Everyone was stunned!

Rage is even more unbelievably wide-eyed!

The anchor is forged from alloy, and it's horribly strong!

However, the dust just stretched out a finger and actually exploded it!

This, what exactly is this?

But the dust seemed to have just done a trivial thing, didn't even look at the frenzy at all, just stared at the night demon.

"Give me things first!"


The Night Demon nodded without hesitation, and then threw a walkie-talkie directly to Dust!

"You already know where the room is. If you encounter a nightmare assassin, feel free to contact me!"

"No, you should call them, stay away from me!"

After the dust finished speaking, he had already taken a slow pace, bypassing the violent people on his own, and left the room!

"My lord! This dust..."

The polymath looked at the leaving dust, and suddenly looked at the night demon with a gloomy expression!

But the corners of Night Demon's mouth gradually aroused, and his face was full of surprises!

"It doesn't matter, this kind of powerhouse itself is not so easy to subdue. What's more, he is one of the owners of the Ten Plagues ability. A little arrogant, it's normal!"


"Ten Plagues Ability?!"

"This, how is this possible!"

Everyone's eyes widened in shock!

Most people with supernatural powers are often at a disadvantage compared to those who practice normally. This is because the fluctuations in supernatural awakening are too large, and some people can directly reach level 5 or above with their awakening powers!

Even some people can directly enter the tenth level!

However, this kind of natural starting point is higher, but it is far inferior to the background of the normal strong, so some abilities are not eager to break through at a certain upgraded node, but continue to strengthen the reserves of abilities.

For example, on the 2nd and 13th, through the previous continuous suppression of their own level to enhance the ability reserve, by now, not only is it more powerful, it has surpassed many cultivators.

But some abilities are not like that. At the beginning of the awakening, everyone has been far behind!

The Ten Plagues powers are the ten most powerful abilities currently known in the power system!

The reason why it is called the Ten Plagues is that any of them can cause the same consequences as natural disasters!

However, it is precisely because of being too strong, so in each generation, there is only one awakener of these ten kinds of abilities, not like other abilities, there are many people of the same kind awakened!

However, there are not many people who know the specifics of the ten plagues!

Except for a few people, no one knows who else has this ability!

And if Dust really got the Ten Plagues ability, then his toughness can definitely be explained!

The owner of the Ten Plagues ability will inevitably have the strength to kill opponents across large levels!

And if this is the case, maybe, the dust is the strongest in this pyramid!

In an instant, all the polymaths looked at the night demon!

"My lord, he, which one of the ten plagues is he?"

"Look at him, there are two or three similar abilities, but I can't say which one it is!"

"My lord, if this is the case, will he..."

Everyone looked solemn!

But Night Demon just smiled!

"Don't worry, he is not my opponent yet, go! Kill the six forces!"


Everyone didn't hesitate to leave the room quickly!

At this moment, outside the room, countless nightmare killers dressed in black with terrifying aura have been waiting for a long time!

Among the seven men and women with an eye tattoo on their right hand, their auras are even more terrifying!

These seven people are the captains of the seven teams of Nightmare!

Everyone has the power of more than half a step master!

"set off!"

The polymath waved his hand gently, the next moment!


Everyone rushed towards the bottom of the pyramid like thunder!

Looking at the departed subordinates, the eyes of the night demon have once again fallen to the light spot that belongs to Jiang Fan and others!

"Boy, your layout is indeed great, but you have forgotten the most important point, that is, the weaker party needs layout!"

"Two years ago, I had no choice but to choose to do that, but now, let me tell you a truth! No matter how you are laid out, if you have no strength, you will die!"


At this moment, Jiang Fan and others have come to the end of the passage!

But right here, everyone stopped!

Just because three fork roads suddenly appeared ahead!

As soon as he saw the fork in the road, the lead Williston frowned!

Although the Super Team sent a lot of manpower last time, it is a pity that none of them returned alive. All kinds of materials were bought at high prices or threatened by stealing!

This leads to extremely poor continuity of their information, for example, he knows what is behind a fork, but he doesn't know which fork to take!

But the rest of the forces are extremely relaxed because of Long Yan's living map!

Jiang Fan glanced at Kirra Hasegawa, who immediately pointed at the fork in the center.

"This road leads directly to the top. According to the information we got, all the good things are on it!"

Willis immediately brightened his eyes and looked directly at a man in black robes!

Without a word, the black-robed man ran straight to the intersection in the middle, and the others quickly followed!

Although the fork road is not as spacious as the passage just now, it is still two meters wide. The crowd has moved forward tens of meters, and the eyes are suddenly open!

This is actually a spacious corridor.

There are several rooms on both sides of the corridor, and all the rooms are open at the moment.

Everyone looked at one of them, but found that it was empty inside, but scattered a few points that had dried up, showing dark black blood stains.

It seems that this seems to be from the last match.

Willis hurriedly took a look, and found that there was nothing in these rooms, and immediately moved forward impatiently!

Soon, the corridor has come to an end.

Everyone walked out of the corridor, and they all instantly lit up!

What appeared in front of everyone was an extremely spacious hall. The hall was more than 20 meters high and had an area of ​​about a thousand square meters. The twelve stone pillars, which were extremely thick and similar to load-bearing, were scattered all over the hall!

In addition, there is an altar-like existence in the center of the hall, and seven or eight stairs stretch up from the altar, leading to several higher gates!

But at this moment all these doors are open, and near one of the doors, there is still a corpse lying!

Looking at the appearance of the corpse, it turned out to be someone from a small force!

This is obviously the small forces that entered in advance have already rushed in.

And this person didn't know who had offended him and was killed directly!

Upon seeing such a scene, Jiang Fan suddenly thought.

Then he actually took out an intercom, frowned and looked at it.

"I haven't contacted for so long, it seems that the Night Demon has made a choice..."

"Speaking of which, this place is very suitable for an ambush..."

Jiang Fan suddenly sniffed hard, and then the corners of his mouth gradually conjured up, and then he muttered as if talking to himself!

"Look at the appearance of the door in the middle, it seems to be the treasure room! These little forces probably know that there are good things inside, so they are anxious to kill..."

Jiang Fan's voice is not loud, but it happens to be able to be heard by Willis!

For a moment, Williston was in a hurry!

According to their Citi nationals' consistent idea, what they see is their own!

So, including the entire pyramid, everything in it belongs to him!

How can these small forces take advantage of it!

"Damn it, these bastards! Why do they seem to know it better than I do?"

Willis cursed, and rushed in toward the middle door!

But the moment Willis rushed into the door, Jiang Fan suddenly took a step back!

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