As soon as Willis spoke, the scene suddenly became quiet!

"I, I think we should unite, or the Night Demon..."

Jiang Fan seemed to be frightened, and suddenly took a step back.

"Union? It's up to you?"

Willis sneered!

Then he looked at everyone with an arrogant expression!

"Everyone, you know how strong our Citigroup is!"

"It is indeed a good idea to unite, but it is not yet the turn of this concealed guy to call the shots!"

"To tell you the truth, we are already united with Igaryu!"

"As for you, hehehe, I saw that the Dark Council was finished that day!"

"However, whether you are in the Council of Illumination or Solomon's Key, I am afraid that you dare not really let the other party decide?"

"So I advise you to go with me. We Citizens have always been fair, and we are definitely stronger than you! As long as you follow me, the kind of night monster, I can kill him alone!"

"The ruins are dangerous, choose yourselves!"

As Willis spoke, he beckoned to Keira Hasegawa!

"Hasegawa, follow me!"

As he said, he had already moved forward first!

The others hesitated for a moment, and finally followed him!

Williston smiled triumphantly!

Soon, everyone began to march towards the building in the middle of the island!

Archibald, who didn't know why, rolled his eyes and followed Willis, and soon the two of them murmured.

Dun Techa looked at Jiang Fan and Willis again, gritted his teeth and followed Jiang Fan!

"My lord, do you just let this idiot be presumptuous?"

Number Two asked in a low voice.

But Jiang Fan sneered!

"Citi nationals are used to being the bosses and will never allow others to command him! In this case, let him give up the boss! You see, isn't our boss doing his best to clear the way for us now?"

No. 2 suddenly laughed!

The few people who were a little closer to Jiang Fan also tick the corners of their mouths!

Only Francis frowned slightly, his eyes full of unwillingness to look at Jiang Fan!

This sinner would actually be forgiven by the God of Light, and he also mastered the Holy Light, which was simply unbearable for him!

However, Sharman had already given him a death order before coming. No matter what Jiang Fan does, he must cooperate!

Or, complete the task first, and when you leave the ruins, there is a chance to punish the sinner!

Francis sneered coldly!

The woods on the island are extremely dense, and many plants are highly poisonous. Willis, who walked in the forefront, deliberately demonstrated his strength, constantly blasting his vigor, and blasting the road he had walked into a mess!

Even if a poisonous beast sprang out occasionally, he would be directly bombarded by him!

Soon, the trees in front became sparser, and it was obvious that they were about to get out of the dense forest!

At this time, even Willis had a cold sweat on his forehead!

But looking at the admiration eyes of everyone, especially the worshiping eyes of Kirara Hasegawa, he suddenly became proud!

Hmph, seeing Lao Tzu's strength, these people must have already surrendered in their hearts!

This is the same as one's own country. If you show your fist in front of the small countries of Dongying, Korea, Canada, and Australia, the other party will naturally be honest!

And once they acknowledge their strengths, they can do anything at that time!


With Willis's final burst of energy, everyone finally walked out of the dense forest and came to a vast plain!

And that huge building has become clearer!

Just cross this plain and you can get there!

But at this moment!


A beast howl suddenly sounded from mid-air!

Then, a weird bird with a wingspan of more than five meters suddenly rushed towards Willis!

The bird is extremely fast, and its claws are as sharp as a blade!

Willis frowned and suddenly looked at a black-robed man next to him!

The black-robed man suddenly raised his arm slightly!

next moment!


An extremely pale beam of light suddenly rushed out of the black-robed man's hand, directly blasting the bird into the sky of minced meat!

Upon seeing this sight, everyone's pupils shrank!

"What is that? It's so powerful!"

"At least the fourteenth level peak, and the speed is extremely fast!"

"It looks like a laser?"

"No! There is a rancid smell, it shouldn't be a technology thing!"

"The key is that when the attack was launched, the aura on the opponent's body did not change at all!"

"What are the identities of these guys?"

Everyone looked surprised, and the black robe man had already folded his arms, and the whole person was completely covered by the black robe again!

Willis looked smug!

"Everyone, keep going!"


"Mr. Willis is really amazing!"


The crowd spoke perfunctorily!

Willis is even more proud!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly heard a voice as thin as a mosquito!

"Mr. Jiang, those people are not quite right. It seems to be a product of a remodeling project in Citi, so be careful!"

Jiang Fan tilted his head slightly and saw Fang Tong holding his glasses and giving him a look.

This kid is a bit capable!

Jiang Fan looked at Fang Tong without a trace.

Among the dragon group, he thought that except for Pei Qing, Guo Yu was the strongest. Now it seems that Fang Tong, who looks like a programmer, is probably the real master!

The ability to transmit sound into secrets and beam sound into a thread just now is the first time that he has seen others perform it except himself!

Thinking of Fang Tong, Jiang Fan suddenly moved in his heart, and looked at the other people calmly!

Could there be some hidden masters in it?

The original intelligence of the Sword of Thorns probably missed a lot of people!

The plain is endless, and everyone no longer needs to be as restrained as they were in the dense forest. They immediately used methods to rush to the building!

The strength of these people are all top-notch existences, their bodies flashing, they are as fast as thunder!

But even they rushed for more than twenty minutes before they could come under the building!

At the first sight of the building, the crowd's eyes widened!

Before, everyone thought it was a high tower, but now they discovered that it was actually a huge pyramid!

I don’t know how many years this thing has existed. It has been covered with all kinds of vines, but even the longest vines are just as good as climbing to half of the pyramid!

All this is just because this pyramid is really too big!

The largest pyramid in the world is the "Khufu" pyramid in Giza on the banks of the Nile River near Cairo. The tower is 137.18 meters high (original height 146.6 meters), and the bottom four sides are 230.38 meters long on each side (originally 230. 77 meters), covering an area of ​​56900 square meters, estimated to be composed of 2.3 million pieces of limestone with an average weight of 2.5 tons each!

But the pyramid that appeared before everyone's eyes was just over 500 meters high!

Converted into a building, its height has exceeded 170 floors!

It is a miracle!

And at this moment, facing the direction of everyone, a huge golden gate with a height of more than 20 meters and a width of 10 meters, with countless deliberate pictures and texts carved on it, has been half opened!

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