"Can't crack?!"

Everyone was taken aback again!

"Yes, you can't break the game, you can only head-to-head!"

"His purpose is to make us and him face-to-face tough!"

Ye Mo sneered coldly!

"My lord, what if we conquer those flies?"

The polymath suddenly spoke!

"Yes! We can tell those little forces that whatever they get, we will give it to them, but the prerequisite is to fight the six big forces with me!"

"In this way, the six major forces are not only facing us, but also those small forces!"

Everyone is excited!

But the night demon shook his head directly!


"Even if I use the items in the ruins to seduce them, it's useless, those people will never believe it!"

"Think about it for yourself, once the six major forces are destroyed, will I let them live?"

When the night demon spoke, everyone was silent.

indeed so!

As long as they are not fools, they will not believe it at all, even if what they say is indeed true!

"Then, why don't they just leave them alone? The information they get is definitely limited. The more they go up, the more unfamiliar and the more unfavorable the environment! Then we will take the opportunity to take action! How about this?

Beauty Cat asked tentatively.

"I'm afraid those guys won't stay after they get what they want. If they run away, everything will be gone!"

This time, the polymath took the lead with a wry smile!

This day is simply a monster!

And the most unimaginable trouble of all this is that he actually unified the six forces in one place!

In this case, let alone the use of divorce, I am afraid that just past, you will have to be bombarded and killed by the guys in the day!

The night demon smiled joyfully, but the stormy sea had already turned up in his heart!

This day!

There is no room for oneself to exert wisdom at all!

This guy must have known the last battle of the ruins, so he didn't give himself a chance at all, he was forcing himself to fight him!

Go directly to Gaochao when you come up?

This kid is really cruel!

At this moment, he felt aggrieved for no reason!

This is really not to blame the Night Demon, but Jiang Fan's hands are so amazing!

Everything he did before, until now, has fully played its ultimate role!

If the Night Demon is not monitored, then once he takes action against the small forces, Jiang Fan will send a message back to the Shadow Alliance that the small forces have arranged, no matter how many people are sent by the Night Demon, he will be eaten by him!

And once the Night Demon chooses to make people take action against the six major forces, then the death will only be worse!

After the Night Demon finds out, the choices made will only be the same as now!

That is, the decisive battle!

Don't give the Night Demon any chance to use his brain, and fight directly!

The current situation is like a game between two people, but before the formation of troops, the opponent's veteran ran directly to the door!

No pawns, flying elephants, vaulting horses, and supporters are all the **** use!

You can only eat the opponent's veteran or be eaten by the opponent!

However, in the face of such a situation, although everyone frowned, there was no trace of worry on their faces!

And Night Demon suddenly smiled!

"It's a pity, such a smart guy..."

A gleam of light suddenly flashed through the eyes of the night demon covered by the black cloth!

"Alright! Since you want to play fist, then play fist!"

Along with the words of the Night Demon, the rest of the people suddenly looked relaxed!

"My lord, I don't think you will have a day when you can do nothing!"

Renata suddenly chuckled.

"Yeah, my lord, you always let us use our brains, but you didn't expect you to give up first this time!"

"But this day is really amazing. It can actually make you give up playing tricks and choose to be tough!"

"Hehehe, my lord, then in the future, why not cancel this kind of game?"

Meirenmao and several people have also spoken!

Just, the game?

The analysis just now turned out to be just a game!

This Night Demon, like Jiang Fan, likes to let his men analyze the situation!

The point is, since these people who entered the ruins can analyze Jiang Fan's layout as a game, that can only explain one thing!

That is, in the face of these powerhouses rushing into the ruins, the night demon doesn't care at all!

"Loreman, are the nightmare assassins ready?"

The Night Demon turned a blind eye to the teasing of his subordinates, just chuckled.

"It's ready, you only need to give your order, and they can do it right away!"

"Very well, since that day wants a decisive battle, let's make a quick battle! Rage, you guys will go over and kill all the six forces...all!"


Everyone looked serious!

But at this moment!

"My lord, where are those flies? Are you going to personally..."

Renata suddenly spoke!

But the night demon just smiled, and then suddenly pointed to a place in the Pyramid of Light and Shadow, and then looked at a corner of the room!

"Mr. Dust, what you need is in that room!"

As the Night Demon looked towards the corner of the room, to everyone's expectations, there was an extra man there!

Do not!

It's not extra, but he was there before, but everyone seemed to be unable to see him!

The man has broken black hair, is thin, and wears a weird clown mask!

It turned out to be missing all the time, dust!

No one can think of it, the dust actually appeared here!

Even Furious and others are shocked!

All of them just now seemed to have not seen the dust!

The point is that even in the Pyramid of Light and Shadow, there is no light spot that belongs to dust at all!

This is simply incredible!

"So, do you want me to help you get rid of those flies?"

After the clown mask, a hoarse and dull voice suddenly sounded!

"It doesn't matter whether you send it or stop it, it's up to you, as long as you don't let them affect my removal of the six major forces!"

The Night Demon smiled.

"Yes, but I want something like that first!"

"Slot! What are you? You dare to bargain with us adults!"

Rage sneered directly!

It even dropped the huge anchor on his hand!

With his tossing, the whole room trembled like an earthquake!

The others looked at the dust with mocking expressions!

The dust was clearly there just now, but they didn't notice it. For a master like them, it was a shame!


"You seem to be mistaken for one thing, that is, you are just the dogs of the Night Demon, but I am not!"

The dust actually chuckled with a hoarse voice!

"Bastard! What did you say!"

Furious and furious, he suddenly picked up the anchor and blasted directly at the dust!

The vigor brought by the anchor's shot caused a terrifying hurricane to erupt in the entire room!

However, facing the attacking anchor, Dust only slightly lifted a finger, and then slowly spit out two words——


next moment!


A loud noise!

The anchor, which was more than three meters long and weighed more than five tons, was blown into the dust in an instant, but it exploded into a handful of fly ash!

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