
Suddenly the wind rang behind Jiang Fan!

It turned out that it was a nightmare assassin watching Jiang Fan was in a daze, thinking that there was a chance!

Holding a dagger, this person pierced Jiang Fan's back like a thunder!

It's just that the dagger is still one meter away from Jiang Fan, and the assassin's neck is directly pinched by an extremely fat hand!

Then the big hand only slightly applied force, and the assassin's neck was completely crushed with a bang!

After killing the killer, Long Yan immediately looked at Jiang Fan curiously!

"Brother Fan, what do you think?"

"Something's wrong! The strength of Nightmare shouldn't be so low!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were long, and he looked forward coldly, as if he had seen the night demon's place all the time!

Long Yan scratched his head.

"It is estimated that the night demon is wrong? Like Fang Tong, Dodoroa and Kazuo Kameda, I didn't expect them to be so powerful!"

"No! Not the same!"

Jiang Fan shook his head slightly!

"The Bermuda Islands must be all the spies of the Night Demon. The strength of these people is absolutely impossible to hide from him!"

"Even if there are a few more outstanding players, people like me and the night demon will definitely take the variables into account!"

"And now, the situation is obviously not like this! If it continues, the Night Demon will never have a chance of winning!"

"He clearly knows that he has no chance of winning, but he chooses to conduct the decisive battle according to my heart...What is this guy thinking?"

Jiang Fan's brows became more frowning!

A sense of crisis faintly appeared in my heart!

And hearing Jiang Fan's words, Long Yan's eyes couldn't help but become solemn!

And at this moment!

"No! This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!!"

Willis' horrified voice suddenly sounded from the door!

And the next moment!



"Do not!!"

Willis's screams of dying screamed through the sky in an instant!

Everyone's actions are all in one meal!


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

With the sound of heavy footsteps, a violent figure suddenly appeared from the gate!

He took a sigh of cigar, violently and suddenly laughed!

Then his right hand flicked!


A chubby thing suddenly flew out of his hand!

Everyone looked sideways, and their eyes widened suddenly!

That turned out to be Willis' head!


Contrary to everyone's expectations, Jiang Fan was the first to stand up and exclaim!

"Brother Fan, Willis could not have been a violent opponent, it is normal to die!"

Long Yan hurriedly spoke!

But Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

"When I lied to Willis to go in, he also brought a full five men! Even if he is not an opponent, he shouldn't die so soon!"

Although Willis is very capable of acting hard, his strength is absolutely formidable!

With the addition of the five transforming fighters under him, these people can definitely hold the balance of war to their own side in the face of violent violence!

Otherwise Jiang Fan will not lie to Willis to contain the frenzy!

However, only less than half a minute after the battle, Willis actually died!

This is unexpected!

Jiang Fan is confident that his calculation will never make a mistake, but now he is wrong!

Unless Fury is a master!

But this is absolutely impossible!

What happened inside that door?

Why did Willis scream in horror at the end?

Jiang Fan has a faint hunch, if you don't understand, today's fun is probably going to be great!

Jiang Fan's thoughts were nothing more than a fingertip, and the crowd on the battlefield was just stunned for a moment!

next moment!


The shouting and killing sounded again!

The battle begins again!

And with a violent suck, it directly absorbs a whole cigar completely!

The next moment, he suddenly expelled a thick and incomparable smoke, and then, like a prehistoric behemoth, carrying his obviously brand-new anchor, suddenly rushed into the center of the battlefield!

At this moment, in the center of the battlefield, the dog breed worship and the dog breed ghost brothers are fighting against several nightmare assassins!

Seeing the violent rush, the two suddenly sneered, holding a three-pronged blade in their right hand to face each other, but the two left hands suddenly paired, and then the knot printed quickly!

This method of knot printing is equivalent to combining the power of the two to induce ninjutsu, which is extremely powerful!

Following the completion of Jieyin, the two men aimed their right hands at the violent at the same time, and then suddenly shouted!

next moment!

An extremely large shuriken with scarlet flames suddenly shot into the violent!

That fiery shuriken was still halfway through, and it had changed into two, two into four, four into eight, and in a blink of an eye it turned into countless snarling fire wheels, smashed into the frenzy with the head and face!

One of the unlucky fourteenth-level nightmare killers was only scratched by one of the shurikens, and was cut off in the middle. The upper body was still in the air, and he suddenly exploded into a ball of coke!

"Hey, this is the power of our Dongying Ninjutsu!"

When Kazuo Kameda saw this scene, he burst into laughter!

The long knife in his hand slashed at his opponent frantically!

However, the corner of the nightmare captain's mouth had a sneer, just dodge!

Seeing that a large piece of shuriken had reached the violent front, but the violent laughed, he didn't evade at all. Instead, with a more violent speed, he rushed to the dog breed and worshiped the two brothers frantically!



The countless shurikens have completely enveloped the frenzy!

The flames almost rushed to the ceiling of the hall!

"This guy is looking for death!"

Dog breed ghost brother smiled sullenly!

However, in the next moment, their complexion changed abruptly!


With a blast, the violent rushed out of the flames unharmed, and the huge anchor in his hand, like an unstoppable tsunami, suddenly smashed down at the two!

"Hurry up!"

When Kazuo Kameda saw this scene, his eyes appeared in shock, and he screamed desperately!

And Jiang Fan looked at Adolf even as soon as he rushed out of the flames!

However, it is too late!

The moment when Adolf's right hand is worthy of the point, the dog breed worships the two!

The huge anchor has suddenly dropped!


A loud noise!

The dog breed worshipped his brother who was directly crushed by the anchor!


Kazuo Kameda roared suddenly!

And Kirara Hasegawa's eyes couldn't help changing!

It's just that facing Renata at this moment, she has no skills at all!

But Fury had lifted the anchor with a grinning grin, and rushed towards Guo Yu again!


Guo Yu suddenly cursed!

Just now, the attack of the two brothers of the dog breed is definitely stronger than the half-step master!

But such an attack didn't even scratch the violent skin!

The defensive power and offensive power of this guy is simply terrifying tyrannical!

Unless you make a shot at the 14th level, anyone who is against it has absolutely no chance of winning!

Guo Yu can only retire!

But when he retreats, the violent chase is even more urgent!

Seeing that Fury had picked up the anchor again, at this moment!


The sound of the wind flashed, and Fang Tong had teleported to the violent front, and then suddenly blasted out with an inch of fist!


A loud noise!

The violent whole person was actually blasted upside down, hitting the altar at one end!

It's just that, I don't know if it is a coincidence, Jiang Fan just happened to be sitting there!

At this moment, the distance between him and Fury was less than one meter!

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