfied!"

Jiang Fan continued to open the second picture, still K, A!

It's blackjack again!

"These people just don't understand one truth! That is..."

The third picture, still K, A!

And Jiang Fan's hand has been placed on the fourth card!

"As long as I want to, no one can win!"

The card is opened!

K, A!


Eleven in a row, all of them are blackjack!

And it's all blackjack from the KA group!

The audience was silent!

Everyone felt more than just shock at this moment!

When luck reaches a limit, it is scary!

Because everyone knows that luck is also part of strength!

"This monster, how did he do it?"

Pampas' eyes twitched!

"This kid is too exaggerated!"

Lin Guodong's eyes widened!

"Miss, don't be an enemy!"

Even the old woman who has never spoken before finally speaks slowly at this moment!

It's just that Keira Hasegawa's mind is obviously not around at the moment, her pair of beautiful eyes has almost stuck to Jiang Fan!


How did Jiang Fan do it?

The existence of such luck against the sky is simply unheard of!

Could it be that he is the son of the plane often mentioned in various cartoons and novels?

The key is that the last sentence is really handsome!

As long as I want, no one can win!

How confident and aggressive this is!

This room full of powerhouses is useless in front of Jiang Fan!

But, is Jiang Fan really lucky?

How is this possible!

Everything comes from one skill!

From the world of the God of Gamblers, the God of Gamblers is undefeated!

Undefeated God of Gamblers: With a big back, skillful and happy, you can become the God of Gamblers, too!

Note: By eating this item, you will become the **** of gambling! All kinds of gambling skills are at your fingertips! Even including, changing cards!

With this skill, no one can beat Jiang Fan in the game!

"Mr. Duntecha, your ten million, I laughed at it!"

Jiang Fan chuckled softly, and No. 2 had already collected his chips quickly!

"and so on!"

Duntecha, with a gray face, suddenly spoke!

"Why? Still want to continue?"

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

"No, no, I have never heard of Mr. Bai Zhou's gambling skills! I want to stay with Mr. Bai Zhou!"

Dun Techa spoke solemnly!


"What does Duntecha mean?"

"Is it going to be under the banner of Dayu?"

"My God! This day is too ruthless, isn't it? You actually subdued all monsters like Duntecha!"

"Too tough!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

And Hu Lao Er few people said nothing, Sa Yazi ran away!

They originally expected Dun Techa to deal with Jiang Fan, but they didn't know that now this old guy not only lost in a mess, but also wanted to be Jiang Fan's younger brother!

If you don't run now, you won't know how to die for a while!

But Jiang Fan's face behind the mask frowned slightly!

Dun Techa, an old monster, is not as stunned as Yue Jianhan, just because he has shown a little ability, he will follow him!

For this kind of old guy, their selfishness has gone deep into their bones!

Absolutely unprofitable cannot afford to be early!

So, this old guy started from betting on poker, is he ready to follow himself?

It seems that he saw Archibald following him, so he thought he knew more about the ruins!

But if you want to follow yourself, how can it be so easy!

"Sorry, Mr. Duntecha, there is no shortage of people by my side now!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly, turned around and left!

Everyone was stunned!


Bai Zhou actually refused to follow such a master!

Dun Techa is even more confused!

Own, he is the strongest of the fourteenth limit!

With just a little bit, you can break the shackles and become a master!

No matter where you go, others are rushing for it!

Especially now, I am rushing to follow the day!

But now, this day, he kicked himself away with a single kick!


No, the more he throws himself off, the more he has to follow him!

This kid must know the more important information in the ruins!

He is one step behind Archibald, and he must not be behind any more!

With a certain idea, Dun Techa couldn't take care of his face immediately, and immediately chased Jiang Fan!

But at this moment!

"Hey, Mr. Duntecha, do you really want to follow my host?"

The voice of number two suddenly sounded!

Duntecha's footsteps!

"of course!"

"Well, come and talk!"

Suddenly No. 2 dragged Dun Techa!

The two soon came to a corner of the casino.

"Mr. Duntecha, not everyone can follow my host!"

"Huh! I...hehe, brother, then why can Archibald follow?"

Duntecha wanted to get angry, but he immediately put on a smiling face!

Oh shit!

If I didn't ask for you, I must kill you now!

Let me ask for everything, and wait until you come out of the ruins, there are you guys good-looking!

Dun Techa felt cruel in his heart!

And number two is smiling!

"Mr. Duntecha, let's be honest, don't you think our master knows more about the ruins, so he came here?"

"Don't, don't talk nonsense! I just admire Mr. Bai Zhou's gambling skills, absolutely nothing..."

Dun Techa's face changed drastically!

"Mr. Duntecha, if you don't tell the truth, I can't help you!"

"Hehe, this, this..."

Dun Techa can only laugh twice!

But No. 2 laughed more and more happily!

"In that case, it will be easier!"

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