Everyone grabbed the front of the deck and looked at the sea beyond belief!

There, the entire sea surface that can hardly be seen by the naked eye is rising at an indescribable speed!

It is as if there is a giant in succession, absorbing the entire ocean!

Not to mention the cruise ship where everyone is at the moment, the great ship of the Night Demon is like a drop in the ocean in front of the rising ocean!

The shock brought by the power of nature makes everyone feel that the soul is trembling!

Even a few masters are not immune!

"Too, too exaggerated!"

"How could the sea rise so high?"

"Now there are at least 300 meters!"

"Crap! If this wave hits, all of us will have to be buried in the sea!"

Everyone is exclaiming!

But Jiang Fan's eyes were getting more and more excited!

At first sight, the sea has risen to a height of nearly 400 meters!

at this time!


Accompanied by a loud and deafening noise, the sea seemed to have let off the brakes, and suddenly fell to the sea again!

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, the water that fell to the surface did not cause much spray, but only brought an amazing wave!

And just when everyone was surprised!

"Then, what is that?!"

A scream suddenly sounded!

Everyone looked at the sea and suddenly gasped at the same time!

Everything, only because of the elevated sea, finally revealed the whole picture!

Then, it turned out to be a huge island covered by some kind of bubbles!

A vast island rising from the sea!

Here, it is the legendary Ruins No. 3!

And as the sea water completely faded, the gas mask slowly disappeared, and an even more shocking picture occurred!

It turned out that the island was not empty, but was filled with countless forest vegetation, and even many terrestrial animals with weird looks!

This isolated island, which has always been silent under the ocean, is full of breath of life!

And all of this must be the relationship between that layer of gas shield!

No one can imagine that Ruins No. 3 is like this!

"God, my goodness!"

"Too shocking! An island under the sea full of life!"

"The ruins in the legend are like this!"

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable!"

"This is a miracle, this is a miracle!"

Everyone stared at the isolated island in a daze, and even forgot where they were!

Even Jiang Fan, in front of such a shocking scene, finally lost his senses for a moment!

It is hard to imagine that there will be such an existence on this planet!


Jiang Fan took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled it!

"Everyone, go to the island!"

As Jiang Fan spoke, Long Yan had already rushed to the island for the first time!

The others screamed in excitement and rushed to the island one after another!

As for the giant wheel, the violent anger has long since disappeared!

"Swish swish!"

The sky is flashing!

Everyone did what they could, and soon, except for a few masters, they all boarded the island!

And just entering the island, everyone exclaimed again!

"This, this is Amber Golden Horse Money! A plant that has been extinct for three million years!"

"Tongue Fern! This thing has obviously been extinct for two million years!"

"Look, look at the sky! Well, it shouldn't be..."


"Fuck! What is this place?"

Everyone was stunned in shock!

And at this moment!


A deafening roar suddenly sounded!

In the next moment, a weird beast with an extremely fierce body, wide-mouthed fangs and full of scales, suddenly rushed from the front!

"This, what is this special thing?"

The crowd exclaimed again!

And one of the small men suddenly raised his hand and threw a dagger directly at the beast!


A crisp sound!

The dagger flew out directly!

And the beast also roared and retreated quickly!

"Damn it! The defense of this thing is at least level ten!"

The man who shot directly exclaimed!

For a while, everyone couldn't help but feel chills!

Just when I first landed on the island, such a terrifying beast appeared, what should it look like in it?

But Jiang Fan frowned tightly and stared at the abruptly uplifted building on the far side of the island under the light of the bright moon!

There, is the real place of the ruins!


After spitting out a foul breath again, Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"Everyone, have you seen that building? That is the real ruin! Everything you want is there!"

The crowd followed Jiang Fan's eyes, and all of them were suddenly refreshed!

And Ponce of Amazon's Blade has suddenly shouted!

"What are you waiting for? Go! Whoever grabs it first, who owns the good stuff!"

While talking, Ponce had already rushed out with the team abruptly!

"Brothers, rush to me, don't let them pick up the bargain first!"

Ye Xun of the Shadow Alliance also shouted, following closely behind!

Seeing that both teams moved, the other small forces could no longer control them, and they all screamed and rushed out!

Soon, there were only a few big forces left in place!

And at this moment!

"Everyone, can you wait a moment!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke, and then smiled and looked at the rest of the people.

Solomon's Key is now headed by Adolf, and the team members are Diana, the Snake Demon, the big fat Dodoroa and his maid Nina.

The Huaxia Dragon Group is led by Pei Qing, with Guo Yu, Fang Tong and Jiaojiao accompanying.

The Council of Light is led by Francis, and the team members are Adelaide, Martin, a bald tattooed male, and the magician Ingram.

Toei Igaryu Hasegawa Kirara is headed by Kazuo Kameda, the dog breed worships, and the dog breed ghost is accompanied.

Finally, there is the Super Team, with five mysterious men in black robes led by Willis.

In addition to these five forces, only Duntecha is left, as well as Archibald and his student Yang Qiu!

"What are you waiting for? After a while, all the benefits are taken away by the gangsters!"

When Willis saw Jiang Fan speak, he suddenly let out a cold snort of dissatisfaction!

The others' expressions moved slightly, and they all spoke impatiently!

"Yes! Day, what do you want to do?"

"Fart, let it go!"

"I'm anxious to get the benefits!"

Seeing the other forces speak, Williston is even more proud!

He had seen Jiang Fan unhappy long ago, and he looked very calm, but he was actually pretending to be coercion!

And looking at what Jiang Fan looks like now, he obviously wants to be the boss!

It's just that Willis is there, so beautiful!

The boss, will always be the position of our Citi nationals!

It's a pity that this idiot doesn't even know, except for Duntecha and Archibald who are also in the dark, everyone is doing the show!

"Hehe, Mr. Willis, don't worry, the Night Demon must be in the ruins now, let those people go to explore the way first, why should we worry? I think..."

Jiang Fan's voice is full of kindness!


"Night Demon is a fart! Do you **** understand?"

Willis shouted directly!

"The ruins will only surface once every two years, and each time lasts only twelve hours! And when the ruins are sunk into the sea again, let alone that layer of gas shield is impenetrable, it is the terrifying sea pressure. Enough to tear up the Grandmaster! If you have a fart, let go, I don't have time to grind foreign workers with you!"

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