Just facing this golden gate, no one took a step!

Just because it was near the gate, on the lush vines, there were more than a dozen dead bodies hanging!

Do not!

To be precise, there are more than a dozen ragged bones hanging!

There was even a ring engraved with thorns on the finger of one of them!

That is the sign of the hand holding the sword among the swords of thorns!

The 13th walked a few steps quickly, gently took off the ring and looked at it.

The inner ring of the ring is actually engraved with a small "13" number!

The 13th hesitated a little, and finally put the ring on her hand!

It was the 13th that he replaced before!

"grown ups……"

Number Two looked at Jiang Fan.

"Put into the soil for safety, bury it!"

Jiang Fan sighed.

Just look at the bodies of these people to know how fierce the last battle was!

On the 2nd and 13th, immediately began to bury the bones, but Willis in front of him sneered!

This day is not only cowardly, but also so compassionate, a typical Virgin!

However, the more this kind of goods, the better. In the face of danger, this kind of person will definitely deny himself and be 10,000 times stronger than the sinister-looking Archibald next to him!

Being with my own mind!

When he thought of this, he suddenly rolled his eyes, and then looked at Jiang Fan with a smile!

"Unexpectedly Brother Bai Zhou is so kind, or I will help!"

As Willis said, he actually began to help the two two to bury the bones!

"Mr. Willis, thanks, thank you!"

Jiang Fan's voice carries a hint of surprise!

But Archibald was dumbfounded!

He looked at Willis's arrogance before, and suddenly changed his flag. Unexpectedly, Willis is now drawing Jiang Fan. What a thing!

It's just that the old guy was so thick-skinned, he immediately ran to Jiang Fan to help, but at this moment!

"Huh? Where's Yang Qiu?"

The old guy suddenly discovered that his student had disappeared!

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then looked around one after another, but there was no shadow of Yang Chou!

"It must have been left behind during the dash just now!"

"There are too many fierce beasts and poisonous insects on this island. If the kid can't keep up, I'm afraid he is dead!"

"Tenth level, I shouldn't have appeared in this place!"

Kazuo Kameda and others laughed!

But Archibald's countenance changed, and finally he took a bite!

"Damn! What a pity, what this kid awakens is the mind control ability, and finally helped him to level ten. I didn't expect to die before he could use it! Fuck! What a waste!"

Pei Qing and the others frowned slightly. Archibald's death disciples not only did not feel a little pain, but they still looked like this. Such people are afraid to do everything for themselves, so they must be guarded!


The bones had been buried, and Williston walked through the gate first.

The others all followed in.

Just entering the ruins, everyone was taken aback!

Inside is a straight passage, extremely wide!

The key is that the air inside is not as dull as everyone imagined, but rather fresh, and whether it is on the ground or the stone walls on both sides of the road, it is even more clean and tidy than imagined!

"Strange, is there often someone cleaning here?"

The snake demon said curiously and touched the wall.

It's just beyond everyone's expectations. With the touch of the snake demon, a faint light appeared on the wall!

"Huh? What's the matter?"

The snake demon was startled, and hurried back a few steps!

"It's okay, the walls here are like this, as long as you touch it, it will glow, if you don't touch it, it will automatically go out after about half a minute."

Long Yan said.

"How does it sound similar to a voice-activated light?"

Jiaojiao asked curiously.

"Well, but the exact reason is unclear."

Long Yan nodded.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, just go in quickly!"

Willis glanced at a few people dissatisfied, and strode forward!

At this time, everyone looked at Jiang Fan!

Everyone hasn't forgotten that once they enter the ruins, they must all obey Jiang Fan's instructions!

Jiang Fan nodded calmly, and the crowd immediately followed Willis!

And just after everyone disappeared in the passage, outside the golden gate, a figure finally appeared quietly!

This person is actually Yang Chou!

It's just that he is carrying a wild cat-like beast that is struggling desperately at this moment!

"Hehehe, Jiang Fan, others don't know you, but I know it too well! That idiot Willis, I am afraid you will be used as a gun!"

"However, this is exactly what I want! So many strong people! Wait until...hehehe, it's your death date! Hehehe, hahaha!"

Yang Qiu's laughter is extremely gloomy!

And with his wild laugh, the body of the beast in his hand was actually shriveled with naked eyes!

Soon it was corrupted into a handful of fly ash!

If Archibald was here, his eyes would be widened in shock!

Just because of such a sight, it is definitely not caused by the mind control ability!


In a weird room in the pyramid!

This room is about a hundred square meters in size and empty, but no matter the floor, walls, or even the ceiling are engraved with various pictures and texts, the appearance of the pictures and texts is very similar to the layout of the circuit board, but with A shadow of a magic rune.

At this moment, the Night Demon stood quietly in this room with an excited smile on his face!

By his side, Renata and Berserker followed. In addition to these two men, there were two men and women of different shapes.

The woman had big wavy curly hair, her face was charming and enchanting, and her figure was slouchy, and she was wearing a leather jacket. It was almost a desire to pounce on her at first glance.

It's just that when I get closer, I can find that her body has been in a state of rapid tremor. After watching it for a long time, it makes people feel dizzy!

This woman is the other strong under the Night Demon, the beauty cat!

The other man appeared to be over sixty years old. He was thin, and wore a robe embroidered with magic runes. He also held a half-person-high wooden staff in his hand with a dark blue gem inlaid on the front. !

This person is the master of magic under the night demon, a polymath!

"Finally! Two years! It's been two years, and I'm back in this room again!"

Ye Mo muttered to himself, suddenly he stretched out his hand and stroked lightly in a groove on the ground!

next moment!


The groove lit up suddenly!



With a crisp sound, right in front of Ye Mo's eyes, the ground there suddenly trembled!

Then, a half-meter square rock slowly rose from the ground!

The Night Demon quickly stroked several grooves on the stone!


In an instant, a piece of light and shadow spurted out of the stone!

Those lights and shadows continued to combine, and in the end, it turned into a transparent pyramid!

If you look at the light and shadow carefully at this moment, you will find that a certain room near the top of this pyramid is showing a few light spots at this moment. Looking at the number, they are exactly the same as those of the night demon!

This night demon didn't know what method was used, and turned on the monitoring of the entire pyramid!

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