As soon as the violent appeared, the faces of the people in Pampas sank directly!

This violent is not a master, but the momentum of his whole body is really amazing!

In the fourteenth level, they have never seen such a violent character in the aura!

The power contained in this guy's body has definitely reached the level of a master!

Under the Night Demon, there is such a monster!

And the leader of that little power immediately swallowed and spit when he saw the raging, and then directly chose to shrink!

Dingy ran back to the cruise ship.

Don't even dare to look at Jiang Fan again!

No face, Jiang Fan was very kind just now, but he had to pretend to be forced!

It's alright now, this compulsive pretender, simply failing, is comparable to the way a prostitute wants to take credit in the future!

But the others didn't even care about him!

"This person must die!"

Pampas looked at the violent coldly and spoke slowly!

This rage is too terrifying, although everyone has not seen him take action, but fools know that once everyone enters the ruins, I am afraid that no one is his opponent except the team leader!

"In that case, just leave it to the old man!"

The old woman suddenly spoke!

Immediately afterwards, she had already taken out a dark crock!

Then, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, he suddenly cut his wrist with his nail and poured all the blood on the crock!

The blood dripped down drop by drop, but just as soon as it fell on the earthen jar, it infiltrated strangely!

It was as if something in the earthen jar was devouring her blood!

At the same time, the earthen jar trembled violently!

"Flying Demon, come out! Absorb his blood!"

The old woman said, raising her hand to violently!

The trembling of the earthen jar suddenly stopped!


"Hee hee hee……"

The shrill laughter of a spooky woman suddenly sounded!

Upon hearing this sound, the crowd felt their scalp numb!

And the next moment!


A woman with an extremely distorted body wrapped in long hair suddenly rushed out of the earthen jar, and she suddenly rushed into a violent thunder!

According to Dongying mythology, Feiyuan Demon is born from the grievances of female prisoners and specializes in sucking the blood of men!

And the one that was refined by the old woman, the yin wind that was brought up at the moment of appearance, unexpectedly rolled up a fourteenth-level master!

Fei Yuan Mo just flew more than ten meters, this fourteenth-level master has been sucked into a corpse!

Everyone is chilling!

Dongying Shintoism's exorcism may not be powerful, but this method is really terrifying!

However, in the face of the flying demon who rushed in, the violent was nothing but grinning!

Seeing that the Flying Demon had already rushed to the vicinity of the giant wheel!

But at this moment!


An invisible light curtain suddenly flashed past!

next moment!


Feiyuan Demon suddenly screamed!

The momentum of the whole body is as fast as a flood release!

But the terrifying anchor in Berserker's hand suddenly waved!


A terrifying wind like thunder suddenly exploded!

In the next moment, the flying demon who was able to rush to Fury's side was directly bombarded with black smoke by Fury's blow!


The old woman screamed suddenly!

Although Feiyuan Demon is only level fourteen, after being poured with her essence and blood, she has briefly gained level fifteen strength!

Such an existence would be exploded by a violent blow!

How is this possible!

"Too, too exaggerated!"

"Destroyed the fifteenth-level ghost in one blow?"

"How can this guy be so perverted!"

"It's over, how can one of Ye Mo's subordinates be so strong?"

Everyone turned pale!

But Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"Why? Look carefully at the surface of the sea! Feiyuan Demon just touched the taboo enchantment, and the strength of the fifteenth level was gone, and it would be killed by a single blow!"


Everyone immediately looked into the distance upon hearing this!

However, no problem was found until a long time later!


A woman suddenly exclaimed and pointed at the sea near the giant ship!

Everyone took a closer look, and then discovered that although the sea was calm and waveless, but within a few tens of meters of the huge wheel, there were faint ripples constantly rippling!

If you don't look carefully, you won't find it at all!

"Then, is that the taboo enchantment that suppresses the level 15 strength?"

"Isn't this barrier only appearing in the ruins?"

"Why is it here?"

"Could it be that this is where the ruins are?"

"But there is obviously nothing around!"

Everyone looked blank!

There are only a few large forces, and they look at Jiang Fan with surprise!

What a meticulous observation!

It turns out that Jiang Fan not only has a strong layout, but his vision of seeing the slightest knowledge is also so powerful!

"No wonder the rage is so confident, it turns out that the night demon and others are already prepared!"

The old woman looked gloomy!

It was finally her turn to take action, and she lost so much face!

"Hasegawa, go and kill him!"

The old woman's eyes were fierce!


"No need!"

Jiang Fan spoke lightly!

"This person is just a touchstone thrown by the night demon, and he may not be alone on the huge wheel! Don't forget that the people who boarded the ship before can be scattered everywhere. This violent rage is obviously not a speed flow, and it will definitely not be killed so quickly. Everyone!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, the rest of the people's expressions changed!

Doesn't this mean that in addition to this rage, there is at least one powerhouse of the same level on the giant wheel?

damn it!

Where on earth did the Night Demon reach these masters?

Why never heard of it before?

"You can't kill, so what should I do?"

Pampas asked in a deep voice.


Jiang Fan glanced at the violent coldly, and then slowly spoke!

"Night Demon uses a giant wheel as bait, but he wants to take the opportunity to eat part of our manpower, and by the way, test the strength of our masters. As long as we don't pass, his plan will fall to nothing!"

"Huh! To put it simply, letting that gangster show off his power will affect morale?"

McKinsey sneered.

"In that case, how about Mr. McKinsey's abolition of him in the past?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


McKinsey looked angry, but he immediately sneered and turned his head.

The super team doesn't know Jiang Fan's ability. From McKinsey's point of view, Jiang Fan and others are just stepping stones to contain the Night Demon after entering the ruins. He can't be more serious with Jiang Fan now!

"Willis, are you sure of that rage?"

McKinsey looked at Willis calmly.

"Hmph, look at what he looks like, it's just empty and powerful, it's not a big deal!"

Willis smiled proudly!

"Well, enter the ruins in a while, guard against this daylight!"

"He? Just a clever trash! But the teacher can rest assured, I won't be careless!"

Willis glanced at Jiang Fan with disdain, the arrogance on his face flashed away.

Seeing that there was no movement here, he violently sat down cross-legged, smoking a cigar while observing everyone with interest.

Time passed by every minute and every second!

Gradually, everyone felt wrong!

"What's the matter? Why does the sea seem to rise?"

"All the radars on the ship have failed!"

"The compass is too, the pointer keeps spinning around!"

"No! There is something under the sea!"

"Okay, so big!"

Everyone looked at the sea in the distance with shocked expressions!

Below that, there actually seems to be something huge and incomparable, which is gradually rising!

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