God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1336: Why is the deposit so expensive?

"What do you mean?"

Duntecha was stunned when he heard the words of number two!

Number two smiled softly, and then he spoke!

"Mr. Duntecha, do you know what the price of Archibald was for following our master?"

"What is it?"

"He paid a deposit of 50 million yuan!"

"How many?!"

Dun Techa was stunned!

Looked at number two with a hooded look!

"Fifty million?! Security deposit? What the **** is such an expensive deposit?"

"The deposit of allegiance! Otherwise, do you think our master will let him join so easily? Mr. Duntecha, the benefit of following our master is far beyond this number!"

Duntecha was stunned!

But he immediately got a sense of relief!

damn it!

I knew it!

Sure enough, there are more detailed information for this day!

But fifty million... Nima! Is it really black?

"Hehe, money is okay, but how do I know if Daylight is real..."

"Mr. Duntecha! Believe it or not, we didn't force you to pay! Anyway, I told you, the choice is yours!"

The second directly interrupted Dun Techa, smiled softly, turned around and left!

"and so on!"

Dun Techa hurriedly stopped number two!

"Okay! I'll give it!"

As he said, he took out a bank card directly!

Unfortunately, No. 2 shook his head and directly reported a series of accounts.

"Mr. Duntecha, you only need to transfer the money! In case your bank card is frozen, then we are... hehe!"

"Haha, good, good!"

Duntechagan laughed twice!

He did think a little bit more carefully just now, but he didn't expect to be seen through by Number Two so quickly!

"Mr. Duntecha, you'd better be faster. You will enter the no-signal zone in more than 20 minutes. Then you can only use the satellite phone on the ship. I am afraid it is not very convenient to contact the bank!"

Number two smiled and finally left!

Only Duntecha with an ugly face was left!


"Ding Ding Ding!"

With a ring of bells, Jiang Fan picked up the phone!

"Hello, are you Mr. Jiang Fan?"

"it's me!"

"Hello, I am the customer service manager of Bank X. Just now you have a transfer of 50 million dollars that has been credited..."

With the sound of the other party's voice, Jiang Fan's face couldn't help showing a smile!

The speed of No. 2 is really fast!

The extortion of Dun Techa is over so soon!

"...Do you have any other questions?"

"Turn all this money into Huaxia coins, I don't want a dollar!"

"Okay, I wish you a happy life, goodbye!"


Hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan looked relaxed!

It's a pleasure to earn this kind of money!

"There are still eleven hours to reach the destination. From now on, don't worry about anything and rest immediately!"

Jiang Fan put away the phone and looked at Long Yan and other subordinates.


Everyone knows that once they enter the ruins, they will inevitably face continuous battles, and now that more energy and physical strength can become the key to victory!

After finishing the order, Jiang Fan slowly closed his eyes!

I don't know how long it has been!


The hull trembled violently!

Jiang Fan suddenly opened his eyes!

And there was already a cry of exclamation outside!

"Damn! It was okay just now, why did a storm suddenly start?"

"Look, another tsunami is coming!"

"Nima! So big!"

"Quickly enter the cabin! Everyone is in the cabin!"

Countless exclamations and screams of the captain sounded at the same time!

Jiang Fan looked out the window and frowned suddenly!

At this moment, the sky is completely dark, but with the light on the cruise ship, you can still clearly see that there is a huge wave as high as tens of meters in the distance, like a mountain, it is hitting in the direction of the cruise ship!

"Fuck! Brother Fan, what should I do?"

Long Yan also woke up, all of them looked at Jiang Fan!

"My lord, do you want me to do it?"

Number Two spoke hesitantly!

Although he is a water system supernatural player, he can control water by nature, but this is a tsunami after all!

Unless the stock of his abilities is endless, there is no certainty at all!


"Continue to rest!"

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!


Several people were taken aback!

"Don't worry, there are a few masters here, they can't make a mistake! They don't need to enter the ruins, it is a waste of their strength, and they will definitely make a move!"

Jiang Fan's voice just fell!

"Swish swish swish!"

Several figures have suddenly appeared on the deck!

It is the supporters of several major forces!


Pampas took the lead!

Accompanied by his roar, a terrifying blood-colored flame of three meters high!

Then he hugged his hands, and suddenly roared!

next moment!


A fan-shaped blood-colored light suddenly sprayed out!

That powerful reaction force even made Pampas step back involuntarily!

The fan-shaped bloodlight shot was only ten meters wide, but the farther the distance, the larger the area, and finally stretched out hundreds of meters, suddenly crashing on the waves!


A loud and deafening noise!

The waves that were several tens of meters high were directly shattered!


Long Yan and others exclaimed!

Even Jiang Fan frowned!

However, this wave dissipated, but another wave followed!

"The highest good is like water, water is good for all things without fighting! Evil!"

At this moment, a voice like Hong Zhong Dalu suddenly resounded through the world!

It's Lin Guodong!

As his voice sounded, he had already pinched a magic trick with both hands!

next moment!


The second huge wave suddenly split into two, giving way to a smooth path!

Everyone looked shocked!

Igariu's old woman took a deep look at Lin Guodong!

"Lin Sang, this is Huaxia's five-element escape method, right?"


Lin Guodong smiled slightly!

However, one wave of unsettled waves rose again, and after two huge waves, another wave hit!

But this time, the rest of the people didn't make a move. Instead, they looked at McKinsey, the guardian of the Super Team, who had been silent for a long time!

"Haha, everyone, my abilities may not be applicable!"

McKinsey grinned!

It's just that the others didn't speak!

Just looked at him coldly!

"Hey, okay, then this time, I will do it!"

McKinsey hooked his mouth and went straight to the forefront of the deck. Then he stood up with one hand and suddenly aimed at the huge wave!


Accompanied by his low roar, starting from under his feet, an air of incomparably icy cold burst out suddenly!

In the next moment, a range of one hundred meters of the huge wave was turned into a huge iceberg by the impact of the cold!

McKinsey's ability is actually the ice energy of the ability system!

And such violent waves can be frozen between shots, at least it seems that McKinsey's strength is definitely not weaker than Pampas and Lin Guodong!

And with the grip of McKinsey's palm, the frozen iceberg suddenly burst into pieces!

The ice in the sky suddenly smashed down towards the cruise ship!

Everyone's complexion changed!

"The ability of the old body is the ghost control of the Eastern Shintoism, I am afraid that I can't help a few people!"

The old woman looked at the ice in the sky and spoke slowly.

Sharman just smiled!

Raise your hand!

"Holy Light!"


A holy light as bright as the sun suddenly fell from the sky!

Unlike before, the Holy Light summoned by Sharman this time has covered more than a hundred meters!


A loud noise!

The countless pieces of ice that had rushed to the cruise ship were illuminated by the holy light and suddenly turned into a mist!

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